Jeremiah 18
18:1 Under the type of a potter is shewn God's absolute power in disposing of nations;
18:11 Judgments threatened to Judah for her strange revolt;
18:18 Jeremiah prays against his conspirators. Verse 1Reciprocal1 Kings 17:2 - General; Isaiah 29:16 - as the potter's Verse 2am 3396, bc 608and goJeremiah 13:1, 19:1, 19:2; Isaiah 20:2; Ezekiel 4:1-5:1; Amos 7:7; Habakkuk 1:1 causeJeremiah 23:22; Acts 9:6ReciprocalIsaiah 64:8 - are the clay; Jeremiah 27:2 - put; 43:9 - great; Ezekiel 12:3 - prepare Verse 3I wentJonah 1:3; John 15:14; Acts 26:19 wheelsor, frames, or seatsReciprocalJob 10:8 - yet thou; Romans 9:21 - the potter Verse 4made of clay was marred inor, made was marred, as clay in, made it again. Heb. returned and made. as. Jeremiah 18:6; Isaiah 45:9; Romans 9:20-23Reciprocal1 Kings 13:33 - made again; Jeremiah 13:9 - After Verse 55

Verse 6Jeremiah 18:4; Isaiah 64:8; Daniel 4:23; Matthew 20:15; Romans 11:34ReciprocalJob 9:12 - What; 10:9 - thou hast; 33:12 - God; Isaiah 45:9 - Shall the clay Verse 7to pluckJeremiah 1:10, 12:14-17, 25:9-14, 45:4; Amos 9:8; Jonah 3:4ReciprocalExodus 33:3 - for I; Deuteronomy 28:63 - plucked from; Joshua 9:15 - made peace; Judges 2:18 - it repented; 10:16 - they put; 1 Samuel 15:11 - repenteth me; 2 Samuel 24:16 - repented; 2 Kings 20:1 - thou shalt die; 1 Chronicles 21:15 - repented him; 2 Chronicles 7:20 - I pluck; Ecclesiastes 3:2 - a time to plant; Isaiah 38:1 - for thou; 45:7 - I make Peace; Jeremiah 7:7 - will I; 12:17 - pluck; 24:6 - I will build; 26:3 - so; 31:28 - to pluck; 31:40 - it shall; 42:10 - for I; Ezekiel 33:14 - Thou shalt; Daniel 11:4 - be plucked; Joel 2:13 - and repenteth Verse 8that nationJeremiah 7:3-7, 36:3; Judges 10:15, 10:16; 1 Kings 8:33, 8:34; 2 Chronicles 12:6; Isaiah 1:16-19; Ezekiel 18:21, 33:11, 33:13; Jonah 2:5-10; Luke 13:3-5 I willJeremiah 15:6, 26:3, 26:13, 42:10; Exodus 32:12; Deuteronomy 32:36; Judges 2:18; Psalm 90:13; 106:45, 135:14; Hosea 11:8; Joel 2:13, 2:14; Amos 7:3-6; Jonah 3:9, 3:10, 4:2ReciprocalGenesis 6:6 - repented; Exodus 32:14 - General; Joshua 9:15 - made peace; Judges 2:15 - against; Jeremiah 7:7 - will I; 11:17 - pronounced; 20:16 - repented; Ezekiel 33:14 - Thou shalt; Zechariah 1:6 - according to our ways Verse 9to buildJeremiah 1:10, 11:17, 30:18, 31:4, 31:28, 31:38, 32:41; Ecclesiastes 3:2; Amos 9:11-15ReciprocalNumbers 14:34 - ye shall; 1 Samuel 2:30 - Be it far; 2 Samuel 7:10 - plant them; Psalm 80:8 - thou hast cast Verse 10doJeremiah 7:23-28; Psalm 125:5; Ezekiel 18:24, 33:18, 45:20; Zephaniah 1:6 thenNumbers 14:22, 14:34; 1 Samuel 2:30, 13:13, 15:11, 15:35Reciprocal2 Samuel 12:9 - to do evil; Psalm 80:8 - thou hast cast Verse 11go toGenesis 11:3, 11:4, 11:7; 2 Kings 5:5; Isaiah 5:5; James 4:13, 5:1 and deviseJeremiah 18:18, 4:23, 11:19, 51:11; Micah 2:3 returnJeremiah 3:1, 3:22, 7:3, 25:5, 26:3, 26:13, 35:15, 36:3, 36:7; 2 Kings 17:13, 22:13; Isaiah 1:16-19, 55:6, 55:7; Lamentations 3:39-41; Ezekiel 13:22, 18:23, 18:30-32; Zechariah 1:3; Acts 26:20Reciprocal2 Chronicles 18:22 - and the Lord; Jeremiah 25:2 - General; 36:6 - the words; Lamentations 2:17 - done; Ezekiel 12:3 - it may; Hosea 7:13 - spoken; Zechariah 1:4 - Turn Verse 12ThereJeremiah 2:25; 2 Kings 6:33; Isaiah 57:10; Ezekiel 37:11 we will walkJeremiah 3:17, 7:24, 11:8, 16:12, 23:17, 