Jeremiah 51
51:1 The severe judgment of God against Babylon, in revenge of Israel;
51:59 Jeremiah delivers the book of this prophecy to Seraiah, to be cast into Euphrates, in token of the perpetual sinking of Babylon. Verse 1I willJeremiah 50:9, 50:14-16, 50:21; Isaiah 13:3-5; Amos 3:6 midstHeb. heartriseJeremiah 50:24, 50:29, 50:33; Zechariah 2:8; Acts 9:4 a destroying windJeremiah 4:11, 4:12, 49:36; 2 Kings 19:7; Ezekiel 19:12; Hosea 13:15ReciprocalIsaiah 43:14 - For; Jeremiah 50:41 - General; 51:53 - from; Hosea 4:19 - wind Verse 2fannersJeremiah 15:7; Isaiah 41:16; Ezekiel 5:12; Matthew 3:12 in the dayJeremiah 51:27, 51:28, 50:14, 50:15, 50:29, 50:32Reciprocal4:11 - not; 50:41 - General Verse 3let theJeremiah 50:14, 50:41, 50:42 brigandine46:4 spare9:21, 50:27, 50:30; Deuteronomy 32:25; Psalm 137:9; Isaiah 13:10-18; James 2:13 destroyJeremiah 50:21ReciprocalIsaiah 13:15 - General; 14:22 - I will; 21:2 - all the; Jeremiah 49:26 - General Verse 4thrustJeremiah 49:26, 50:30, 50:37; Isaiah 13:15, 14:19Reciprocal14:22 - I will; 21:2 - all the; 47:3 - I will take; Jeremiah 12:3 - pull; 37:10 - wounded men Verse 5IsraelJeremiah 33:24-26, 46:28, 50:4, 50:5, 50:20; 1 Samuel 12:22; 1 Kings 6:13; Ezra 9:9; Psalm 94:14; Isaiah 44:21, 49:14, 49:15, 54:3-11, 62:12; Hosea 1:10; Amos 9:8, 9:9; Romans 11:1, 11:2 norZechariah 2:12, 12:6, 12:8 thoughJeremiah 16:18, 19:4, 23:15, 31:37; 2 Kings 21:16; Ezekiel 8:17, 9:9, 22:24-31; Hosea 4:1; Micah 7:18, 7:20; Zephaniah 3:1-4Reciprocal2 Kings 19:22 - the Holy One; Isaiah 1:4 - the Holy; 43:15 - the Lord; Jeremiah 12:7 - have forsaken Verse 6FleeJeremiah 51:9, 51:45, 51:50, 50:8, 50:28; Isaiah 48:20; Zechariah 2:6, 2:7; Revelation 18:4 be notGenesis 19:15-17; Numbers 16:26; Proverbs 13:20; 1 Timothy 5:22 for thisJeremiah 51:11, 27:7, 46:10, 50:8, 50:15, 50:28, 50:31; Deuteronomy 32:25, 32:41, 32:43; Revelation 16:19, 18:5, 18:6 he will renderJeremiah 25:14, 25:16ReciprocalGenesis 19:14 - Up; Isaiah 13:4 - the Lord; 45:20 - escaped; 47:15 - they shall; 52:2 - Shake; 52:11 - depart ye; 63:4 - General; Jeremiah 31:21 - turn; 48:6 - Flee; 51:56 - the Lord; Daniel 4:14 - let; Joel 3:4 - swiftly; Matthew 3:7 - who; Luke 21:22 - the days; 2 Corinthians 6:17 - come; Revelation 18:8 - shall her Verse 7a goldenIsaiah 14:4; Daniel 2:32, 2:38; Revelation 17:4 the nationsJeremiah 25:9, 25:14-27; Daniel 3:1-7; Habakkuk 2:15, 2:16; Revelation 14:8, 17:2, 18:3, 18:23, 19:2 are madJeremiah 25:16, 50:38ReciprocalEsther 1:8 - none did compel; Job 21:20 - drink; Isaiah 29:9 - they are; 57:5 - Enflaming; Jeremiah 13:13 - I will; 48:26 - ye him; 51:25 - which destroyest; Daniel 3:7 - all the people; Zechariah 12:2 - a cup Verse 8suddenlyJeremiah 51:41, 50:2; Isaiah 21:9, 47:9; Revelation 14:8, 18:2, 18:8 howlJeremiah 48:20, 48:31; Isaiah 13:6, 13:7; Ezekiel 27:30-32, 30:2; Daniel 5:24, 5:31; Revelation 18:9-11; 18:17-19 take balmJeremiah 8:22, 30:12-15, 46:11; Nahum 3:19ReciprocalExodus 10:7 - that Egypt; Jeremiah 49:3 - Howl; 50:3 - which; 50:24 - and thou wast; Lamentations 2:13 - who can; Ezekiel 30:21 - it shall not; Micah 7:10 - she that; Habakkuk 2:8 - the violence; Zechariah 9:5 - and be; Mark 5:26 - had suffered; Revelation 18:10 - for Verse 9forsakeJeremiah 8:20, 46:16, 46:21, 50:16; Isaiah 13:14, 47:15; Matthew 25:10-13 her judgment2 Chronicles 28:9; Ezra 9:6; Daniel 4:20-22; Revelation 18:5Reciprocal2 Chronicles 7:14 - heal their land; Job 6:21 - ye see; Isaiah 12:4 - declare; Jeremiah 50:3 - which; 51:6 - Flee; 51:45 - go; 51:58 - the people; Lamentations 2:13 - who can; Ezekiel 30:21 - it shall not; 32:10 - and they; Daniel 