Jeremiah 46
46:1 Jeremiah prophesies the overthrow of Pharaoh's army at Euphrates,
Jer_46:13. and the conquest of Egypt by Nebuchadrezzar;
46:27 He comforts Jacob in his chastisement. Verse 1The wordThis is a general title to the prophecies contained in this and the following chapters, concerning different nations which had less or more connexion with the Jews, either as enemies, neighbours, or allies. They were not delivered at the same time: to some the date is annexed; in others it is left uncertain.againstJeremiah 1:10, 4:7, 25:15-29; Genesis 10:5; Numbers 23:9; Zechariah 2:8; Romans 3:29ReciprocalPsalm 79:6 - upon; Isaiah 19:1 - Egypt; Jeremiah 9:26 - Egypt; 25:17 - and made; 43:11 - he shall smite; Lamentations 1:21 - thou wilt; Ezekiel 28:26 - when I; 30:7 - General; 30:22 - and that; Habakkuk 1:17 - and Verse 2Against EgyptJeremiah 46:14, 25:9, 25:19; Ezekiel 29:1-32:32 Pharaohnecho2 Kings 23:29, Pharaoh-nechoh, 2 Chronicles 35:20, 35:21, NechoCarchemishIsaiah 10:9 in theJeremiah 25:1, 36:1Reciprocal2 Kings 24:1 - his days; 24:7 - the king; Jeremiah 35:1 - in the; 46:10 - the north; Ezekiel 29:2 - against all; Zechariah 9:8 - because of him that passeth by Verse 3This is a poetical and ironical call to the Egyptians to muster their forces; and implies that all their courage and efforts would be vain.
; Jeremiah 51:11, 51:12; Isaiah 8:9, 8:10, 21:5; Joel 3:9; Nahum 2:1, 3:14ReciprocalJeremiah 46:14 - Stand; Ezekiel 38:7 - General
Verse 4furbishEzekiel 21:9-11, 21:28 brigandinesJeremiah 51:3Reciprocal46:14 - Stand; 51:11 - Make; Ezekiel 21:10 - it is furbished; Joel 3:9 - wake; Nahum 3:14 - fortify Verse 5and theirRevelation 6:15 beaten downHeb. broken in piecesfled apaceHeb. fled a flight, Jeremiah 46:15; Genesis 19:17; 2 Kings 7:6, 7:7; Nahum 2:8 fearJeremiah 6:25, 20:3, 20:4 *marg. 46:10, 49:29; Isaiah 19:16; Ezekiel 32:10; Revelation 6:15-17ReciprocalJob 18:11 - Terrors; Psalm 35:4 - turned; Jeremiah 30:5 - General; 38:22 - they are; 46:21 - they did; 49:5 - ye shall; Lamentations 2:22 - my terrors; 5:17 - our heart; Ezekiel 30:13 - put Verse 6notJudges 4:15-21; Psalm 33:16, 33:17, 147:10, 147:11; Ecclesiastes 9:11; Isaiah 30:16, 30:17; Amos 2:14, 2:15, 9:1-3 stumbleJeremiah 46:12, 20:11, 50:32; Psalm 27:2; Isaiah 8:15; Daniel 11:19, 11:22 towardJeremiah 46:10, 1:14, 4:6, 6:1, 25:9Reciprocal46:20 - it cometh; 47:2 - out of Verse 7WhoSong of Songs 3:6, 8:5; Isaiah 63:1 as a floodJeremiah 47:2; Isaiah 8:7, 8:8; Daniel 9:26, 11:22; Amos 8:8; Revelation 12:15Reciprocal2 Samuel 22:5 - the floods; Psalm 90:5 - Thou; 93:3 - The floods; 124:4 - the waters; Daniel 11:10 - overflow Verse 8risethEzekiel 29:3, 32:2 I will goExodus 15:9, 15:10; Isaiah 10:13-16, 