Jeremiah 38
38:1 Jeremiah, by a false suggestion, is put into the dungeon of Malchiah;
38:7 Edeb-melech, by suit, gets him some enlargement;
38:14 Upon secret conference, he counsels the king by yielding to save his life;
38:24 By the king's instructions he conceals the conference from the princes. Verse 1ShephatiahEzra 2:3; Nehemiah 7:9 JucalJeremiah 37:4, JehucalPashur21:1-10, Melchiah, 1 Chronicles 9:12, Malchijah, Nehemiah 11:12 heardActs 4:1, 4:2, 4:6-10, 5:28Reciprocal1 Chronicles 6:40 - Baaseiah; Jeremiah 11:21 - thou; 25:2 - General; 36:16 - We; 37:13 - Hananiah; 38:9 - these; 38:16 - of these; 39:17 - of whom Verse 2HeJeremiah 38:17-23, 21:8, 21:9, 24:8, 27:13, 29:18, 34:17, 42:17, 42:22, 44:13; Ezekiel 5:12-17, 6:11, 7:15, 14:21; Matthew 24:7, 24:8; Revelation 6:4-8 shall haveJeremiah 21:9, 39:18, 45:5Reciprocal2 Kings 25:3 - there was no; Isaiah 22:2 - thy slain; Jeremiah 1:18 - against; 21:4 - Behold; 25:2 - General; 27:11 - those; 29:16 - General; Ezekiel 5:2 - shalt burn; Acts 17:6 - These Verse 3Jeremiah 21:10, 32:3-5Reciprocal21:4 - Behold; 29:16 - General; 38:18 - then Verse 4the princesJeremiah 26:11, 26:21-23, 36:12-16; 2 Chronicles 24:21; Ezekiel 22:27; Micah 3:1-3; Zephaniah 3:1-3 thusExodus 5:4; 1 Kings 18:17, 18:18, 21:20; Ezra 4:12; Nehemiah 6:9; Amos 7:10; Luke 23:2; John 11:46-50; Acts 16:20, 17:6, 24:5, 28:22 welfareHeb. peace, Jeremiah 29:7ReciprocalNumbers 16:41 - Ye have; 1 Kings 13:4 - Lay hold; 22:8 - good; 2 Kings 6:31 - if the head; 2 Chronicles 18:7 - good; 36:14 - all the chief; Ezra 4:4 - weakened; Job 31:34 - Did I; Isaiah 30:10 - say; Jeremiah 12:5 - canst; 26:10 - the princes; 32:3 - Wherefore; 34:10 - when; 37:13 - Thou; 38:22 - Thy friends; 38:25 - General; 43:3 - to deliver; 44:16 - we; Lamentations 3:52 - chased; Ezekiel 22:9 - men that carry tales; Habakkuk 1:4 - for; Mark 12:3 - they; Luke 20:10 - beat; John 11:53 - put; Acts 4:17 - let; 5:28 - intend; 25:3 - desired; Revelation 11:10 - these Verse 5for1 Samuel 15:24, 29:9; 2 Samuel 3:39, 19:22; Proverbs 29:25; John 19:12-16ReciprocalGenesis 16:6 - in; Exodus 23:2 - to decline; Joshua 9:25 - we are; Job 1:12 - power; 31:34 - Did I; Jeremiah 26:14 - As for; 37:17 - asked; 38:19 - I; Daniel 6:16 - the king Verse 6tookJeremiah 37:21; Psalm 109:5; Luke 3:19, 3:20 intoJeremiah 37:16; Lamentations 3:55; Acts 16:24; 2 Corinthians 4:8, 4:9; Habakkuk 3:1 Hammelechor, the king, Jeremiah 36:26 and they38:11, 38:12 And inThis dungeon, which seems to have belonged to one of Zedekiah's sons, appears to have been a most dreadful place; the horrors of which were probably augmented by the cruelty of the jailor. "The eastern people," observes Sir J. Chardin, "have not different prisons for the different classes of criminals; the judges do not trouble themselves about where the prisoners are confined, or how they are treated, considering it merely as a place of safety; and all that they require of the jailor is, that the prisoner be forthcoming when called for. As to the rest, he is master to do as he pleases; to treat him well or ill; to put him in irons or not; to shut him up close, or hold him in easier restraint; to admit people to him, or to suffer nobody to see him. If the jailor and his servants have large fees, let the person be the greatest rascal in the world, he shall be lodged in the jailor's own apartment, and the best part of it; and on the contrary, if those that have imprisoned a man give the jailor greater presents, or that he has a greater regard for them, he will treat the prisoner with the greatest inhumanity." This adds a double energy to those passages which speak of "the sighing of the prisoner," and to Jeremiah's supplicating that he might not be remanded to the dungeon of Jonathan - 38:26; 37:20. 