Jeremiah 20
20:1 Pashur, smiting Jeremiah, receives a new name, and a fearful doom;
20:7 Jeremiah complains of contempt;
20:10 of treachery;
20:14 and of his birth. Verse 1Immer1 Chronicles 24:14; Ezra 2:37, 2:38; Nehemiah 7:40, 7:41 chief2 Kings 25:18; 2 Chronicles 35:8; Acts 4:1, 5:24ReciprocalJeremiah 1:19 - And they; 11:21 - thou; 18:21 - deliver; 26:8 - the priests; 29:26 - officers; 37:15 - the princes; Amos 7:10 - the priest; Acts 4:17 - let Verse 2smoteJeremiah 1:19, 19:14, 19:15, 26:8, 29:26, 36:26, 37:15, 37:16, 38:6; 1 Kings 22:27; 2 Chronicles 16:10, 24:21; Amos 7:10-13; Matthew 5:10-12, 21:35, 23:34-37; Acts 4:3; 5:18, 5:40, 7:52, 16:22-24; Habakkuk 3:1, 3:1; Revelation 2:10, 17:6 the stocksHammahpecheth from haphach "to overturn, subvert, distort," generally denotes an overthrow - Deuteronomy 29:22. Isaiah 1:7; 10:19
and seems to signify here a sort of stocks, by which the limbs were distorted into uneasy postures. So the Chaldee, keephtha and Jerome, nervus which he explains in his comment as "a kind of wooden fetter, into which the feet were thrust, vinculi lignei genus, cui pedes inseruntur Some learned men understand it as merely signifying a place of confinement, or house of correction; but the word is never used for any of the prisons into which the prophet was afterwards cast; and the punishment seems to have been public and the highJeremiah 37:13, 38:7; Zechariah 14:10Reciprocal1 Kings 13:4 - Lay hold; 2 Chronicles 18:23 - Zedekiah; 18:26 - Put; 27:3 - high gate; Job 33:11 - putteth; Proverbs 7:22 - the correction; Jeremiah 11:21 - thou; 36:5 - General; Matthew 26:67 - and others; Mark 12:3 - they; Luke 12:45 - to beat; 20:10 - beat; John 18:22 - struck; Acts 5:20 - stand; 16:24 - and made; 23:2 - to smite
Verse 3PashurActs 4:5-7, 16:30, 16:35-39 hathJeremiah 7:32, 19:2, 19:6; Genesis 17:5, 17:15, 32:28; Isaiah 8:3; Hosea 1:4-9 Magormissabibthis is, Fear round about, Jeremiah 20:10, 6:25, 46:5, 29:29; Psalm 31:13; Lamentations 2:22ReciprocalGenesis 4:12 - a fugitive; 2 Kings 7:6 - the Lord; 2 Chronicles 18:26 - Put; Job 18:11 - Terrors; 20:25 - terrors; Jeremiah 49:29 - Fear; Ezekiel 13:9 - mine; Acts 5:20 - stand Verse 4I will makeDeuteronomy 28:65-67; Job 18:11-21, 20:23-26; Psalm 73:19; Ezekiel 26:17-21; Matthew 27:4, 27:5 thineJeremiah 29:21, 39:6, 39:7; Deuteronomy 28:32-34; 1 Samuel 2:33; 2 Kings 25:7 I will giveJeremiah 19:15, 21:4-10, 25:9, 32:27-31ReciprocalGenesis 4:12 - a fugitive; Leviticus 26:16 - terror; 1 Kings 13:4 - his hand; 2 Kings 7:6 - the Lord; Job 20:25 - terrors; Psalm 31:13 - fear; Proverbs 28:1 - wicked; Jeremiah 6:25 - the sword; 20:6 - thy friends; 39:9 - carried; 46:5 - fear; 49:5 - I will; 49:29 - Fear Verse 5I will deliverJeremiah 3:24, 4:20, 12:12, 15:13, 24:8-10, 27:19-22, 32:3-5, 39:2, 39:8, 52:7-23; 2 Kings 20:17, 20:18, 24:12-16, 25:13-17; 2 Chronicles 36:10, 36:17-19; Lamentations 1:7, 1:10; 4:12; Ezekiel 22:25; Daniel 1:2 laboursThe word labours is here used for the produce of labour.Reciprocal2 Kings 24:13 - he carried; Isaiah 39:6 - that all; Jeremiah 32:28 - Behold; Ezekiel 24:10 - spice Verse 6PashurJeremiah 