4:14 - let; Hosea 7:1 - I would; Nahum 3:7 - that all; Zechariah 9:5 - and be; Revelation 18:10 - for Verse 10broughtPsalm 37:6; Micah 7:9, 7:10 let usJeremiah 31:6-9, 50:28; Psalm 9:14, 102:19-21, 116:18, 116:19, 126:1-3; Isaiah 40:2; 51:11, 52:9, 52:10; Revelation 14:1-3, 19:1-6ReciprocalPsalm 64:9 - fear; 118:17 - declare; Isaiah 12:4 - declare; 30:19 - dwell; Jeremiah 29:14 - and I will turn; 50:45 - hear; 51:48 - the heaven; 51:49 - As Babylon; Zechariah 9:12 - Turn Verse 11MakeJeremiah 46:4, 46:9, 50:9, 50:14, 50:25, 50:28, 50:29; Isaiah 21:5 brightHeb. purethe Lord hathJeremiah 51:27, 51:28; 1 Kings 11:14, 11:23; 1 Chronicles 5:26; 2 Chronicles 36:22; Ezra 1:1; Isaiah 10:26, 13:17; 13:18, 21:2, 41:25, 45:1, 45:5, 46:11; Revelation 17:16, 17:17 the spiritOf Cyaxares king of Media, called "Darius the Mede" in scripture; and of Cyrus his nephew, king of persia, presumptive heir of the throne of his uncle.his deviceJeremiah 51:12, 51:29, 50:45 the vengeance51:24, 51:35, 50:15, 50:28; Psalm 74:3-11, 83:3-9; Habakkuk 2:17-20; Zechariah 12:2, 12:3; 14:2, 14:12ReciprocalEsther 1:3 - of Persia; Isaiah 13:4 - noise; 13:5 - from a far; 47:3 - I will take; Jeremiah 18:11 - and devise; 25:25 - Medes; 46:3 - General; 49:14 - Gather; 50:3 - out of the; 50:41 - General; 51:6 - for this; 51:48 - the spoilers; 51:49 - As Babylon; 51:53 - from; Daniel 5:30 - General; 8:3 - one; Joel 3:5 - ye; Nahum 2:1 - keep; Habakkuk 2:7 - they; Revelation 8:5 - and filled Verse 12the standardJeremiah 46:3-5; Proverbs 21:30; Isaiah 8:9, 8:10, 13:2; Joel 3:2, 3:9-14; Nahum 2:1, 3:14, 3:15 ambushesHeb. liers in wait, Joshua 8:14 the Lord hath bothJeremiah 51:11, 51:29; Lamentations 2:17ReciprocalJoshua 8:2 - lay thee; Psalm 127:1 - the watchman; Isaiah 21:6 - Go; Jeremiah 4:6 - the standard; 50:14 - in array; 50:25 - this; 51:27 - ye up; Ezekiel 33:2 - set; 38:7 - General Verse 13dwellestJeremiah 51:36; Revelation 17:1, 17:15 abundantJeremiah 50:37; Isaiah 45:3; Habakkuk 2:5-10; Revelation 18:11-17 thineJeremiah 17:11, 50:27, 50:31; Genesis 6:13; Lamentations 4:18; Ezekiel 7:2-12; Daniel 5:26; Amos 8:2; 1 Peter 4:7 and theHabakkuk 2:9-11; Luke 12:19-21; 2 Peter 2:3, 2:14, 2:15; Jude 1:11-13; Revelation 18:19ReciprocalNumbers 24:7 - many waters; Isaiah 21:6 - Go; 27:1 - in the sea; Ezekiel 17:4 - into; 21:25 - whose; Nahum 2:8 - like; Habakkuk 2:8 - thou; John 3:23 - much Verse 14swornJeremiah 49:13; Amos 6:8; Habakkuk 3:1 himselfHeb. his soulas withJeremiah 46:23; Judges 6:5; Joel 1:4-7, 2:3, 2:4, 2:25; Nahum 3:15-17 lift upHeb. utter, Jeremiah 50:15ReciprocalGenesis 22:16 - General; Exodus 32:17 - There is a noise; Jeremiah 51:27 - cause; Ezekiel 21:22 - to lift Verse 15hath madeJeremiah 10:12-16, 32:17; Genesis 1:1-6; Psalm 107:25, 146:5, 146:6, 148:1-5; Isaiah 40:26; Acts 14:15, 17:24; Romans 1:20; Colossians 1:16, 1:17; Habakkuk 1:2, 1:3; Revelation 4:11 by his wisdomPsalm 104:24, 136:5; Proverbs 3:19; Romans 11:33 and hathJob 9:8; Psalm 104:2; Isaiah 40:22, 42:5, 44:24, 45:12, 48:13, 51:13ReciprocalGenesis 1:6 - Let there; Psalm 29:4 - powerful; Isaiah 45:18 - that created; Jeremiah 27:5 - made; 51:19 - the former; Zechariah 12:1 - which Verse 16he utterethJeremiah 10:12, 10:13; Job 37:2-11, 40:9; Psalm 18:13, 29:3-10, 46:6, 68:33, 104:7; Ezekiel 10:5 there isJob 36:26-33, 37:13, 38:34-38; Psalm 135:7; Amos 9:7 multitudeor, noiseand he causethPsalm 135:7 bringethGenesis 8:1; Exodus 10:13, 10:19, 14:21; Job 38:22; Psalm 78:26, 135:7, 147:18; Jonah 1:4, 4:8; Matthew 8:26, 8:27ReciprocalGenesis 7:11 - all; Psalm 29:4 - powerful; Jeremiah 14:22 - Art; Amos 4:13 - and