Jeremiah 32
32:1 Jeremiah, being imprisoned by Zedekiah for his prophecy,
32:6 buys Hanameel's field;
32:13 Baruch must preserve the evidences, as tokens of the people's return; v.16, Jeremiah in his prayer complains to God; v.26, God confirms the captivity for their sins; v.36, and promises a gracious return. Verse 1am 3415, bc 589in theJeremiah 39:1, 39:2, 52:4, 52:5; 2 Kings 25:1, 25:2; 2 Chronicles 36:11 the eighteenthJeremiah 25:1Reciprocal21:1 - when; 39:15 - while Verse 2thenThe siege had commenced on the tenth month of the preceding year, and continued a year after, ending in the fifth month of the following year; consequently the siege must have lasted eighteen months and twenty-seven days. See note on 2 Kings 25:18.JeremiahJeremiah 32:3, 32:8, 33:1, 36:5, 37:21, 38:6, 39:13-15; Matthew 5:12 in theNehemiah 3:25Reciprocal1 Kings 8:37 - in the land famine; Nehemiah 12:39 - the prison; Jeremiah 34:1 - when; 37:4 - for; 39:15 - while; Habakkuk 3:1 - bonds Verse 3ZedekiahJeremiah 2:30, 5:3; 2 Kings 6:31, 6:32; 2 Chronicles 28:22 WhereforeJeremiah 26:8, 26:9, 38:4; Exodus 5:4; Amos 7:13; Luke 20:2; Acts 6:12-14 BeholdJeremiah 32:28, 32:29, 21:4-7, 27:8, 34:2, 34:3, 37:6-10, 38:8Reciprocal2 Chronicles 36:16 - misused; Jeremiah 20:5 - I will deliver; 32:24 - the city is; 32:36 - It; 33:1 - he; 36:29 - Why; 37:4 - for; 37:17 - thou shalt; 38:3 - General; 38:18 - then; Habakkuk 3:1 - bonds Verse 4Jeremiah 37:17, 38:18, 38:23, 39:4-7, 52:8-11; 2 Kings 25:4-7; Ezekiel 12:12, 12:13; 17:13-21, 21:25, 21:26Reciprocal2 Kings 25:7 - and put out; Jeremiah 25:35 - the shepherds; 34:3 - And thou; 39:5 - Chaldeans'; 39:7 - he put; 52:9 - they took; Ezekiel 17:15 - shall he escape; 17:16 - even Verse 5untilJeremiah 27:22, 34:4, 34:5 though2:37, 21:4, 21:5, 33:5, 37:10; Numbers 14:41; 2 Chronicles 13:12, 24:20; Proverbs 21:30; Ezekiel 17:9, 17:10, 17:15Reciprocal2 Kings 25:7 - and put out; Jeremiah 39:5 - Chaldeans'; 39:7 - he put; 52:9 - they took; Ezekiel 17:16 - even; 38:8 - thou shalt be Verse 6Reciprocal2 Samuel 24:21 - To buy; Jeremiah 32:44 - buy Verse 7Behold1 Kings 14:5; Mark 11:2-6, 14:13-16 AnathothJeremiah 1:1, 11:21; Joshua 21:18, 21:19 forLeviticus 25:23, 25:34, 25:49; Numbers 35:2; Ruth 4:4-9ReciprocalGenesis 23:11 - in the; 23:17 - made sure; Leviticus 25:25 - General; Esther 2:7 - his uncle's; Jeremiah 32:8 - Anathoth; Ezekiel 7:12 - let; Ephesians 1:14 - the redemption Verse 8courtJeremiah 32:2, 33:1 Anathoth32:7; 1 Kings 2:26; 1 Chronicles 6:60 Then I1 Samuel 9:16, 9:17, 10:3-7; 1 Kings 22:25; Zechariah 11:11; John 4:53; Acts 10:17-28 that thisThat it was by His appointment that I was to make this purchase; the whole of which was designed as a symbolical act, to shew the people, that although Judah and Jerusalem should be desolated, and the inhabitants carried captive to Babylon, yet there should be a restoration, when lands and possessions should be again enjoyed by their legal owners, in the same manner as formerly. During the famine that prevailed in the city, Hanameel probably wanted money to purchase bread, and his field would not be thought of much value in such circumstances, which may account for the stipulated sum being so very small; for at 2s. 6d. the shekel, it would only amount to about 2. 