Jeremiah 28
28:1 Hananiah prophesies falsely the return of the vessels, and of Jeconiah;
28:5 Jeremiah, wishing it to be true, shews that the event will declare the true prophets;
28:10 Hananiah breaks Jeremiah's yoke;
28:12 Jeremiah tells of an iron yoke; v.15, and foretells Hananiah's death. Verse 1the sameJeremiah 27:1 Hananiah28:11, 36:12, 37:13 the prophet23:28; Isaiah 9:15; Zechariah 13:2-4ReciprocalDeuteronomy 18:22 - speaketh; 1 Kings 22:6 - Go up; 2 Chronicles 18:5 - Go up; 36:12 - before Jeremiah; Nehemiah 6:14 - on the prophetess; Jeremiah 1:3 - unto the end; 27:12 - Zedekiah; 28:5 - the house; 29:15 - General; 37:19 - your; Ezekiel 13:16 - see visions; Hosea 7:3 - General; Acts 13:8 - withstood; Romans 16:18 - by; 2 Timothy 3:8 - resist Verse 2IJeremiah 27:2-12; Ezekiel 13:5-16; Micah 3:11ReciprocalGenesis 3:5 - God; 1 Samuel 18:10 - and he prophesied; 1 Kings 22:11 - Thus saith; 2 Chronicles 18:10 - Thus; Proverbs 27:14 - He that; Jeremiah 14:13 - behold; 28:4 - I will break; 28:10 - took; 28:11 - Even; Ezekiel 13:6 - saying; 22:28 - Thus saith the Lord; Micah 2:11 - a man Verse 3two full yearsHeb. two years of days, Genesis 47:9, 47:28; Psalm 90:10 all theJeremiah 27:16-22 that2 Kings 24:13; 2 Chronicles 36:10; Daniel 1:2ReciprocalGenesis 3:5 - God; 1 Kings 22:11 - Thus saith; 2 Chronicles 4:19 - all the vessels; 18:10 - Thus; 36:7 - the vessels; Ezra 1:7 - Nebuchadnezzar; Jeremiah 5:13 - the prophets; 6:14 - Peace; 8:11 - they; 23:17 - Ye; 28:6 - the Lord perform; 28:16 - this year; Micah 2:11 - a man Verse 4I will bringThis was doubtless grateful news to the people, who looked upon Zedekiah only as Nebuchadnezzar's deputy. Hananiah seems to have been more desirous of popular than regal favour; for this prediction could not be altogether agreeable to Zedekiah. But he was evidently a weak as well as a wicked prince, and very generally despised.JeconiahJeremiah 22:24, 22:28, Coniah, 24:1, 52:31-34; 2 Kings 25:27-30, JehoiachincaptivesHeb. captivity, Jeremiah 24:5 *marg.I will break28:2, 28:10, 2:20, 30:8; Genesis 27:40; Isaiah 9:4; Nahum 1:13Reciprocal2 Kings 24:13 - and cut; Jeremiah 5:12 - neither; 29:1 - the elders; 29:2 - Jeconiah; Zechariah 10:2 - they comfort Verse 5the houseJeremiah 28:1, 7:2, 19:14, 26:2

Verse 6AmenNumbers 5:22; Deuteronomy 27:15-26; 1 Kings 1:36; 1 Chronicles 16:36; Psalm 41:13, 72:19, 89:52; 106:48; Matthew 6:13, 28:20; 1 Corinthians 14:16; 2 Corinthians 1:20; Revelation 1:18, 3:14, 5:14; 19:4, 22:20, 22:20 the Lord performJeremiah 28:3, 11:5, 17:16, 18:20Reciprocal1 Kings 18:29 - prophesied; 2 Kings 24:13 - and cut; Nehemiah 8:6 - Amen; Romans 9:5 - Amen; 1 Corinthians 4:8 - ye did Verse 71 Kings 22:28

Verse 8The prophetsAs Hosea, Joel, Amos, Isaiah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, and others, all of whom had denounced similar evils against a corrupt people. So that they who opposed Jeremiah also opposed those who preceded him; and it was altogether unprecedented for a true prophet to promise deliverance to a guilty nation, without calling them to repentance.prophesiedLeviticus 26:14-46; Deuteronomy 4:26, 4:27, 28:15-68, 29:18-28, 31:16, 31:17, 32:15-44; 1 Samuel 2:27-32, 3:11-14; 1 Kings 14:7-15, 17:1, 21:18-24, 22:8; Isaiah 5:1-8; 6:9-12, 13:18, 24:1-23; Joel 1:2-20, 3:1-11; Micah 3:8-12; Nahum 1:1-3:19; Amos 1:2Reciprocal1 Kings 22:28 - If thou return; Jeremiah 20:8 - I cried; 36:29 - The king Verse 9whichJeremiah 4:10, 6:14, 8:11, 14:13; Ezekiel 13:10, 13:16 thenDeuteronomy 18:22; Ezekiel 13:10-16ReciprocalDeuteronomy 13:2 - General; 1 Kings 22:28 - If thou return; Isaiah 44:25 - frustrateth; Ezekiel 33:33 - when; Zechariah 2:9 - and ye; Malachi 2:4 - ye Verse 10tookJeremiah 28:2, 28:4, 27:2, 36:23, 36:24; 1 Kings 22:11, 22:24, 22:25; Malachi 3:13Reciprocal2 