44:17; Genesis 6:5, 8:21; Deuteronomy 29:19; Mark 7:21, 7:22; Luke 1:51ReciprocalPsalm 50:17 - castest; Jeremiah 6:16 - We will; 25:4 - ye; Hosea 7:13 - spoken; Habakkuk 3:12 - an Verse 13AskJeremiah 2:10-13 who1 Samuel 4:7; Isaiah 66:8; 1 Corinthians 5:1 virginJeremiah 2:13, 14:17, 31:4; Isaiah 36:22; Lamentations 1:15 a veryJeremiah 5:30, 23:14; Hosea 6:10Reciprocal2 Kings 19:21 - The virgin; Song of Songs 4:15 - streams; Amos 5:2 - virgin Verse 14WillJohn 6:68 the snowetc. or, my fields for a rock, or for the snow of Lebanon? shall the running waters be forsaken for the strange cold waters? Parkhurst renders, "Will the snow of Lebanon fail from the rock of the field? Or will the issuing cold flowing waters (from that mountain namely) be exhausted?" (See Targ., LXX, and Vulg.) No more could I fail my people if they trusted in me. - Compare Jeremiah 2:13. Maundrell says, "The chief benefit the mountain of Lebanon serves for, is, that by its exceeding height, it proves a conservatory for abundance of snow, which thawing in the heat of summer, affords supplies of water to the rivers and fountains in the valleys below.ReciprocalProverbs 25:25 - cold; Song of Songs 4:15 - streams; Isaiah 8:6 - that go softly; Jeremiah 2:10 - and see Verse 15my peopleJeremiah 2:13, 2:19, 2:32, 3:21, 13:25, 17:13 burned10:15, 16:19, 44:15-19, 44:25; Isaiah 41:29, 65:7; Hosea 2:13, 11:2 causedIsaiah 3:12, 9:16; Malachi 2:8; Matthew 15:6; Romans 14:21 the ancientJeremiah 6:16 to walk19:5; Isaiah 57:14Reciprocal1 Kings 16:26 - their vanities; 2 Chronicles 29:8 - to astonishment; Psalm 9:17 - forget; Jeremiah 19:4 - burned; Micah 6:16 - that; Habakkuk 3:1 - make Verse 16makeJeremiah 9:11, 19:8, 25:9, 49:13, 50:13; Leviticus 26:33, 26:34, 26:43; Deuteronomy 29:23; Isaiah 6:11; Ezekiel 6:14, 12:19, 33:28, 33:29 a perpetual1 Kings 9:8; 2 Chronicles 7:20, 7:21; Lamentations 2:15, 2:16; Micah 6:16 shall beDeuteronomy 28:59; Psalm 22:7, 44:14; Isaiah 37:22; Matthew 27:39; Mark 15:29ReciprocalLeviticus 26:32 - and your; 2 Chronicles 29:8 - to astonishment; Job 16:4 - shake mine; 18:20 - astonied; Jeremiah 4:27 - The; 20:8 - I cried; 42:18 - ye shall be; 44:8 - a curse; 44:22 - your land; 49:17 - every; 51:37 - an hissing; Ezekiel 22:4 - have I; 27:36 - hiss; 36:3 - and ye Verse 17scatterJeremiah 13:24; Deuteronomy 28:25, 28:64; Job 27:21; Psalm 48:7; Hosea 13:15 showJeremiah 2:27, 32:33; Deuteronomy 31:17; Judges 10:13, 10:14 the dayJeremiah 46:21; Deuteronomy 32:35; Proverbs 7:25, 7:26ReciprocalDeuteronomy 32:20 - I will hide; 2 Chronicles 30:9 - turn away; Psalm 18:18 - me in; Jeremiah 20:8 - I cried; 33:5 - I have hid; Ezekiel 7:22 - face Verse 18ComeJeremiah 18:11, 11:19; Psalm 21:11; Isaiah 32:7; Micah 2:1-3 for theJeremiah 13:13, 13:14, 14:14-16, 29:25-29; Leviticus 10:11; 1 Kings 22:24; Malachi 2:7; Luke 11:45; John 7:47-49, 9:40 counsel2 Samuel 15:31, 17:14; Job 5:13 Come and let us smiteJeremiah 26:11; Psalm 52:2, 57:4, 64:3; Proverbs 18:21 withor, forand let us notJeremiah 5:12, 5:13, 43:2, 44:17ReciprocalDeuteronomy 17:9 - the priests; 33:9 - for they; Judges 9:1 - communed; 1 Kings 22:8 - but I hate him; 2 Chronicles 18:7 - I hate him; 24:21 - conspired; Nehemiah 6:13 - that; Job 5:21 - be hid; Psalm 12:4 - With; 56:5 - all; 94:4 - shall; 140:5 - The proud; Proverbs 1:11 - let us