2s. 6d.ReciprocalLeviticus 25:25 - General; Numbers 27:11 - kinsman; 1 Chronicles 21:23 - Take it; Isaiah 10:30 - Anathoth; Jeremiah 32:25 - thou; 37:21 - into the; Ezekiel 7:12 - let; 12:7 - I did so; Ephesians 1:14 - the redemption; Habakkuk 3:1 - bonds Verse 9weighedGenesis 23:15, 23:16; 1 Kings 20:39; Esther 3:9; Isaiah 55:2 *marg.seventeen shekels of silveror, seven shekels, and ten pieces of silver, Genesis 37:28; Hosea 3:2; Zechariah 11:12, 11:13

Verse 10IJeremiah 32:12, 32:44; Isaiah 44:5 subscribed the evidenceHeb. wrote in the book, Joshua 18:9; Isaiah 30:8 and sealedDeuteronomy 32:34; Job 14:17; Song of Songs 8:6; Daniel 8:26; John 3:33, 6:27; 2 Corinthians 1:22; Ephesians 1:13, 4:30; Revelation 7:2, 9:4 and tookJeremiah 32:12, 32:25, 32:44; Ruth 4:9-11; Isaiah 8:1, 8:2ReciprocalGenesis 23:20 - were; Ruth 4:4 - before the inhabitants; Jeremiah 32:14 - Take; Daniel 9:15 - and hast Verse 11accordingLuke 2:27; Acts 26:3; 1 Corinthians 11:16ReciprocalGenesis 23:20 - were Verse 12BaruchJeremiah 32:16, 36:4, 36:5, 36:16-19, 36:26, 43:3-6, 45:1-5 Neriah51:59 and in2 Corinthians 8:21ReciprocalGenesis 23:18 - all; Jeremiah 32:10 - I Verse 14TakeJeremiah 32:10-12Reciprocal19:1 - Go Verse 15HousesJeremiah 32:37, 32:43, 32:44, 30:18, 31:5, 31:12, 31:24, 33:12, 33:13; Amos 9:14, 9:15; Zechariah 3:10ReciprocalLeviticus 25:28 - he shall; Ezekiel 28:26 - build; 36:12 - they shall; Hosea 2:15 - I will Verse 16I PrayedJeremiah 12:1; Genesis 32:9-12; 2 Samuel 7:18-25; Ezekiel 36:35-37; Philippians 4:6, 4:7ReciprocalJeremiah 32:12 - Baruch; 45:1 - Baruch; Romans 4:20 - staggered Verse 17AhJeremiah 1:6, 4:10, 14:13; Ezekiel 9:8, 11:13 thouJeremiah 10:11, 10:12, 27:5, 51:15, 51:19; Genesis 1:1-31; Exodus 20:11; 2 Kings 19:15; Nehemiah 9:6; Psalm 102:25, 136:5-9, 146:5, 146:6; Isaiah 40:26-28, 42:5, 44:24, 45:12; 48:12, 48:13; Zechariah 12:1; John 1:1-3; Acts 7:49, 7:50, 14:15, 17:24; Colossians 1:15, 1:16; Habakkuk 1:2, 1:3, 1:10-12; Revelation 4:11 thereJeremiah 32:27; Genesis 18:14; Job 42:2; Luke 1:37, 18:27, to hard for thee, or, hid from thee, Isaiah 46:9, 46:10; Daniel 2:22; Acts 15:18; Ephesians 3:9-11ReciprocalGenesis 17:1 - Almighty; 1 Kings 8:42 - thy strong hand; 2 Kings 3:18 - And this; Psalm 89:8 - a strong; 104:1 - art very great; 111:2 - works; 124:8 - General; 147:5 - Great; 150:2 - according; Isaiah 25:1 - thy counsels; 59:1 - the Lord's; Jeremiah 21:5 - with an; Daniel 6:20 - able; 9:4 - the great; Zechariah 8:6 - should; Matthew 22:29 - nor; Mark 10:27 - for; 12:24 - neither; Acts 4:24 - Lord; Romans 4:21 - he was able; Ephesians 3:20 - able Verse 18showestExodus 20:5, 20:6, 34:7; Numbers 14:18; Deuteronomy 5:9, 