28:15-17, 29:21, 29:22, 29:32; Acts 13:8-11 thy friendsJeremiah 20:4, 5:31, 6:13-15, 8:10, 8:11, 14:14, 14:15, 23:14-17, 23:25, 23:26, 23:32; Isaiah 9:15; Lamentations 2:14; Ezekiel 13:4-16, 13:22, 13:23, 22:28; Micah 2:11; Zechariah 13:3; 2 Peter 2:1-3 thou hastLeviticus 26:17; Deuteronomy 28:25ReciprocalJeremiah 27:15 - ye; 28:16 - this year; Amos 7:17 - Thy wife Verse 7deceivedor, enticed, Jeremiah 1:6-8, 1:18, 1:19, 15:18, 17:16; Exodus 5:22, 5:23; Numbers 11:11-15 thou artJeremiah 20:9; Ezekiel 3:14; Micah 3:8; 1 Corinthians 9:6 I amJeremiah 15:10, 29:26; 2 Kings 2:23; Psalm 22:6, 22:7, 35:15, 35:16, 69:9-12; Lamentations 3:14; Hosea 9:7; Luke 16:14, 22:63, 22:64, 23:11, 23:35, 23:36; Acts 17:18, 17:32; 1 Corinthians 4:9-13; Habakkuk 3:1ReciprocalGenesis 19:14 - as one; 2 Chronicles 36:16 - mocked; Psalm 94:19 - General; 119:51 - proud; Isaiah 8:11 - with a strong hand; 28:22 - be ye; 29:21 - and lay; Jeremiah 17:15 - General; 20:8 - the word; 23:33 - What; 45:3 - Woe; Lamentations 3:59 - thou hast; Ezekiel 7:7 - the day; Amos 5:10 - hate; Jonah 1:3 - to flee; 4:2 - he prayed; Matthew 27:29 - platted; 1 Corinthians 9:16 - for; 2 Corinthians 7:8 - though I did Verse 8I criedJeremiah 4:19-22, 5:1, 5:6, 5:15-17, 6:6, 6:7, 7:9, 13:13, 13:14, 15:1-4, 15:13, 15:14, 17:27; 18:16, 18:17, 19:7-11, 28:8 the word20:7, 6:10; 2 Chronicles 36:16; Lamentations 3:61-63; Luke 11:45; Habakkuk 3:1, 3:1; 1 Peter 4:14ReciprocalNehemiah 2:19 - they; Job 19:7 - I cry; Psalm 44:10 - spoil; Jeremiah 5:13 - the prophets; 15:10 - a man; 15:15 - know; 15:17 - for; 17:15 - General; 23:33 - What; 26:8 - the priests; Ezekiel 8:17 - for; Luke 16:14 - derided; John 7:7 - because Verse 9I will1 Kings 19:3, 19:4; John 1:2, 1:3, 4:2, 4:3; Luke 9:62; Acts 15:37, 15:38 was inJeremiah 6:11; Job 32:18-20; Psalm 39:3; Ezekiel 3:14; Acts 4:20, 17:16, 18:5; 1 Corinthians 9:16, 9:17; 2 Corinthians 5:13-15ReciprocalGenesis 45:1 - could not; Exodus 4:13 - send; Job 4:2 - withhold himself from speaking; 13:19 - if I hold; 20:2 - my thoughts; Isaiah 8:11 - with a strong hand; Jeremiah 6:10 - the word; 15:6 - I am; 15:17 - for; 15:19 - return; 17:16 - I have; 20:7 - thou art; 23:29 - like as; Ezekiel 3:3 - and fill; Amos 3:8 - who can; Jonah 4:5 - Jonah; Micah 3:8 - I am; Luke 24:32 - Did; Acts 9:13 - Lord; 26:19 - I was not; 1 Corinthians 14:32 - General; 1 Thessalonians 3:1 - when Verse 10I heardPsalm 31:13, 57:4, 64:2-4; Matthew 26:59, 26:60 fearJeremiah 20:3 Report18:18; Nehemiah 6:6-13; Proverbs 10:18; Isaiah 29:21; Ezekiel 22:9; Luke 20:20; Acts 6:11-15, 24:1-9, 24:13 All my familiarsHeb. Every man of my peace, Job 19:19; Psalm 41:9, 55:13, 55:14; Luke 11:53, 11:54, 12:52, 12:53 we shall1 Kings 19:2, 21:20, 22:8, 22:27; Mark 6:19-28; Acts 5:33, 7:54, 23:12-15ReciprocalExodus 14:3 - They are entangled; 23:1 - shalt not; Nehemiah 4:8 - hinder it; 6:13 - that; Job 19:14 - familiar; Psalm 27:11 - mine enemies; 35:15 - adversity; 37:32 - watcheth; 41:6 - when; 56:6 - mark; 71:10 - lay wait for; Jeremiah 6:25 - the sword; 6:28 - walking; 9:6 - habitation; 11:19 - and I; 11:21 - that seek; 12:6 - thy brethren; 