createth; Zechariah 10:1 - bright clouds Verse 17EveryJeremiah 10:14; Psalm 14:2, 53:1, 53:2, 92:5, 92:6, 115:5, 115:8, 135:18; Isaiah 44:18-20; Romans 1:20-23; 1 Corinthians 1:19-21 brutish by his knowledgeor, more brutish than to know, for his. Jeremiah 10:14, 50:2; Psalm 135:17; Habakkuk 2:18, 2:19ReciprocalJudges 18:24 - what have; Isaiah 41:24 - ye are; 44:11 - all his; 45:20 - they; Jeremiah 1:16 - worshipped; 2:5 - and are; 10:8 - brutish; 46:18 - saith; 1 Corinthians 8:4 - we know; Revelation 9:20 - and idols; 13:15 - life Verse 18vanityJeremiah 10:8, 10:15; Jonah 2:8; Acts 14:15 in theJeremiah 43:12, 43:13, 46:25, 48:7, 50:2; Exodus 12:12; Isaiah 19:1, 46:1; Zephaniah 2:11ReciprocalIsaiah 41:24 - ye are; 45:20 - they; Jeremiah 2:5 - and are; 10:11 - they; 10:14 - man; 48:44 - the year; 51:44 - I will punish; 51:47 - do judgment upon; 1 Corinthians 8:4 - we know Verse 19portionJeremiah 10:16; Psalm 16:5, 73:26, 115:3; Lamentations 3:24 the formerJeremiah 51:15 the rod12:7-10, 50:11; Exodus 19:5, 19:6; Deuteronomy 32:9; Psalm 33:12, 74:2, 135:4; 1 Peter 2:9 the LordJeremiah 10:16; Isaiah 47:4Reciprocal1 Kings 8:51 - thy people; Isaiah 54:5 - the Lord; Jeremiah 27:4 - Thus; 31:35 - The Lord; 32:17 - thou; Amos 4:13 - The Lord; Zechariah 2:12 - inherit Verse 20artJeremiah 50:23; Isaiah 10:5, 10:15, 13:5, 14:5, 14:6, 37:26, 41:15, 41:16; Micah 4:13; Zechariah 9:13, 9:14; Matthew 22:7 with theeor, in thee, or, by theebreakJeremiah 25:9, 25:11, 27:5-7ReciprocalJob 34:24 - break; Psalm 72:4 - break; 94:5 - break; Isaiah 13:3 - mighty ones; 14:4 - How; 14:12 - weaken; 14:16 - Is this; 45:1 - to subdue; 45:7 - I make Peace; 46:11 - Calling; 47:3 - I will take; 48:14 - he will do; Jeremiah 5:10 - ye up; 25:14 - I; 25:34 - the days of your; 27:6 - my; 46:22 - and come; 47:6 - thou sword; 50:25 - opened; 51:25 - which destroyest; Lamentations 3:11 - pulled; Ezekiel 21:3 - will draw; 21:11 - to give; 21:31 - and skilful; 30:11 - the terrible; Micah 2:13 - breaker; Nahum 2:1 - He that dasheth in pieces; Zephaniah 2:12 - my; Revelation 13:7 - and power Verse 21Jeremiah 50:37; Exodus 15:1, 15:21; Psalm 46:9, 76:6; Ezekiel 39:20; Micah 5:10; Nahum 2:13; Haggai 2:22; Zechariah 10:5, 12:4; Revelation 19:18ReciprocalExodus 14:25 - took off; Esther 8:10 - by posts; Ezekiel 21:31 - and skilful Verse 22Jeremiah 6:11; Deuteronomy 32:25; 1 Samuel 15:3; 2 Chronicles 36:17; Isaiah 20:4; Lamentations 2:11; Ezekiel 9:6ReciprocalJeremiah 44:7 - to cut; Lamentations 2:21 - young Verse 23ReciprocalIsaiah 13:1 - of Babylon; Jeremiah 50:16 - the sower; 50:36 - her mighty; Zechariah 10:2 - therefore Verse 24Jeremiah 51:11, 51:35, 51:49, 50:15, 50:17, 50:18, 50:28, 50:29, 50:33, 50:34; Psalm 137:8, 137:9; Isaiah 47:6-9; 51:22, 51:23, 61:2, 63:1-4, 66:6; 1 Thessalonians 2:15, 2:16; Revelation 6:10, 18:20, 18:24; 19:2-4ReciprocalDeuteronomy 30:7 - General; Isaiah 27:7 - he smitten; 43:14 - For; Jeremiah 51:47 - her whole; 51:56 - the Lord; Lamentations 1:21 - they shall; Micah 7:10 - she that; Habakkuk 2:8 - the violence; 2:17 - of the city; Zechariah 1:15 - and; Matthew 7:2 - General; Revelation 18:6 - Reward Verse 25I amJeremiah 50:31 O destroying51:53, 51:58; Genesis 11:4; Isaiah 13:2; Daniel 4:30; Zechariah 4:7 which destroyestJeremiah 51:7, 51:20-23, 25:9, 25:18-27; Revelation 8:8, 17:1-6 and will2 Peter 3:10; Revelation 8:8, 18:9, 18:10ReciprocalPsalm 9:6 - thou hast; Isaiah 13:20 - General; 14:23 - I will sweep; 26:5 - the lofty; 47:14 - there shall; Jeremiah 21:13 - I am; 25:12 - perpetual; 50:12 - a wilderness; 50:15 - her foundations; 50:25 - this; 50:26 - destroy; 