5:10, 7:9, 7:10 recompensestJoshua 7:24-26; 2 Samuel 21:1-9; 1 Kings 14:9, 14:10, 16:1-3, 21:21-24; 2 Kings 9:26; Matthew 23:32-36, 27:25 the GreatGenesis 49:24; Deuteronomy 7:21, 10:17; Nehemiah 1:5; Psalm 50:1, 145:3-6; Isaiah 9:6, 10:21; 57:15; Habakkuk 1:12 the LordJeremiah 10:16, 31:35ReciprocalDeuteronomy 3:24 - thy greatness; Psalm 79:12 - render; 103:8 - merciful; Jeremiah 10:6 - thou; 33:2 - the Lord; Daniel 2:45 - the great Verse 19GreatIsaiah 9:6, 28:29, 40:13, 46:10, 46:11; Romans 11:33, 11:34; Ephesians 1:11 workHeb. doing, Exodus 15:11; Daniel 4:35 forJeremiah 16:17, 23:24; 2 Chronicles 16:9; Job 34:21; Psalm 33:13-15, 34:15; Proverbs 5:21; Habakkuk 3:1 to giveJeremiah 17:10; 1 Kings 8:32; Psalm 62:12; Ecclesiastes 12:14; Matthew 16:27; John 5:29; Romans 2:6-10; 2 Corinthians 5:10; Revelation 2:23, 22:12Reciprocal1 Kings 8:39 - give to every man; Job 14:16 - thou numberest; 31:4 - General; 34:11 - the work; 36:5 - mighty; Psalm 33:15 - considereth; 50:1 - mighty; Proverbs 15:3 - General; 24:12 - and shall; Jeremiah 5:3 - are not thine; 21:14 - according; Daniel 2:20 - for wisdom; 2:45 - the great; 6:27 - and he; Hosea 7:2 - are before; Micah 7:13 - for; Galatians 6:5 - General; 1 Thessalonians 2:4 - but God; Revelation 20:12 - according Verse 20hast setExodus 7:3, 10:2; Deuteronomy 4:34, 6:22, 7:19; Nehemiah 9:10; Psalm 78:43-51, 105:27-36; 135:9; Acts 7:36 and hastExodus 9:16; 2 Samuel 7:23; 1 Chronicles 17:21; Nehemiah 9:10; Isaiah 63:12; Daniel 9:15ReciprocalExodus 3:20 - smite; Deuteronomy 6:21 - General; 10:21 - that hath; 11:3 - General; Psalm 28:5 - not build; Daniel 6:27 - and he; Amos 2:10 - I brought; Matthew 9:33 - It; Acts 13:17 - and with Verse 21broughtExodus 6:6, 13:14; Psalm 105:37, 105:43, 106:8-11 with a strongExodus 6:1, 13:9; Deuteronomy 26:8; 1 Kings 8:42; Psalm 89:8-10, 136:11, 136:12ReciprocalExodus 3:20 - smite; 7:3 - multiply; 34:10 - a terrible; Deuteronomy 6:21 - General; 7:19 - great; 10:21 - that hath; 11:3 - General; 2 Kings 17:36 - a stretched; Psalm 28:5 - not build; 78:42 - remembered; 105:27 - They; 135:9 - sent tokens; Amos 2:10 - I brought; Micah 6:4 - I brought; Acts 13:17 - and with Verse 22whichGenesis 13:15, 15:18-21, 17:7, 17:8, 24:7, 28:13-15, 35:11, 35:12, 50:24; Exodus 13:5; Numbers 14:16, 14:30; Deuteronomy 1:8, 1:35, 6:10, 6:18, 6:23, 7:13, 8:1; Joshua 1:6, 21:43; Nehemiah 9:15; Psalm 105:9-11 a landJeremiah 11:5; Exodus 3:8, 3:17, 13:5, 33:1-3; Deuteronomy 26:9-11; Ezekiel 20:6, 20:15ReciprocalGenesis 22:17 - thy seed; Numbers 13:27 - General; Deuteronomy 27:3 - a land Verse 23possessedNehemiah 9:15, 9:22-25; Psalm 44:2, 44:3, 78:54, 78:55, 105:44, 105:45 butJeremiah 7:23, 7:24, 11:7, 11:8; Judges 2:11-13, 10:6-18; Ezra 9:7; Nehemiah 9:26-30; Ezekiel 20:8, 20:18, 20:21; Daniel 9:4-6, 9:10-14; Zechariah 1:2-4 they haveLuke 17:10; John 15:14; Galatians 3:10; James 2:10 thereforeLeviticus 26:14-46; Deuteronomy 28:15-68; Joshua 23:16; Ezra 9:7; Lamentations 1:8, 1:18, 5:16, 5:17; Daniel 9:11, 9:12