Chronicles 18:10 - horns of iron; Nehemiah 6:14 - on the prophetess; Jeremiah 30:8 - I; 37:19 - your; Amos 7:11 - thus; Acts 13:8 - withstood Verse 11ThusJeremiah 23:17, 29:9; 1 Kings 13:18, 22:6, 22:11, 22:12; 2 Chronicles 18:10, 18:22, 18:23; Proverbs 14:7; Ezekiel 13:7 EvenJeremiah 28:2-4, 27:2-12Reciprocal1 Samuel 18:10 - and he prophesied; 1 Kings 22:24 - Which way; Jeremiah 28:1 - Hananiah; 28:15 - The Lord; Amos 7:11 - thus; Acts 13:8 - withstood Verse 12Jeremiah 1:2, 29:30; 2 Kings 20:4; 1 Chronicles 17:3; Daniel 9:2ReciprocalEzekiel 13:2 - prophesy against; Amos 7:17 - Thy wife Verse 13Thou hastJeremiah 27:15; Psalm 149:8; Lamentations 2:14 thou shaltBy encouraging an unavailing resistance to Nebuchadnezzar.ReciprocalDeuteronomy 28:48 - a yoke; 1 Kings 12:11 - I will add; 2 Chronicles 10:11 - I will put; Jeremiah 14:14 - The prophets; 30:8 - I; 36:28 - General Verse 14I have putJeremiah 27:4, 27:7, 40:4; Deuteronomy 4:20, 28:48; Isaiah 14:4-6 that theyJeremiah 25:9-26; Revelation 17:12, 17:13 and IJeremiah 27:6, 27:7; Daniel 2:38Reciprocal1 Kings 12:11 - I will add; 2 Chronicles 10:11 - I will put; Jeremiah 36:28 - General; 37:13 - Thou; Lamentations 1:14 - yoke; 5:5 - Our necks are under persecution; Daniel 2:37 - the God Verse 15The LordThis was a bold speech, in the presence of those priests and people who were prejudiced in favour of the false prophets, who prophesied to them smooth things. Jeremiah 28:11, 14:14, 14:15, 23:21, 27:15, 29:23, 29:31, 29:32; 1 Kings 22:23; Ezekiel 13:2, 13:3, 13:22; 22:28; Lamentations 2:14; Zechariah 13:3ReciprocalDeuteronomy 13:5 - prophet; 18:20 - in the name; 18:22 - presumptuously; 29:19 - that he bless; 1 Kings 13:18 - But; Nehemiah 6:12 - God had; 6:14 - on the prophetess; Proverbs 19:9 - and; Isaiah 5:18 - draw; 9:15 - the prophet; 28:15 - we have made; Jeremiah 5:12 - have belied; 5:14 - I will make; 7:4 - Trust; 20:6 - Pashur; 23:32 - to err; 27:14 - they; 29:8 - Let; Ezekiel 11:13 - when; 13:6 - saying; 13:9 - mine; Amos 2:4 - and their; 7:16 - hear; 8:4 - Hear; Micah 2:11 - a man; 3:5 - concerning; Zechariah 10:2 - they comfort; Malachi 2:9 - before; Matthew 7:15 - false; John 10:1 - He; Romans 16:18 - by; 2 Corinthians 11:15 - whose; 2 Timothy 3:9 - their; 2 Peter 2:1 - there were Verse 16I willGenesis 7:4; Exodus 32:12; Deuteronomy 6:15; 1 Kings 13:34; Amos 9:8 this yearJeremiah 28:3, 20:6; Numbers 14:37, 16:28-35, 29:32; Deuteronomy 13:5-11 becauseEzekiel 13:11, 13:12; Acts 13:8-11 rebellionHeb. revolt, Jeremiah 29:32; Deuteronomy 13:5 *marg.ReciprocalGenesis 39:9 - sin; Exodus 9:5 - a set time; 1 Samuel 15:23 - rebellion; 28:19 - and to morrow; 1 Kings 13:5 - General; 13:18 - But; 22:25 - Behold; 2 Kings 2:24 - cursed them; 2 Chronicles 6:23 - requiting; 18:24 - Behold; Isaiah 5:18 - draw; 9:15 - the prophet; Jeremiah 27:10 - they; 27:15 - ye; Ezekiel 13:22 - and strengthened; Amos 2:4 - and their; 7:17 - Thy wife; Malachi 2:9 - before; James 3:6 - a world Verse 17HananiahIsaiah 44:25, 44:26; Zechariah 1:6 the seventh monthThe prophecy was delivered in the fifth month - Jeremiah 29:1
and Hananiah died in the seventh month; exactly two months after he had delivered his false prophecy, which he declared, in the name of God, would be fulfilled in two years. Here then the true prophet was demonstrated, and the false prophet detected. The death of Hananiah, thus predicted, was God's seal to the words of His prophet, and must have gained his other predictions great credit among the people; though it is evident that it did not induce them to forsake their sins and return to the God of Israel.ReciprocalExodus 9:5 - a set time; Numbers 14:37 - died; 1 Samuel 28:19 - and to morrow; 1 Kings 13:5 - General; 22:25 - Behold; 2 Chronicles 6:23 - requiting; 18:24 - Behold; Jeremiah 27:15 - ye