51:37 - become; 51:62 - to cut; Ezekiel 13:8 - behold; 21:3 - Behold; 35:3 - and I will stretch; Micah 1:6 - and I will pour; Nahum 2:13 - I am; Revelation 6:14 - and every Verse 26shall notJeremiah 51:37, 51:43, 50:12, 50:13; Isaiah 13:19-22, 14:23 desolate for everHeb. everlasting desolations, Jeremiah 50:40, 50:41; Isaiah 34:8-17; Revelation 18:20-24ReciprocalIsaiah 25:2 - For; 26:5 - the lofty; 47:14 - there shall; Jeremiah 25:12 - perpetual; 50:3 - which; 50:26 - destroy; 50:32 - none; 50:39 - General; 51:62 - to cut Verse 27ye upJeremiah 51:12, 6:1, 50:2, 50:41; Isaiah 13:2-5, 18:3; Amos 3:6; Zechariah 14:2 prepareJeremiah 25:14 AraratBochart reasonably concludes Ararat and Minni to be the greater and lesser Armenia; and Ashchenaz he thinks formed part of Phrygia near the Hellespont, part of that country being called Ascania by Homer. Cyrus had conquered Armenia, defeated Croesus king of Lydia - bc 548
and subdued several nations from the Egean sea to the Euphrates, before he marched against Babylon; and Xenophon also informs us that there were not only Armenians, but both Phrygians and Cappadocians in the army of Cyrus. Genesis 8:4 Ashchenaz10:3, Ashkenaz, 1 Chronicles 1:6 causeJeremiah 51:14, 46:23, 50:41, 50:42; Judges 6:5; Joel 2:2, 2:3; Nahum 3:15-17; Revelation 9:7-11
After Cyrus had been the instrument in the hands of God of taking Babylon, he marched against Tomyris, queen of the Massagete, a Scythian nation, and was totally defeated (bc 530). The victorious queen, who had lost her son in a previous battle, was so incensed against Cyrus, that she cut off his head, and threw it into a vessel filled with human blood, exclaiming, "Sattia te sanguine, quem sitisti.Reciprocal2 Kings 19:37 - Armenia; Isaiah 5:26 - he will; 13:4 - noise; 13:5 - from a far; 13:17 - I will; 21:2 - Go up; 21:5 - arise; 21:9 - behold; 37:38 - Armenia; 41:25 - raised; Jeremiah 4:6 - the standard; 6:4 - Prepare; 49:14 - Gather; 50:3 - out of the; 50:9 - I will raise; 50:14 - in array; 50:26 - against; 51:2 - in the day; 51:11 - the Lord hath; Ezekiel 7:14 - have; 26:11 - hoofs; 33:3 - he blow; Hosea 8:1 - the trumpet; Joel 1:4 - the caterpillar; Obadiah 1:1 - Arise; Nahum 2:5 - recount; Habakkuk 2:7 - they
Verse 28the kingsJeremiah 51:11, 25:25; Genesis 10:2; 1 Chronicles 1:5, Madia, Esther 1:3, 10:2; Isaiah 13:17, 21:2; Daniel 5:28-30, 6:8, 8:3, 8:4, 8:20, 9:1ReciprocalIsaiah 13:2 - Lift ye up; 13:4 - noise; 13:5 - from a far; 21:5 - arise; Jeremiah 6:4 - Prepare; 25:14 - many; 49:14 - Gather; 50:9 - I will raise; 50:26 - against; 50:41 - General; 51:2 - in the day; Obadiah 1:1 - Arise; Nahum 2:5 - recount; Habakkuk 2:7 - they Verse 29the landJeremiah 8:16, 10:10, 50:36, 50:43; Isaiah 13:13, 13:14, 14:16; Joel 2:10; Amos 8:8 everyJeremiah 51:11, 51:12, 51:43, 51:62-64, 50:13, 50:39, 50:40, 50:45; Isaiah 13:19, 13:20, 14:23, 14:24, 46:10, 46:11; 47:1-15; Revelation 18:2, 18:21-24ReciprocalIsaiah 47:9 - they shall come; Jeremiah 25:28 - Ye; 46:19 - waste; 51:37 - become; Romans 8:28 - the called; 9:11 - that the; Ephesians 3:11 - General Verse 30The mightyAccordingly, the Babylonians, after the loss of a battle or two, never recovered their courage to the face the enemy in the field, they retired within their walls; and the first time that Cyrus came with his army before the place he could not provoke them to venture forth, though he challenged the king to fight a duel with him; and the last time he came he consulted with his officers respecting the best mode of carrying on the siege "since," said he, "they do not come out to fight." Jeremiah 51:32, 51:57, 