Verse 24mountsor, engines of shot, Jeremiah 33:4; Ezekiel 21:22
The mounts were huge terraces raised up to plant their engines on; and so formed as to be capable of being moved forwards towards the city. See note on 2 Samuel 20:15.the city isJeremiah 32:3, 32:25, 32:36, 21:4-7, 37:6-10 because14:12-15, 15:1-3, 16:4, 24:10, 52:6; Lamentations 2:21, 2:22, 4:3-10; Ezekiel 14:21 whatDeuteronomy 4:26, 31:16, 31:17, 32:24, 32:25; Joshua 23:15, 23:16; Zechariah 1:6; Matthew 24:35Reciprocal2 Kings 6:25 - a great famine; 25:1 - pitched; Isaiah 9:9 - And all; Jeremiah 21:2 - for; 21:6 - they; 32:28 - Behold; 34:17 - to the sword; 52:4 - pitched; Ezekiel 7:12 - let; 26:8 - cast a mount; Habakkuk 1:10 - they shall deride; John 13:7 - What
Verse 25thouJeremiah 32:8-15 foror, though, 32:24; Psalm 77:19, 97:2; John 13:7; Romans 11:33, 11:34ReciprocalRuth 4:4 - Buy it; Jeremiah 32:10 - and took; Ezekiel 7:12 - let Verse 27GodNumbers 16:22, 27:16; Psalm 65:2; Isaiah 64:8; Luke 3:6; John 17:2; Romans 3:29, 3:30 isJeremiah 32:17; Matthew 19:26Reciprocal2 Kings 3:18 - And this; Isaiah 40:5 - all flesh; Jeremiah 20:4 - I will give; Zechariah 8:6 - should; Malachi 3:6 - I am; Mark 10:27 - for; 14:36 - all; Luke 1:37 - with; Romans 4:21 - he was able; Ephesians 3:20 - able Verse 28BeholdJeremiah 32:3, 32:24, 32:36, 19:7-12, 20:5ReciprocalLeviticus 20:5 - against his; 2 Kings 24:2 - according; 25:1 - Nebuchadnezzar; Isaiah 29:2 - I will; Jeremiah 21:10 - it shall; 23:39 - and I; 24:8 - So will; 34:2 - Behold; 36:29 - The king; 39:16 - Behold; Ezekiel 12:19 - that her Verse 29and setJeremiah 17:27, 21:10, 27:8-10, 37:7-10, 39:8, 52:13; 2 Kings 25:9; 2 Chronicles 36:19; Isaiah 64:10, 64:11; Lamentations 4:11; Matthew 22:7 uponJeremiah 7:18, 19:13, 44:17-19, 44:25Reciprocal1 Kings 13:1 - burn; Nehemiah 8:16 - the roof; Isaiah 57:6 - to them; Jeremiah 7:9 - and burn; 19:4 - burned; 24:8 - So will; 32:3 - Behold; 34:2 - Behold; 34:22 - shall fight; 37:8 - General; 39:16 - Behold; Lamentations 2:7 - given up; Ezekiel 24:11 - set it; Zephaniah 1:5 - worship; Luke 8:15 - in an Verse 30childrenJeremiah 2:7, 3:25, 7:22-26; Deuteronomy 9:7-12, 9:22-24; 2 Kings 17:9-20; Nehemiah 9:16-37; Psalm 106:6, 106:7; Isaiah 63:10; Ezekiel 16:15-22, 20:8, 20:28, 23:43, 23:44; Acts 7:51-53 fromJeremiah 22:21; Genesis 8:21; Ezekiel 23:3Reciprocal2 Chronicles 32:19 - the work; Isaiah 65:3 - A people; Jeremiah 7:25 - the day; 25:7 - that ye; 30:15 - for the; 31:19 - I did; 34:14 - but; 36:2 - against Israel; Zechariah 8:13 - O house Verse 31this cityJeremiah 5:9-11, 6:6, 6:7, 23:14, 23:15; 1 Kings 11:7, 11:8; 2 Kings 21:4-7, 21:16, 22:16, 22:17; 23:15; Ezekiel 22:2-22; Matthew 23:37; Luke 13:33, 13:34 a provocation of mine angerHeb. for my angerthat IJeremiah 27:10; 2 Kings 23:27, 24:3, 24:4; Lamentations 1:8ReciprocalJeremiah 7:25 - the day; 44:23 - ye have burned; Ezekiel 4:1 - even Verse 32theyJeremiah 2:26; Ezra 9:7; Nehemiah 