38:22; Genesis 37:24; Psalm 40:2, 69:2, 69:14, 69:15; Lamentations 3:52-55; Zechariah 9:11ReciprocalExodus 12:29 - dungeon; 23:2 - to decline; 1 Kings 22:27 - Put this fellow; 2 Chronicles 18:25 - and carry him back; 36:16 - misused; Job 30:19 - cast me; Isaiah 24:22 - shall they; 51:14 - die; Jeremiah 1:19 - And they; 20:2 - smote; 29:26 - that thou; 32:2 - Jeremiah; 36:5 - General; 37:15 - in the; 38:13 - So; Lamentations 3:1 - the man; 3:7 - hedged; 3:53 - cut; Daniel 3:23 - fell; Luke 4:28 - were; 2 Corinthians 6:5 - imprisonments; Habakkuk 3:1 - bonds Verse 7EbedmelechJeremiah 39:16-18 Ethiopian13:23; Psalm 68:31; Matthew 8:11, 8:12, 20:16; Luke 10:30-36, 13:29, 13:30; Acts 8:27-39 eunuchsJeremiah 29:2, 34:19; 2 Kings 24:15 *marg.the kingJeremiah 37:13; Deuteronomy 21:19; Job 29:7-17; Amos 5:10ReciprocalJoshua 20:4 - at the entering; 2 Kings 5:13 - his servants; 2 Chronicles 18:25 - and carry him back; Proverbs 31:8 - Open; Isaiah 56:3 - neither; Jeremiah 20:2 - in the high; 26:16 - General; Zechariah 14:10 - from Benjamin's; Luke 10:33 - Samaritan; Habakkuk 3:1 - them that Verse 8ReciprocalJeremiah 32:3 - Behold; Micah 7:18 - that Verse 9theseJeremiah 38:1-6; Esther 7:4-6; Job 31:34; Proverbs 24:11, 24:12, 31:8, 31:9 is like to dieHeb. will diefor thereJeremiah 37:21, 52:6ReciprocalGenesis 47:18 - General; Exodus 23:2 - to decline; Isaiah 3:1 - the stay; Jeremiah 39:17 - of whom; Lamentations 1:11 - seek; 3:53 - cut; 2 Corinthians 11:27 - in hunger Verse 10the kingEsther 5:2, 8:7; Psalm 75:10; Proverbs 21:1 with theeHeb. in thine handReciprocalJeremiah 37:13 - Hananiah; 37:16 - into the dungeon Verse 11let themJeremiah 38:6ReciprocalJoshua 6:19 - the treasury Verse 12PutRomans 12:10, 12:15; Ephesians 4:32ReciprocalJeremiah 38:6 - and they Verse 13SoJeremiah 38:6 Jeremiah38:28, 37:21, 39:14-18; 1 Kings 22:27; Acts 23:35, 24:23-26, 28:16, 28:30ReciprocalExodus 12:29 - dungeon Verse 14sentJeremiah 21:1, 21:2, 37:17 thirdor, principal, 1 Kings 10:5; 2 Kings 16:18 I willJeremiah 42:2-5, 42:20; 1 Samuel 3:17, 3:18; 1 Kings 22:16; 2 Chronicles 18:15Reciprocal2 Samuel 14:18 - Hide not; 2 Chronicles 18:5 - Shall we go; 36:12 - before Jeremiah; Ezekiel 7:26 - then; 14:7 - and cometh; Acts 24:25 - Go Verse 15Luke 22:67, 22:68Reciprocal1 Kings 1:12 - let me; Proverbs 12:15 - but; John 11:53 - put; Habakkuk 1:8 - a sceptre Verse 16swareJeremiah 37:17; John 3:2 that madeNumbers 16:22, 27:16; Ecclesiastes 12:7; Isaiah 57:16; Zechariah 12:1; Habakkuk 3:1 of theseJeremiah 38:1-6, 34:20Reciprocal1 Samuel 20:3 - as thy soul; Job 31:34 - Did I; Jeremiah 22:25 - I Verse 17the God of hostsPsalm 80:7, 80:14; Amos 5:27 the God of Israel1 Chronicles 17:24; Ezra 9:4 If thouJeremiah 38:2, 7:6, 7:7, 21:8-10, 27:12, 27:17, 39:3; Job 23:13Reciprocal2 Kings 24:12 - Jehoiachin; 24:20 - Zedekiah; Jeremiah 21:4 - Behold; 21:9 - that abideth; 27:8 - that nation; 29:16 - General; 37:13 - Thou; 40:9 - Fear; Ezekiel 17:14 - but that by keeping of his covenant it might stand; Zephaniah 3:7 - so Verse 18if thou2 Kings 24:12, 25:27-30 thenJeremiah 38:3, 38:23, 24:8-10, 32:3-5, 34:2, 34:3, 34:19-22, 39:3, 39:5-7, 52:7-11; 2 Kings 25:4-10; Ezekiel 12:13, 17:20, 17:21, 21:25-27Reciprocal1 