48:41, 50:36, 50:37; Psalm 76:5; Isaiah 13:7, 13:8, 19:16; Nahum 3:13; Revelation 18:10 her barsJeremiah 50:36 *marg. Psalm 107:16, 147:13; Isaiah 45:1, 45:2; Lamentations 2:9; Amos 1:5; Nahum 3:13Reciprocal2 Kings 19:26 - of small power; Jeremiah 46:19 - waste; 51:56 - her mighty; 51:58 - high gates; Lamentations 1:6 - her princes; Nahum 2:8 - Stand Verse 31postJeremiah 4:20, 50:24; 1 Samuel 4:12-18; 2 Samuel 18:19-31; 2 Chronicles 30:6; Esther 3:13-15; 8:10, 8:14; Job 9:25 to showJeremiah 50:43; Isaiah 21:3-9, 47:11-13; Daniel 5:2-5, 5:30ReciprocalJob 1:14 - messenger; 1:18 - there came; Psalm 127:1 - the watchman Verse 32the passagesJeremiah 50:38; Isaiah 44:27 the menJeremiah 51:30, 50:37Reciprocal2 Kings 19:26 - of small power; Psalm 68:30 - company of spearmen; 102:20 - to loose; Jeremiah 50:36 - her mighty; 52:7 - all the men Verse 33is likeIsaiah 21:10, 41:15, 41:16; Amos 1:3; Micah 4:13; Habakkuk 3:12 it is time to thresh heror, in the time that he thresheth herthe timeIsaiah 17:5-11, 18:5; Hosea 6:11; Joel 3:13; Matthew 13:30, 13:39; Revelation 14:15-20ReciprocalPsalm 68:30 - company of spearmen; 107:39 - oppression; 137:8 - daughter; Isaiah 13:22 - her time; 47:1 - daughter; 49:19 - they that; Jeremiah 12:14 - against; Lamentations 3:34 - crush; 4:18 - our end is near; Haggai 2:6 - it is Verse 34the kingJeremiah 51:49, 39:1-8, 50:7, 50:17; Lamentations 1:1, 1:14, 1:15 he hath madeJeremiah 48:11, 48:12; Isaiah 24:1-3, 34:11; Nahum 2:2, 2:9, 2:10 swallowedJeremiah 51:44; Job 20:15; Proverbs 1:12; Lamentations 2:16; Ezekiel 36:3; Amos 8:4; Matthew 23:14ReciprocalDeuteronomy 30:7 - General; 2 Samuel 20:19 - swallow; 2 Kings 25:1 - Nebuchadnezzar; 2 Chronicles 16:10 - oppressed; Job 5:5 - swalloweth; 20:18 - swallow; Psalm 79:7 - For they; 80:13 - The boar; 94:5 - break; 102:20 - To hear; 107:39 - oppression; 124:3 - swallowed; Isaiah 13:11 - I will punish; 14:1 - the Lord; 14:4 - How; 27:1 - the dragon; 42:22 - a people; 43:14 - For; 47:3 - I will take; Jeremiah 10:25 - eaten; 30:16 - General; 50:11 - ye destroyers; 50:33 - and all; Hosea 8:8 - swallowed; Amos 4:1 - crush; Nahum 2:12 - and filled; Habakkuk 2:6 - that increaseth; 2:8 - the violence; 2:17 - of the city; Zechariah 1:15 - and; 2:8 - the nations; Revelation 18:3 - her delicacies Verse 35The violenceHeb. My violence, Jeremiah 50:29; Judges 9:20, 9:24, 9:56, 9:57; Psalm 9:12, 12:5, 137:8, 137:9; Isaiah 26:20, 26:21; Zechariah 1:15; Matthew 7:2; James 2:13; Revelation 6:10, 16:6, 18:6, 18:20 fleshor, remainderinhabitantHeb. inhabitressReciprocalPsalm 79:7 - For they; 79:10 - by the; 102:20 - To hear; Isaiah 13:9 - cruel; 14:4 - How; 42:22 - a people; 49:25 - I will contend; Jeremiah 10:25 - eaten; 25:14 - I; 50:11 - ye destroyers; 50:17 - this; 51:11 - the vengeance; 51:24 - General; 51:49 - As Babylon; Lamentations 1:22 - all their; Joel 3:19 - for; Micah 7:9 - until; Habakkuk 2:6 - that increaseth; 2:8 - the violence; Zephaniah 3:19 - I will undo; Zechariah 2:8 - the nations Verse 36I will pleadSee note on Jeremiah 50:33, 50:34; Psalm 140:12; Proverbs 22:23, 23:11; Isaiah 43:14, 47:6-9, 49:25, 49:26; Micah 7:8-10; Habakkuk 2:8-17 takeDeuteronomy 32:35, 32:43; Psalm 94:1-3; Romans 12:19; Habakkuk 3:1, 3:1; Revelation 19:1-3 and I willJeremiah 50:38; Psalm 107:33; Isaiah 44:27; Revelation 16:12ReciprocalJob 38:16 - the springs; Psalm 35:1 - Plead; 119:154 - Plead; Isaiah 19:5 - General; 51:22 - pleadeth; Jeremiah 50:15 - for it; 51:13 - dwellest; Lamentations 3:58 - thou hast pleaded; Ezekiel 30:12 - I will make; 31:4 - waters; Micah 7:9 - until; Zephaniah 3:19 - I will undo