37:24-26Reciprocal2 Samuel 22:5 - the floods; Psalm 90:5 - Thou; 93:3 - The floods; 124:4 - the waters; Isaiah 8:7 - the Lord bringeth; Jeremiah 47:2 - waters; Daniel 11:10 - overflow; Amos 8:8 - rise Verse 9rageNahum 2:3, 2:4 EthiopiansHeb. Cush and Put, Genesis 10:6, Phut, 1 Corinthians 1:8; Ezekiel 27:10, Phut, Nahum 3:9, Lubim, Acts 2:10 LydiansGenesis 10:13; 1 Chronicles 1:11, Ludim, Isaiah 66:19; Ezekiel 27:10, Lud, Jeremiah 30:5Reciprocal1 Chronicles 12:8 - handle; Isaiah 8:9 - Associate; Jeremiah 46:21 - her hired; 47:3 - the noise; 50:14 - bend; 51:11 - Make; Ezekiel 30:5 - Ethiopia; 38:4 - handling; Daniel 11:43 - the Libyans; Nahum 3:14 - fortify; Zephaniah 2:12 - Ethiopians Verse 10the dayJeremiah 51:6; Isaiah 13:6, 34:6, 34:8, 61:2, 63:4; Joel 1:15, 2:1; Zephaniah 1:14, 1:15; Luke 21:22 the swordDeuteronomy 32:42; Isaiah 34:5-8; Ezekiel 39:17-21; Zephaniah 1:7, 1:8; Revelation 19:17-21 the northJeremiah 46:2, 46:6; 2 Kings 24:7ReciprocalNumbers 31:3 - avenge the Lord; Joshua 6:17 - accursed; 2 Samuel 2:26 - sword; Isaiah 2:12 - the day; Jeremiah 25:27 - because; 46:5 - fear; 46:14 - the sword; 46:20 - it cometh; 47:4 - the day; 50:15 - for it; Daniel 11:43 - the Libyans; Zephaniah 2:12 - Ethiopians; Zechariah 6:6 - the north Verse 11GileadJeremiah 8:22, 51:8; Genesis 37:25, 43:11; Ezekiel 27:17 O virginJeremiah 14:17; Isaiah 47:1 in vainJeremiah 30:12-15; Ezekiel 30:21-25; Micah 1:9; Nahum 3:19; Matthew 5:26; Luke 8:43, 8:44 thou shalt not be curedHeb. no cure shall be unto theeReciprocal2 Kings 19:21 - the daughter; Job 13:4 - physicians; Isaiah 23:12 - thou oppressed; Jeremiah 30:15 - thy sorrow; 46:24 - daughter Verse 12heardEzekiel 32:9-12; Nahum 3:8-10 thy cryJeremiah 14:2, 48:34, 49:21, 51:54; 1 Samuel 5:12; Isaiah 15:5-8; Zephaniah 1:10 stumbledJeremiah 46:6; Isaiah 10:4, 19:2ReciprocalNahum 2:5 - they shall stumble Verse 13Cir am 3398, bc 606NebuchadrezzarJeremiah 43:10-13, 44:30; Isaiah 19:1-25, 29:1-32:20ReciprocalJeremiah 25:19 - Pharaoh; 47:2 - then the; Ezekiel 29:8 - I will; 32:11 - The sword; Zechariah 9:8 - because of him that passeth by Verse 14MigdolJeremiah 43:9, 44:1; Exodus 14:2; Ezekiel 30:16-18 StandJeremiah 46:3, 46:4, 6:1-5; Joel 3:9-12 the swordJeremiah 46:10, 2:30, 12:12; 2 Samuel 2:26; Isaiah 1:20, 31:8, 34:6; Nahum 2:13ReciprocalIsaiah 19:13 - Noph; Jeremiah 2:16 - Noph; 25:27 - because; 43:7 - Tahpanhes; 46:2 - Against Egypt; 50:2 - Declare; Ezekiel 29:10 - from the tower of; 30:13 - Noph; 30:18 - Tehaphnehes; 38:7 - General; Amos 3:9 - Publish Verse 15thyJeremiah 46:5, 46:21; Judges 5:20, 5:21; Isaiah 66:15, 66:16 the LordExodus 6:1; Deuteronomy 11:23; Psalm 18:14, 18:39, 44:2, 68:2, 114:2-7Reciprocal1 Chronicles 