lurk; 3:29 - Devise not evil; Isaiah 29:21 - and lay; 56:12 - to morrow; Jeremiah 6:28 - walking; 9:6 - habitation; 18:23 - thou; 20:10 - Report; 23:17 - No; 26:8 - the priests; 37:13 - Thou; 44:16 - we; 49:7 - Is wisdom; Lamentations 3:59 - thou hast; 3:62 - and; Ezekiel 2:6 - though they; 7:26 - ancients; 11:2 - General; 33:30 - the children; Daniel 6:4 - sought; Hosea 4:4 - as; 5:2 - profound; 7:16 - the rage; Amos 7:10 - not; 9:10 - The evil; Habakkuk 1:5 - for; Zechariah 7:10 - imagine; Matthew 22:15 - how; 26:3 - assembled; Mark 12:13 - they send; Luke 11:53 - to speak; 20:20 - they watched; Acts 25:3 - laying; 1 Corinthians 13:5 - thinketh; 2 Timothy 4:3 - they will; James 3:5 - so; 1 John 5:16 - I do not Verse 19GiveJeremiah 20:12; Psalm 55:16, 55:17, 64:1-4, 56:1-3, 109:4, 109:28; Micah 7:8; Luke 6:11, 6:12 hearken2 Kings 19:16; Nehemiah 4:4, 4:5, 6:9ReciprocalPsalm 56:7 - in thine; Jeremiah 17:18 - the day; Romans 11:2 - how he maketh; 2 Timothy 4:14 - reward Verse 20evil1 Samuel 24:17-19; Psalm 35:12, 38:20, 109:4, 109:5; Proverbs 17:13; John 10:32, 15:25 diggedJeremiah 18:22; Job 6:27; Psalm 7:15, 35:7, 57:6, 119:95; Proverbs 26:27; Ecclesiastes 10:8 RememberJeremiah 7:16, 11:14, 14:7-11, 14:20-22, 15:1; Genesis 18:22-32; Psalm 106:23; Ezekiel 22:30, 22:31; Zechariah 3:1, 3:2ReciprocalExodus 21:33 - General; 1 Samuel 19:4 - spake good; 25:21 - he hath requited; 2 Chronicles 20:11 - how they reward us; Nehemiah 6:14 - think thou; Job 30:25 - Did not I; Psalm 7:4 - If I; 94:13 - until the pit; 119:85 - The proud; 119:86 - they; 140:5 - The proud; Proverbs 29:10 - but; Jeremiah 11:20 - let; 17:16 - neither; 27:18 - let them; 28:6 - the Lord perform; Luke 13:8 - let; Romans 10:1 - my heart's; 1 Thessalonians 2:10 - how; Habakkuk 3:1 - to forget Verse 21deliverJeremiah 11:20-23, 12:3, 20:1-6, 20:11, 20:12; Psalm 109:9-20; 2 Timothy 4:14 pour out their bloodHeb. pour them outlet their wivesJeremiah 15:2, 15:3, 15:8, 16:3, 16:4; Exodus 22:24; Deuteronomy 32:25; Lamentations 5:3 let their youngJeremiah 9:21, 11:22; 2 Chronicles 36:17; Amos 4:10ReciprocalEsther 9:5 - the stroke; Psalm 7:4 - If I; 28:4 - Give; 63:10 - They shall fall; Proverbs 17:13 - General; Isaiah 3:25 - Thy men; 9:17 - have no joy; 65:12 - will I; Jeremiah 4:31 - because; 6:11 - I will; 6:21 - fathers; 14:16 - be cast; 15:7 - bereave; 19:7 - I will cause; 50:30 - her young; Lamentations 2:21 - my virgins; Ezekiel 6:7 - slain; 16:38 - shed; 35:5 - force; Zephaniah 1:17 - and their blood Verse 22a cryJeremiah 4:19, 4:20, 4:31, 6:26, 9:20, 9:21, 25:34-36, 47:2, 47:3, 48:3-5; Isaiah 10:30; 22:1-4; Zephaniah 1:10, 1:11, 1:16 forJeremiah 18:20 and hid20:10; Psalm 38:12, 56:5-7, 64:4, 64:5, 140:5; Matthew 22:15ReciprocalExodus 21:33 - General; Job 6:27 - ye dig; Psalm 94:13 - until the pit; 119:110 - wicked; 124:7 - as a bird; 141:9 - from the snares; 142:3 - In the way; Jeremiah 5:26 - lay wait; 14:2 - the cry; 20:16 - let him Verse 23thouJeremiah 18:18, 11:18-20, 15:15; Psalm 37:32, 37:33 to slay meHeb. for deathforgiveNehemiah 4:4, 4:5; Psalm 35:4, 59:5, 69:22-28, 109:14, 109:15; Isaiah 2:9 in theJeremiah 8:12, 11:23; Isaiah 10:3; Luke 21:22; Romans 2:5ReciprocalPsalm 51:1 - blot; 64:2 - secret; 119:126 - to work; Isaiah 44:22 - blotted; Lamentations 1:22 - all their; Daniel 6:4 - sought