Verse 37becomeJeremiah 51:25, 51:26, 51:29, 25:9, 25:12, 25:18, 50:12, 50:13, 50:23-26, 50:38-40; Isaiah 13:19-22, 14:23; 34:8-17; Revelation 18:2, 18:21-23 an hissingJeremiah 18:16, 19:8, 29:18; 2 Chronicles 29:8; Lamentations 2:15, 2:16; Micah 6:16; Zephaniah 2:15ReciprocalJob 15:28 - which are ready; Isaiah 26:5 - the lofty; 34:13 - an habitation; Jeremiah 9:11 - Jerusalem; 26:18 - Jerusalem; 49:17 - shall hiss; 49:33 - a dwelling; 50:39 - General; 51:41 - an astonishment; 51:43 - cities; 51:62 - to cut; Micah 1:6 - I will make; Nahum 3:6 - will set; Malachi 1:3 - the; Revelation 18:18 - What Verse 38roarJeremiah 2:15; Job 4:10, 4:11; Psalm 34:10, 58:6; Isaiah 35:9; Nahum 2:11-13; Zechariah 11:3 yellor, shake themselves, Judges 16:20ReciprocalIsaiah 25:5 - shalt bring; Jeremiah 12:8 - crieth out; 50:17 - the lions; 50:39 - General; 51:55 - destroyed; Ezekiel 38:13 - with; 1 Peter 5:8 - as Verse 39their heatJeremiah 25:27; Isaiah 21:4, 21:5, 22:12-14; Daniel 5:1-4, 5:30; Nahum 1:10, 3:11 and sleepJeremiah 51:57; Psalm 13:3, 76:5, 76:6ReciprocalEcclesiastes 7:4 - the heart; Isaiah 47:11 - thou shalt not be; Jeremiah 25:16 - General; 48:26 - ye him; 50:35 - upon her princes; 51:55 - destroyed; Nahum 3:18 - Thy shepherds; Habakkuk 2:5 - he transgresseth Verse 40Jeremiah 50:27; Psalm 37:20, 44:22; Isaiah 34:6; Ezekiel 39:18ReciprocalJeremiah 48:15 - gone; Acts 8:32 - as a; Romans 8:36 - as sheep Verse 41SheshachSheshach was probably an idol worshipped at Babylon, from which the city derived this name; and the festival which was held when the city was taken, when they were heated with wine, was perhaps observed in honour of it. Jeremiah 25:26; Daniel 5:1-3 the praiseJeremiah 49:25, 50:23; Isaiah 13:19, 14:4; Daniel 2:38, 4:22, 4:30, 5:4, 5:5; Revelation 18:10-19 an astonishmentJeremiah 51:37, 50:46; Deuteronomy 28:37; 2 Chronicles 7:21; Ezekiel 27:35ReciprocalJeremiah 51:8 - suddenly; Nahum 3:7 - Nineveh Verse 42Psalm 18:4, 18:16, 42:7, 65:7, 93:3; Isaiah 8:7, 8:8; Ezekiel 27:26-34; Daniel 9:26; Luke 21:25; Revelation 17:15, 17:16ReciprocalIsaiah 14:23 - make; 21:1 - the desert; 29:7 - the multitude; Jeremiah 51:64 - Thus shall; Ezekiel 26:3 - as the sea; Daniel 11:10 - overflow Verse 43citiesJeremiah 51:29, 51:37, 50:39, 50:40 a land2:6; Isaiah 13:20; Ezekiel 29:10, 29:11ReciprocalIsaiah 14:23 - make; Jeremiah 50:12 - a wilderness; 51:26 - shall not; 51:47 - her whole; Hosea 2:3 - a dry Verse 44I will punishJeremiah 51:18, 51:47, 50:2; Isaiah 46:1, 46:2 I will bringJeremiah 51:34; 2 Chronicles 36:7; Ezra 1:7; Daniel 1:2, 5:2-4, 5:26 the nationsIsaiah 2:2, 60:5; Daniel 3:2, 3:3, 3:29, 4:1, 4:22, 5:19, 5:31; Revelation 18:9-19 the wallJeremiah 51:53, 51:58Reciprocal2 Samuel 20:19 - swallow; Job 5:5 - swalloweth; 20:18 - swallow; Isaiah 19:1 - the idols; 21:2 - the treacherous; 21:9 - all; 25:11 - he shall bring; 49:19 - they that; Jeremiah 43:12 - in the; 50:15 - her foundations; 50:26 - open; 50:38 - the land; Habakkuk 2:8 - thou Verse 45goJeremiah 51:6, 51:9, 51:50, 50:8; Isaiah 48:20; Zechariah 2:7; Revelation 14:8-11, 18:4 deliverGenesis 19:12-16; Numbers 16:26; Acts 2:40; 2 Corinthians 6:17ReciprocalIsaiah 52:2 - Shake; 52:11 - depart ye; Zechariah 2:6 - and flee Verse 46lestor, let not, 2 Kings 19:7; Matthew 24:6-8; Mark 13:7, 13:8; Luke 21:9-19, 21:28 a rumour shallIsaiah 13:3-5, 21:2, 21:3 ruler againstJudges 7:22; 1 Samuel 14:16-20; 2 Chronicles 20:23; Isaiah 19:2ReciprocalJeremiah 49:14 - heard; Obadiah 1:1 - We Verse 47I willJeremiah 51:52, 50:2; Isaiah 21:9, 46:1, 46:2 do judgment uponHeb. visit upon, Jeremiah 51:18, 11:22, 13:21, 