19:14 - they fled; Isaiah 19:1 - the heart; 19:3 - the spirit Verse 16made many to fallHeb. multiplied the falleroneLeviticus 26:36, 26:37 they saidJeremiah 46:21, 51:9Reciprocal1 Chronicles 19:14 - they fled; Isaiah 19:1 - the heart; Jeremiah 50:16 - they shall turn every one Verse 17PharaohExodus 15:9; 1 Kings 20:10, 20:18; Isaiah 19:11-16, 31:3, 37:27-29; Ezekiel 29:3; 31:18ReciprocalGenesis 12:15 - princes; 2 Kings 18:21 - so is Pharaoh Verse 18saithJeremiah 10:10, 44:26, 48:15, 51:17; Isaiah 47:4, 48:2; Malachi 1:14; Matthew 5:35; 1 Timothy 1:17 TaborJoshua 19:22; Judges 4:6; Psalm 89:12 Carmel1 Kings 18:42, 18:43ReciprocalJoshua 19:26 - Carmel; Judges 4:12 - mount Tabor; 1 Kings 18:19 - mount Carmel; Psalm 95:3 - a great; Jeremiah 31:35 - The Lord; 48:18 - daughter; 51:57 - the king; Ezekiel 33:11 - As I live; Hosea 5:1 - Tabor; Zephaniah 2:9 - as I; Zechariah 14:16 - the King; 1 Timothy 6:15 - who Verse 19thouJeremiah 48:18 furnish thyself to go into captivityHeb. make thee instruments of captivity, Isaiah 20:4; Ezekiel 12:3 *marg. 12:4-12 NophNoph, or Moph, is the celebrated city of Memphis, as the Chaldee and LXX render; long the residence of the ancient Egyptian kings, and situated fifteen miles above where the Delta begins, on the western side of the Nile. It was in the neighbourhood of Memphis that the famous pyramids were erected, whose grandeur and beauty still astonish the modern traveller: they are about twenty in number; the largest of which is 481 feet perpendicular height, and the area of its basis is on 480,249 square feet, or something more than eleven acres, being exactly the size of Lincoln's Inn Fields in London. The immense ruins between the northern and southern pyramids, and about fourteen miles from Cairo, still called Memf, Menf, or Menouf, seem to mark the site of this city. Jeremiah 44:1; Ezekiel 30:13 wasteJeremiah 26:9, 34:22, 51:29, 51:30; Zephaniah 2:5ReciprocalIsaiah 19:13 - Noph; Jeremiah 2:16 - Noph; 46:24 - daughter; 48:9 - the cities; Ezekiel 29:12 - and I will scatter Verse 20a veryJeremiah 50:11; Hosea 10:11 it comethJeremiah 46:6, 46:10, 1:14, 25:9, 47:2Reciprocal46:24 - she shall; Ezekiel 30:18 - the pomp Verse 21her hiredJeremiah 46:9, 46:16; 2 Samuel 10:6; 2 Kings 7:6; Ezekiel 27:10, 27:11, 30:4-6 likeJeremiah 50:11, 50:27; Isaiah 34:7 fatted bullocksHeb. bullocks of the stall, Proverbs 15:17; Amos 6:4 they didJeremiah 46:5, 46:15, 46:16 the day18:17; Deuteronomy 32:15; Psalm 37:13; Isaiah 10:3; Ezekiel 35:5; Hosea 9:7; Obadiah 1:13; Micah 7:4ReciprocalJeremiah 11:23 - the year; 38:22 - they are; 48:44 - the year; 49:8 - for; 51:9 - forsake; Ezekiel 30:22 - I will Verse 22voiceIsaiah 29:4; Micah 1:8, 7:16 and