Kings 12:26 - Now shall; Jeremiah 1:18 - against; 21:4 - Behold; 21:10 - it shall; 25:35 - the shepherds; 32:4 - General; 39:4 - when; 39:8 - burned; Ezekiel 12:10 - prince; 17:15 - shall he escape; 24:11 - set it Verse 19IJeremiah 38:5; 1 Samuel 15:24; Job 31:34; Proverbs 29:25; Isaiah 51:12, 51:13, 57:11; John 12:42; 19:12, 19:13 mockJeremiah 38:22; Judges 9:54, 16:25; 1 Samuel 31:4; Isaiah 45:9, 45:10ReciprocalEzekiel 11:8 - General Verse 20ObeyJeremiah 26:13; 2 Chronicles 20:20; Daniel 4:27; Acts 26:29; 2 Corinthians 5:11, 5:20, 6:1; Philemon 1:8-10; James 1:22 and thyIsaiah 55:3ReciprocalJeremiah 15:19 - let them; 27:13 - Why; Ephesians 4:1 - beseech Verse 21if thouJeremiah 5:3; Exodus 10:3, 10:4, 16:28; Job 34:33; Proverbs 1:24-31; Isaiah 1:19, 1:20; Habakkuk 3:1 this isJeremiah 15:19-21, 26:15; Numbers 23:19, 23:20, 24:13; Job 23:13; Ezekiel 2:4, 2:5, 2:7; 3:17-19; Acts 18:6, 20:26, 20:27Reciprocal2 Kings 8:10 - the Lord; Jeremiah 17:27 - then; 21:7 - I will; 42:19 - know Verse 22allJeremiah 41:10, 43:6; Lamentations 5:11 and thoseMr. Harmer would render, "and here - hennah or reading hinneh behold
the women (wont to sing on public occasions) shall say," etc.; observing "that these bitter speeches much better suit the lips of women belonging to the conquering nation, singing before a captive prince, than of his own wives and concubines." This he illustrates by the following extract from Della Valle: When he was at Lar, in Persia, the king of Ormuz was brought thither in triumph; and "this poor unfortunate king entered Lar, with his people, in the morning, music playing, and girls and women singing and dancing before him, according to the custom of Persia, and the people flocking together with a prodigious concourse, and conducting him in a pompous and magnificent manner, particularly with colours displayed, like what the Messenians formerly did to Philopoemen, the general of the Athenians, their prisoner of war, according to the report of Justin."Thy friendsHeb. The men of thy peace, Jeremiah 38:4-6, 20:10; Psalm 41:9 *marg.have setJeremiah 38:19; Lamentations 1:2; Micah 7:5 thy feetJeremiah 38:6; Psalm 69:2, 69:14 they areJeremiah 46:5, 46:21; Isaiah 42:17; Lamentations 1:13ReciprocalJeremiah 30:14 - lovers; Obadiah 1:7 - men that were at peace with thee
Verse 23they shallJeremiah 38:18, 39:6, 41:10, 52:8-13; 2 Kings 25:7; 2 Chronicles 36:20, 36:21 shalt causeetc. Heb. shalt burn, etc. Jeremiah 27:12, 27:13; Ezekiel 14:9, 43:3ReciprocalNumbers 4:18 - General; 32:15 - ye shall; 2 Kings 25:6 - they took; Jeremiah 21:10 - it shall; 25:35 - the shepherds; 27:17 - wherefore; 32:4 - General; 34:2 - Behold; 34:22 - shall fight; 37:8 - General; 39:5 - Chaldeans'; 52:13 - the king's; Ezekiel 17:15 - shall he escape; 19:14 - fire Verse 24ReciprocalJeremiah 37:17 - asked Verse 25Jeremiah 38:4-6, 38:27Reciprocal2 Samuel 14:18 - Hide not Verse 26Jeremiah 37:15, 37:20, 42:2; Esther 4:8Reciprocal1 Samuel 16:2 - I am come; Esther 7:3 - let my life; Jeremiah 38:6 - And in; 40:8 - Jonathan; Acts 16:24 - the inner Verse 27and he told1 Samuel 10:15, 10:16, 16:2-5; 2 Kings 6:19; Acts 23:6 left off speaking with himHeb. were silent from himReciprocalProverbs 11:13 - he; Jeremiah 38:25 - General Verse 28Jeremiah 38:13, 15:20, 15:21, 37:21, 39:14; Psalm 23:4; 2 Timothy 3:11, 4:17, 4:18Reciprocal2 Kings 24:19 - And he did; Jeremiah 29:26 - that thou; 33:1 - he; 36:5 - General; Lamentations 3:59 - thou hast; Habakkuk 3:1 - bonds