23:34, 25:12 *marg.her whole51:24, 51:43, 50:12-16, 50:35-40Reciprocal50:4 - those; 50:38 - the land; 51:44 - I will punish; Habakkuk 2:19 - that; Revelation 17:5 - Babylon; 18:20 - Rejoice Verse 48the heavenJeremiah 51:10; Psalm 58:10, 58:11; Proverbs 11:10; Isaiah 44:23, 48:20, 49:13; Revelation 15:1-4; 16:4-7, 18:20, 19:1-7 the spoilersJeremiah 51:11, 50:3, 50:9, 50:41ReciprocalIsaiah 14:7 - they; 21:2 - the treacherous; Jeremiah 51:53 - from; 51:56 - the spoiler; Habakkuk 2:8 - thou; Zechariah 6:6 - the north; 6:8 - quieted; Revelation 17:5 - Babylon Verse 49As Babylonetc. or, Both Babylon is to fall, O ye slain of Israel and with Babylon shall fall the slain of all the country. hath. Jeremiah 51:10, 51:11, 51:24, 51:35, 50:11, 50:17, 50:18, 50:29, 50:33, 50:34; Judges 1:7; Psalm 137:8, 137:9; Matthew 7:2; James 2:13; Revelation 18:5, 18:6ReciprocalIsaiah 21:2 - the treacherous; Jeremiah 51:34 - the king; Lamentations 1:21 - they shall; Zechariah 6:8 - quieted; Revelation 18:24 - were Verse 50escapedJeremiah 51:6, 51:45, 31:21, 44:28, 50:8; Isaiah 48:20, 51:11, 52:2, 52:11, 52:12; Zechariah 2:7-9; Revelation 18:4 rememberJeremiah 29:12-14; Deuteronomy 4:29-31, 30:1-4; Ezra 1:3-5; Nehemiah 1:2-4, 2:3-5; Psalm 102:13, 102:14, 137:5, 137:6; Daniel 9:2, 9:3, 9:16-19 JerusalemPsalm 122:6Reciprocal51:18 - Do; 137:1 - we wept; Jeremiah 50:28 - voice; Ezekiel 6:9 - remember; Zechariah 2:6 - and flee; 10:9 - remember Verse 51are confoundedJeremiah 3:22-25, 31:19; Psalm 74:18-21, 79:4, 79:12, 123:3, 123:4, 137:1-3; Lamentations 2:15-17; 5:1; Ezekiel 36:30 shameJeremiah 3:25, 14:3; Psalm 44:13-16, 69:7-13, 71:13, 109:29; Ezekiel 7:18; Micah 7:10 for strangersJeremiah 52:13; Psalm 74:3-7, 79:1; Lamentations 1:10, 2:20; Ezekiel 7:21, 7:22, 9:7, 24:21; Daniel 8:11-14, 9:26, 9:27, 11:31; Revelation 11:1, 11:2ReciprocalPsalm 44:15 - covered; Jeremiah 50:28 - voice; Ezekiel 16:52 - bear thine; Obadiah 1:10 - shame; Micah 6:16 - therefore Verse 52that IJeremiah 51:47, 50:38 her graven imagesThis was verified when Xerxes destroyed all the temples of Babylon, bc 479.the woundedIsaiah 13:15, 13:16; Ezekiel 30:24; Daniel 5:30, 5:31ReciprocalIsaiah 21:9 - all; 46:1 - Bel; Jeremiah 50:2 - her idols; Luke 10:30 - wounded Verse 53mountJeremiah 51:25, 51:58, 49:16; Genesis 11:4; Psalm 139:8-10; Isaiah 14:12-15, 47:5, 47:7; Ezekiel 31:9-11; Daniel 4:30; Amos 9:4; Obadiah 1:3, 1:4 fromJeremiah 51:1-4, 51:11, 51:48, 50:9, 50:10, 50:21, 50:25, 50:31-34, 50:45; Isaiah 10:6, 10:7, 13:2-5, 13:17; 41:25, 45:1-5Reciprocal21:2 - the treacherous; 25:5 - shalt bring; 45:3 - I will give; 47:8 - I am; Jeremiah 51:44 - the wall; Amos 9:2 - climb; Luke 10:15 - which Verse 54Jeremiah 48:3-5, 50:22, 50:27, 50:43, 50:46; Isaiah 13:6-9, 15:5; Zephaniah 1:10; Revelation 18:17-19ReciprocalJeremiah 4:6 - and a great; 46:12 - thy cry Verse 55destroyedJeremiah 51:38, 51:39, 25:10, 50:10-15; Isaiah 15:1, 24:8-11, 47:5; Revelation 18:22, 18:23 her wavesPsalm 65:7, 93:3, 93:4; Isaiah 17:13; Ezekiel 26:3; Luke 21:25; Revelation 17:15ReciprocalJeremiah 50:25 - this; Habakkuk 2:8 - thou Verse 56the spoilerJeremiah 51:48, 50:10; Isaiah 21:2; Habakkuk 2:8; Revelation 17:16 her mightyJeremiah 51:30, 50:36 every49:35; Genesis 49:24; 1 Samuel 2:4; Psalm 37:15, 46:9, 76:3; Ezekiel 39:3, 39:9 the LordJeremiah 51:6, 51:24, 50:28, 50:29; Deuteronomy 32:35; Psalm 94:1, 94:2, 137:8; Isaiah 34:8, 35:4, 59:18; 2 Thessalonians 1:6; Revelation 18:5, 18:6, 18:20, 19:2Reciprocal2 Chronicles 6:23 - requiting; 24:22 - and require it; Psalm 10:14 - to requite; Isaiah 14:22 - I will; 47:3 - I will take; Jeremiah 48:8 - the spoiler; 50:30 - all her; Hosea 1:5 - I will; Nahum 2:9 - ye; Luke 11:50 - may Verse 57I willJeremiah 51:39, 25:27; Isaiah 21:4, 21:5; Daniel 5:1-4, 5:30, 5:31; Nahum 1:10; Habakkuk 2:15-17; Revelation 18:6, 18:7, 18:9 sleep aPsalm 76:5, 76:6; Isaiah 37:36 the kingJeremiah 46:18, 48:15; Malachi 1:14Reciprocal1 Samuel 25:36 - merry; 1 Kings 16:9 - drinking; Psalm 13:3 - lest; Ecclesiastes 7:4 - the heart; Isaiah 14:22 - I will; 44:25 - turneth; Jeremiah 48:26 - ye him; 50:24 - and thou wast; 50:30 - all her; 50:35 - upon her princes; 51:30 - The mighty; Nahum 3:11 - shalt be drunken; 3:18 - Thy shepherds; Habakkuk 2:7 - they; 2:16 - drink; Zechariah 12:2 - trembling; 14:16 - the King; Revelation 14:10 - drink Verse 58The broad walls of Babylonor, The walls of broad Babylon, According to the testimony of Herodotus, the circumference of the walls of Babylon was 480 stadia, or 60 miles, their breadth 50 cubits, and their height 200 cubits; but when Darius became master of the place, bc 516, he took away all their 100 gates of brass, and beat down their walls to 50 cubits; and now not a vestige of these immense fortifications remains, to mark the site of this once mighty city! Jeremiah 51:44, 50:15 brokenor, made nakedhigh gates51:30; Isaiah 45:1, 45:2 the peopleJeremiah 51:9, 51:64; Psalm 127:1; Isaiah 65:23; Habakkuk 2:13ReciprocalJob 12:14 - he breaketh; Isaiah 13:2 - go into; 25:12 - the fortress; Jeremiah 51:25 - O destroying; 51:53 - mount; Ezekiel 24:12 - wearied; Revelation 18:8 - and she Verse 59NeriahJeremiah 32:12, 36:4, 45:1 withor, on the behalf ofquiet princeor, prince of Menucha, or chief chamberlainReciprocalIsaiah 14:27 - the Lord; 1 Peter 3:4 - quiet Verse 60Jeremiah 30:2, 30:3, 36:2-4, 36:32; Isaiah 8:1-4, 30:8; Daniel 12:4; Habakkuk 2:2, 2:3; Revelation 1:11, 1:19ReciprocalNumbers 5:23 - write these; Revelation 18:2 - Babylon Verse 61and shalt seeMatthew 24:1; Mark 13:1 readJeremiah 29:1, 29:2; Colossians 4:16; 1 Thessalonians 4:18, 5:27; Revelation 1:3

Verse 62to cutJeremiah 51:25, 51:26, 51:29, 51:37, 50:3, 50:13, 50:39, 50:40; Isaiah 13:19-22, 14:22, 14:23; Revelation 18:20-23, desolation, Heb. desolations, Jeremiah 25:9, 25:12; Ezekiel 35:9ReciprocalPsalm 9:6 - memorial; Isaiah 13:20 - General; 23:9 - Lord; 47:9 - they shall come; Jeremiah 33:12 - without; 50:12 - a wilderness; Nahum 2:10 - empty Verse 63thou shalt bindThis was the emblem of its overthrow and irretrievable ruin; and the same emblem is employed in Revelation 18:21, to denote the utter ruin of mystical Babylon. Jeremiah 19:10, 19:11; Revelation 18:21ReciprocalExodus 3:12 - token; 15:5 - they; Isaiah 7:11 - a sign; Jeremiah 13:4 - go; 43:1 - had made; 43:9 - great; Ezekiel 28:19 - thou shalt; Revelation 9:14 - the great Verse 64Thus shallJeremiah 51:42, 25:27; Nahum 1:8, 1:9; Revelation 14:8, 18:2, 18:21 they shallJeremiah 51:58; Habakkuk 2:13; Psalm 76:12 Thus farJob 31:40; Psalm 72:20ReciprocalGenesis 11:9 - Babel; Exodus 3:12 - token; 15:5 - they; Job 12:14 - he breaketh; Psalm 36:12 - shall; 79:6 - upon; 87:4 - Babylon; 137:8 - who art; Isaiah 7:11 - a sign; 21:9 - Babylon; 25:12 - the fortress; 26:5 - the lofty; Jeremiah 1:10 - I have; 12:14 - I will; 13:4 - go; 19:10 - General; 25:12 - that I; 25:17 - and made; 25:26 - drink; 27:7 - many; 36:2 - against all; 43:9 - great; 50:15 - her foundations; 50:26 - destroy; 50:32 - none; Lamentations 1:21 - thou wilt; Ezekiel 26:21 - though; 28:19 - thou shalt; 28:26 - when I; 30:7 - General; 36:7 - the heathen; Daniel 5:26 - God; 8:4 - pushing; Amos 5:2 - she shall; 8:14 - shall fall; Zephaniah 3:15 - he hath