comeJeremiah 51:20-23; Isaiah 10:15, 10:33, 10:34, 14:8, 37:24; Zechariah 11:2ReciprocalPsalm 74:5 - General Verse 23cutIsaiah 10:18; Ezekiel 20:46 becauseJudges 6:5, 7:12; Joel 2:25; Revelation 9:2-10ReciprocalPsalm 74:5 - General; Isaiah 10:34 - cut down; Jeremiah 51:14 - as with; 51:27 - cause Verse 24daughterJeremiah 46:11, 46:19; Psalm 137:8 she shallJeremiah 46:20, 1:15; Ezekiel 29:1-32:32Reciprocal32:11 - The sword Verse 25multitudeor, nourisher, Heb. AmonNoEzekiel 30:14; Nahum 3:8 with theirJeremiah 43:12, 43:13; Exodus 12:12; Isaiah 19:1; Ezekiel 30:13; Zephaniah 2:11 and theirEzekiel 32:9-12; Nahum 3:9 and allJeremiah 17:5, 17:6, 42:14-16; Isaiah 20:5, 20:6, 30:2, 30:3, 31:1-3; Ezekiel 39:6, 39:7Reciprocal1 Samuel 5:7 - upon Dagon our god; Jeremiah 49:3 - shall go; 51:18 - in the; Ezekiel 30:22 - I am; Daniel 11:8 - their gods Verse 26I willJeremiah 44:30; Ezekiel 32:11 and afterwardJeremiah 48:47, 49:39; Ezekiel 29:8-14ReciprocalIsaiah 19:4 - a cruel lord; 20:4 - shall; Jeremiah 19:7 - I will cause; 49:6 - General; Ezekiel 29:13 - At the; Amos 9:11 - as in; Nahum 3:8 - populous No Verse 27fearJeremiah 30:10, 30:11; Isaiah 41:13, 41:14, 43:1, 43:5, 44:2 I will saveJeremiah 23:3, 23:4, 29:14, 31:8-11, 32:37; Isaiah 11:11-16; Ezekiel 34:10-14, 36:24; 37:21, 37:22, 39:25; Amos 9:14; Micah 7:11-16 and beJeremiah 23:6, 33:16, 50:19; Ezekiel 34:25, 34:26ReciprocalJoshua 8:1 - Fear not; Isaiah 14:3 - General; 44:1 - O Jacob; Jeremiah 30:18 - Behold; 31:17 - General; 43:10 - my servant; 49:12 - they whose; Lamentations 4:22 - The punishment of thine iniquity; Ezekiel 34:28 - neither; Zephaniah 3:16 - be said Verse 28for I amJeremiah 1:19, 15:20, 30:11; Joshua 1:5, 1:9; Psalm 46:7, 46:11; Isaiah 8:9, 8:10, 41:10, 43:2; Matthew 1:23, 28:20; Acts 18:10; 2 Timothy 4:17 makeJeremiah 25:9; Isaiah 45:23; Daniel 2:35 but I will notJeremiah 4:27, 5:10, 5:18, 30:11, 32:42-44, 33:24-26; Amos 9:8, 9:9; Romans 11:15-17 correctJeremiah 10:24; Habakkuk 3:2; 1 Corinthians 11:32 will IIsaiah 27:7, 27:9; Habakkuk 3:1-12:10; Revelation 3:19 not leave thee wholly unpunishedor, not utterly cut thee offReciprocalNumbers 23:9 - shall not; 2 Kings 17:20 - all the seed; Ezra 9:14 - no remnant; Esther 4:14 - then shall; Psalm 6:1 - rebuke; 99:8 - thou wast; Isaiah 14:3 - General; 27:8 - measure; 28:27 - the fitches; 43:5 - Fear not; 44:1 - O Jacob; Jeremiah 25:29 - Ye shall; 29:14 - and I will turn; 30:10 - fear; 31:17 - General; 31:36 - cease; 31:37 - I; 43:10 - my servant; 48:2 - come; 48:42 - Moab; 51:5 - Israel; Lamentations 4:22 - The punishment of thine iniquity; Ezekiel 6:8 - General; Obadiah 1:17 - shall be; Habakkuk 1:12 - we; Zephaniah 3:16 - be said; 3:19 - I will undo