18:22 - and hid; 37:13 - Thou; 38:22 - Thy friends; Daniel 6:4 - sought; Obadiah 1:7 - men that were at peace with thee; Micah 7:6 - a man's; Matthew 10:36 - General; 22:15 - how; Mark 3:2 - General; Luke 6:7 - watched; 14:1 - they; 23:2 - forbidding; Acts 9:13 - Lord; 1 Corinthians 2:4 - not; 13:6 - Rejoiceth not; 2 Corinthians 7:5 - troubled; 2 Timothy 4:17 - the Lord; James 3:6 - a world Verse 11the LordJeremiah 1:8, 1:19, 15:20; Isaiah 41:10, 41:14; Romans 8:31; 2 Timothy 4:17 a mightyPsalm 47:2, 65:5, 66:5 myJeremiah 17:18; Deuteronomy 32:35, 32:36; Psalm 27:1, 27:2; John 18:4-6 and theyJeremiah 1:19, 15:20 everlasting23:40; Psalm 6:10, 35:26, 40:14; Isaiah 45:16; Daniel 12:2ReciprocalExodus 14:3 - They are entangled; Deuteronomy 10:17 - a great; Psalm 7:1 - save; 25:3 - let; 31:17 - wicked; 71:13 - Let them be; 99:3 - thy great; 109:29 - be clothed; 118:6 - The Lord; 121:2 - My help; Jeremiah 7:19 - the confusion; 14:3 - they were; 18:21 - deliver; 22:22 - surely; 46:6 - stumble; Haggai 1:13 - I am; Luke 1:49 - he; 14:1 - they; 18:7 - avenge; John 11:10 - General; Acts 4:30 - By stretching Verse 12thatJeremiah 17:10; Psalm 7:9, 11:5, 17:3, 26:2, 26:3, 139:23; Revelation 2:23 let meJeremiah 11:20, 12:8, 17:18, 18:19-23; 2 Chronicles 24:22; Psalm 54:7, 59:10, 109:6-20; Revelation 6:10, 18:20, 19:2, 19:3 for1 Samuel 1:15; Psalm 62:8, 86:4; Isaiah 37:14, 38:14; 1 Peter 2:23, 4:19Reciprocal1 Samuel 16:7 - on the heart; 1 Chronicles 28:9 - the Lord; Jeremiah 12:3 - pull; 15:15 - remember; 15:20 - but; 18:21 - deliver; Acts 1:24 - Lord; 4:30 - By stretching; 15:8 - which; Romans 8:27 - And he Verse 13forPsalm 34:6, 35:9-11, 69:33, 72:4, 109:30, 109:31; Isaiah 25:4; James 2:5, 2:6Reciprocal2 Samuel 11:15 - Set ye; Psalm 41:11 - because; Acts 4:24 - they Verse 14Jeremiah 15:10; Job 3:3-16ReciprocalGenesis 30:1 - or else I die; Exodus 16:3 - we had; Numbers 11:11 - Wherefore hast thou; 2 Samuel 1:21 - no dew; 1 Kings 19:4 - he requested; Job 3:1 - cursed; 10:18 - hast thou; Psalm 37:8 - fret; Ecclesiastes 2:17 - I hated; Jeremiah 8:3 - death; Lamentations 3:1 - the man; 3:17 - I forgat; Ezekiel 3:14 - General; Jonah 4:3 - take Verse 15A manJeremiah 1:5; Genesis 21:5, 21:6; Luke 1:14ReciprocalJob 3:1 - cursed; 3:3 - Let the day; Psalm 37:8 - fret Verse 16asGenesis 19:24, 19:25; Deuteronomy 29:23; Hosea 11:8; Amos 4:11; Zephaniah 2:9; Luke 17:29; 2 Peter 2:6; Jude 1:7 repentedJeremiah 18:8, 26:13; Jonah 3:4, 3:9, 3:10, 4:2 let himJeremiah 4:19, 18:22, 48:3, 48:4; Ezekiel 21:22; Hosea 10:14; Amos 1:14, 2:2; Zephaniah 1:16ReciprocalEzekiel 16:50 - therefore; 16:53 - bring; Zechariah 8:14 - I repented Verse 17he slewJob 3:10, 3:11, 3:16, 10:18, 10:19; Ecclesiastes 6:3Reciprocal4:3 - better Verse 18cameJob 3:20, 14:1, 14:13; Lamentations 3:1 to seeJeremiah 8:18; Genesis 3:16-19; Psalm 90:10; Lamentations 1:12; John 16:20; Habakkuk 3:1 withPsalm 69:19; Isaiah 1:6, 51:7; Acts 5:41; 1 Corinthians 4:9-13; 2 Timothy 1:12; Habakkuk 3:1; 3:1, 3:1; 1 Peter 4:14-16ReciprocalLeviticus 3:14 - the fat that covereth; Numbers 11:15 - let me not; Ecclesiastes 4:3 - better; Isaiah 15:4 - his