9:32-34; Isaiah 1:4-6, 1:23, 9:14, 9:15; Ezekiel 22:6, 22:25-29; Daniel 9:6, 9:8; Micah 3:1-5, 3:9-12; Zephaniah 3:1-4ReciprocalJeremiah 6:13 - and; 8:10 - from the prophet Verse 33turnedJeremiah 2:27, 7:24, 18:17; Ezekiel 8:16; Hosea 11:2; Zechariah 7:11 backHeb. neckrisingJeremiah 7:13, 25:3, 25:4, 26:5, 35:15, 44:4; 2 Chronicles 36:15, 36:16; John 8:2ReciprocalJeremiah 6:8 - Be thou; 7:28 - correction; 17:23 - nor; 29:19 - General; 35:13 - Will; 35:14 - rising; 35:17 - because; Ezekiel 23:35 - Because; Daniel 9:6 - have we; Zephaniah 3:2 - correction; Mark 10:1 - he taught Verse 34Jeremiah 7:30, 23:11; 2 Kings 21:4-7, 23:6; 2 Chronicles 33:4-7, 33:15; Ezekiel 8:5-16Reciprocal2 Kings 21:7 - In this house; 2 Chronicles 33:5 - in the two; Jeremiah 7:10 - which is called; Ezekiel 5:11 - thou hast; 8:3 - the image; 8:6 - even Verse 35they builtJeremiah 7:31, 19:5, 19:6; 2 Kings 23:10; 2 Chronicles 28:2, 28:3, 33:6; Psalm 106:37, 106:38; Isaiah 57:5; Ezekiel 16:20, 16:21, 23:37 whichJeremiah 7:31; Leviticus 18:21, 20:2-5; Deuteronomy 18:10; 1 Kings 11:33 to causeExodus 32:21; Deuteronomy 24:4; 1 Kings 14:16, 15:26, 15:30, 16:19, 21:22; 2 Kings 3:3, 21:11; 23:15; 2 Chronicles 33:9ReciprocalLeviticus 10:1 - which; Deuteronomy 12:31 - even their sons; 17:3 - which; Joshua 18:16 - the valley of the son; 2 Kings 16:3 - made his son; 2 Chronicles 33:5 - in the two; Nehemiah 11:30 - the valley; Jeremiah 11:13 - up altars; 19:2 - the valley; Ezekiel 20:26 - in that Verse 36nowJeremiah 16:12-15; Isaiah 43:24, 43:25, 57:17, 57:18; Ezekiel 36:31, 36:32; Hosea 2:14; Romans 5:20; Ephesians 2:3-5 ItJeremiah 32:3, 32:24, 32:28Reciprocal8:3 - in all; 31:40 - the whole; 32:43 - General; 33:10 - which ye; 34:17 - to the sword Verse 37I will gather"This promise," says Jerome, "taken in its full extent was not made good to those that returned from captivity; because they were frequently infested with wars, as well by the kings of Syria and Egypt as by the rest of their neighbours; and they were finally subdued and destroyed by the Romans." God's word cannot fail; therefore there remaineth yet a rest for the ancient people of God. Jeremiah 23:3, 23:8, 29:14, 30:18, 31:10, 33:7; Deuteronomy 30:3-6; Psalm 106:47; Isaiah 11:11-16; Ezekiel 11:17, 34:12-14, 36:24, 37:21-25, 39:25-29; Hosea 1:11, 3:5; Amos 9:14, 9:15; Obadiah 1:17-21; Zephaniah 3:20 I will causeJeremiah 23:6, 33:16; Ezekiel 34:25-28; Joel 3:20; Zechariah 2:4, 2:5, 3:10, 14:11ReciprocalNumbers 15:41 - General; Deuteronomy 12:10 - ye dwell; 1 Kings 8:34 - forgive the sin; Nehemiah 1:9 - yet will I; Psalm 23:3 - restoreth; 44:11 - scattered; 147:2 - he; Isaiah 14:1 - set; 26:15 - thou hadst; Jeremiah 8:3 - in all; 12:14 - and pluck; 16:15 - that brought; 24:6 - and I will bring; 30:3 - that I; 32:15 - Houses; 32:44 - for I; 46:27 - I will save; 50:19 - bring; Ezekiel 20:41 - I bring; 28:25 - When; 34:13 - I will bring; 38:8 - into the land; Joel 3:7 - I will; Matthew 18:13 - he rejoiceth; Luke 1:71 - we; Acts 3:19 - when; Romans 11:26 - all Verse 38Jeremiah 24:7, 30:22, 31:1, 31:33; Genesis 17:7; Deuteronomy 26:17-19; Psalm 144:15; Ezekiel 11:19, 11:20; 36:28, 37:27, 39:22, 39:28; Zechariah 13:9; Habakkuk 3:1, 3:1; Revelation 21:7ReciprocalExodus 3:6 - I am; 15:2 - my God; Leviticus 25:38 - and to be; 26:12 - will be; Deuteronomy 5:3 - General; 29:13 - he may be; 2 Samuel 7:24 - art become; Psalm 86:11 - unite; 115:14 - you; Isaiah 51:16 - Thou art; 59:21 - this; 65:23 - for; Jeremiah 11:4 - ye be; 33:14 - General; Ezekiel 14:11 - that they; 16:60 - I will establish; 34:24 - I the Lord will; 37:23 - they be; Hosea 2:1 - Ammi; 2:19 - for; 2:23 - Thou art my God; Zechariah 8:8 - they shall be my; Malachi 3:17 - they shall; John 20:17 - your God; Acts 3:26 - in; 27:23 - whose; Romans 11:27 - this; 2 Corinthians 6:16 - I will be; Galatians 4:7 - heir; Ephesians 4:13 - we all; Philippians 2:13 - God; 1 John 2:19 - for; Revelation 21:3 - they shall Verse 39I2 Chronicles 30:12; Isaiah 52:8; Ezekiel 11:19, 11:20, 36:26, 37:22; John 17:21; Acts 4:32; 2 Corinthians 13:11; Philippians 2:1, 2:2 one wayJeremiah 6:16; Isaiah 35:8; John 14:6; Habakkuk 3:1 they mayJeremiah 32:40; Genesis 22:12; Psalm 112:1; Proverbs 14:26, 14:27, 23:17; Acts 9:31 for everHeb. all daysfor theGenesis 17:7, 18:19; Deuteronomy 5:29, 11:18-21; Psalm 115:13-15, 128:6; Ezekiel 37:25; Acts 2:39, 3:26, 13:33; Romans 11:16; 1 Corinthians 7:14ReciprocalGenesis 17:18 - O that; 19:12 - Hast; Exodus 20:6 - showing; Leviticus 20:5 - against his; Deuteronomy 6:24 - for our good; 10:12 - fear; 10:13 - for thy; 29:15 - also with him; 30:6 - will circumcise; 30:8 - General; 30:19 - that both thou; 1 Kings 8:40 - fear thee; 1 Chronicles 12:17 - knit; 29:18 - keep; 2 Chronicles 5:13 - as one; Job 37:24 - fear; Psalm 25:13 - his seed; 37:26 - his seed; 51:10 - clean; 86:11 - unite; 94:14 - For; 112:2 - General; 115:14 - you; 119:36 - Incline; 119:38 - who is devoted; 133:1 - how good; 138:8 - perfect; Proverbs 11:21 - the seed; 16:1 - preparations; 20:7 - his children; Isaiah 42:16 - and not; 65:23 - for; Jeremiah 3:19 - shalt not; 24:7 - I will give; 30:20 - children; Lamentations 5:21 - Turn; Ezekiel 18:31 - make; 37:23 - they be; 37:24 - they shall; Zechariah 8:8 - they shall be my; 10:7 - yea; Malachi 3:17 - they shall; Matthew 19:13 - brought; Mark 10:14 - Suffer; Luke 1:75 - General; 18:16 - Suffer; John 3:10 - and knowest; Acts 2:1 - they; 11:14 - all; 16:31 - and thy; Romans 12:16 - of the; 15:5 - grant; 1 Corinthians 1:10 - that ye; Ephesians 2:10 - we are; 4:13 - we all; Philippians 1:27 - in one Verse 40I will makeJeremiah 31:31-33, 50:5; Genesis 17:7-13; 2 Samuel 23:4; Isaiah 24:5, 55:3, 61:8; Luke 1:72-75; Galatians 3:14-17; Habakkuk 3:1-6:18, 3:1, 3:1 that IEzekiel 39:29; John 10:27-30; Romans 8:28-39 from themHeb. from after thembut IJeremiah 31:33; Ezekiel 36:26; Habakkuk 3:1; James 1:17; 1 Peter 1:5ReciprocalGenesis 9:16 - everlasting; 15:18 - made; 22:12 - now; Exodus 20:6 - showing; Deuteronomy 10:12 - fear; 30:8 - General; 33:3 - all his saints; Joshua 4:24 - ye might; 2 Samuel 23:5 - he hath made; 1 Kings 8:40 - fear thee; Nehemiah 2:12 - my God; Psalm 9:20 - Put; 27:9 - leave; 35:27 - which; 37:28 - forsaketh; 51:6 - in the hidden; 94:14 - For; 119:102 - departed; 138:8 - perfect; Proverbs 2:5 - the fear; 2:8 - and; 14:26 - his; 16:1 - preparations; 28:14 - Happy; Ecclesiastes 7:18 - for; Isaiah 35:8 - the wayfaring; 59:13 - departing; Jeremiah 3:19 - shalt not; 32:39 - they may; Lamentations 3:31 - General; 4:22 - he will no; 5:21 - Turn; Ezekiel 11:19 - I will give; 37:26 - I will make; Daniel 9:27 - confirm; Mark 10:14 - Suffer; Luke 1:75 - General; John 3:10 - and knowest; 10:28 - they; Acts 2:39 - the promise; 5:11 - General; 2 Corinthians 8:16 - thanks; Ephesians 2:10 - we are; Habakkuk 3:1 - covenant; 3:1 - I will put; Revelation 17:17 - put Verse 41IDeuteronomy 30:9; Isaiah 62:5, 65:19; Zephaniah 3:17 and IJeremiah 18:9, 24:6, 31:28; Amos 9:15 assuredlyHeb. in truth, or stability, Hosea 2:19, 2:20ReciprocalExodus 15:17 - plant; 31:17 - and was refreshed; Numbers 14:8 - delight; Deuteronomy 28:63 - rejoiced over; 2 Samuel 15:26 - General; 1 Chronicles 17:9 - plant; Esther 6:6 - whom the king; Psalm 35:27 - which; 37:28 - forsaketh; 104:31 - rejoice; 149:4 - taketh pleasure; Proverbs 2:5 - the fear; 2:8 - and; 23:15 - even mine; Song of Songs 2:6 - General; 3:11 - in the day of the; 7:8 - I will go; Isaiah 53:10 - the pleasure; 62:4 - Hephzibah; Ezekiel 37:25 - they shall dwell in; Micah 7:18 - he delighteth; Zechariah 8:8 - and they shall dwell; Luke 12:37 - that; 15:5 - rejoicing; John 15:11 - my Verse 42LikeJeremiah 31:28; Joshua 23:14, 23:15; Zechariah 8:14, 8:15; Matthew 24:35 soJeremiah 33:10, 33:11Reciprocal2 Chronicles 36:17 - he brought; 36:22 - that the word; Jeremiah 29:10 - I will; 46:28 - but I will not; Luke 15:5 - rejoicing Verse 43Jeremiah 32:36; Ezekiel 37:11-14ReciprocalJeremiah 32:15 - Houses; 33:12 - without; Lamentations 3:11 - he hath made; Ezekiel 14:13 - and will cut; 29:8 - cut; 36:33 - wastes; 38:12 - the desolate; Zechariah 1:17 - My cities; John 13:7 - What Verse 44buyJeremiah 32:6-15 in the land17:26 for I32:37, 33:7, 33:11, 33:26; Psalm 126:1-4
As an earnest of these promises, houses and lands shall again take a good price in Judah and Jerusalem; and though they now are almost valueless, there shall again be a sufficiency of purchasers. Trade shall revive, for they shall have money enough to buy land with; husbandry shall revive, for those that have money, shall covet to lay it out upon lands; laws shall again have their due course, for they shall subscribe evidences, and seal them.ReciprocalJeremiah 30:3 - that I; 32:10 - I; 32:15 - Houses; 33:12 - in all; Ezekiel 36:12 - they shall; 38:12 - the desolate; Obadiah 1:19 - the south; 1:20 - General; Zechariah 1:17 - My cities; 7:7 - the south