Judges 11
11:1 The covenant between Jephthah and the Gileadites, that he should be their head;
11:12 The treaty of peace between him and the Ammonites is in vain;
11:29 Jephthah's vow;
11:32 His conquest of the Ammonites;
11:34 He performs his vow on his daughter. Verse 1JephthahHabakkuk 3:1, called Jephthaea mightyJudges 6:12; 2 Kings 5:1 an harlotHeb. a womanan harlotProbably zonah should be rendered as in Joshua 2:1, a hostess, or inn-keeper, so Targum of Jonathan, wehoo bar ittetha pundekeetha, "and he was the son of a woman, a tavern-keeper." She was very probably a Canaanite, as she is called, Judges 11:2, a strange woman, ishah achereth, "a woman of another race;" and on this account his brethren drove him from the family, as not having a full right to the inheritance.ReciprocalGenesis 19:38 - children; 1 Samuel 12:11 - Jephthah; 1 Kings 3:16 - harlots Verse 2thrust outGenesis 12:10; Deuteronomy 23:2; Galatians 4:30 a strangeProverbs 2:16, 5:3, 5:20, 6:24-26ReciprocalJudges 11:1 - an harlot; Acts 7:39 - but Verse 3from his brethrenHeb. from the face ofTobProbably the same as Ish-Tob; and appears to have been a part of Syria, near Zobah, Rehob, and Maachah, east of Jordan, and in the most northern part of the portion of Manasseh. If so, it could not be far from Gilead, the country of Jephthah. This country is called Tobie or Tubin, 1; Mac Habakkuk 3:1
and the Jews who inhabited this district Tubieni, 2; Mac 3:1. 2 Samuel 10:6.vain menJudges 9:4; 1 Samuel 22:2, 27:2, 30:22-24; Job 30:1-10; Acts 17:5Reciprocal2 Chronicles 13:7 - vain men
Verse 4am 2817, bc 1187, An, Ex, Is, 304in process of timeHeb. after days. Judges 11:4Reciprocal3:31 - Israel; 2 Chronicles 27:5 - the king of the Ammonites Verse 5made warJudges 10:9, 10:17, 10:18 to fetch1 Samuel 10:27, 11:6, 11:7, 11:12; Psalm 118:22, 118:23; Acts 7:35-39; 1 Corinthians 1:27-29Reciprocal2 Samuel 10:6 - Ishtob Verse 6ReciprocalIsaiah 3:6 - a man Verse 7Did not ye hateGenesis 26:27, 37:27, 45:4, 45:5; Proverbs 17:17; Isaiah 60:14; Acts 7:9-14; Revelation 3:9

Verse 8the eldersExodus 8:8, 8:28, 9:28, 10:17; 1 Kings 13:6; Luke 17:3, 17:4 we turnJudges 10:18Reciprocal11:11 - head; 1 Samuel 11:1 - Nahash; Job 29:25 - chose out Verse 9If ye bringNumbers 32:20-29ReciprocalJudges 8:23 - I will Verse 10The LordGenesis 21:23, 31:50; 1 Samuel 12:5; Jeremiah 29:23, 42:5; Romans 1:9; 2 Corinthians 11:31 be witnessbe the hearer, Genesis 16:5, 31:53; Deuteronomy 1:16; 1 Samuel 24:12 if we doExodus 20:7; Zechariah 5:4; Malachi 3:5ReciprocalJudges 12:4 - and the men; Malachi 2:14 - the Lord Verse 11headJudges 11:8 uttered1 Samuel 23:9-12; 1 Kings 3:7-9; 2 Corinthians 3:5; James 1:5, 1:17 Jephthah utteredThat is, upon his elevation, he immediately retired to his devotion, and in prayer spread the whole matter before God, both his choice to the office, and his execution of the office, as one that had his eye ever toward the Lord, and would do nothing without him; that leaned not to his own understanding or courage, but depended on the Almighty God, and his favour. This is an ensample worthy of universal imitation; in All Our Ways, whether great or apparently subordinate, let us acknowledge God and seek his direction. So shall we make our way prosperous, and obtain that peace which passeth all understanding. Jephthah opened his campaign with prayer.beforeJudges 10:17, 20:1; 1 Samuel 10:17, 11:15 MizpehThis Mizpeh was east of Jordan in the mountains of Gilead - Genesis 31:49
and hence called Mizpeh of Gilead - Judges 11:29
to distinguish it from another place of the same name, west of Jordan, in the tribe of Judah. Joshua 15:38ReciprocalNumbers 30:2 - vow a vow; Joshua 13:26 - Ramathmizpeh; Judges 10:18 - he shall be; 11:34 - Mizpeh; 1 Samuel 8:21 - he rehearsed; 2 Samuel 5:3 - before; 1 Chronicles 11:3 - before
Verse 12sent messengersIn this Jephthah acted in accordance with the law of Moses; and hence the justice of his cause would appear more forcibly to the people. Numbers 20:14, 21:21; Deuteronomy 2:26, 20:10, 20:11; Proverbs 25:8, 25:9; Matthew 18:15, 18:16 What hast2 Kings 14:8-12ReciprocalJudges 12:2 - I and my; 2 Samuel 10:1 - king; Nehemiah 4:7 - the Ammonites; Joel 3:4 - and what Verse 13Because IsraelNumbers 21:24-26; Proverbs 19:5, 19:9 from ArnonThat is, all the land which had belonged to the Amorites and Moabites.JabbokGenesis 32:22; Deuteronomy 2:37, 3:16Reciprocal2:19 - General; Joshua 12:2 - Jabbok; 13:25 - half; 2 Kings 8:6 - Restore all; Jeremiah 49:1 - their king Verse 14again untoPsalm 120:7; Romans 12:18; Habakkuk 3:1; 1 Peter 3:11

Verse 15Israel tookNumbers 21:13-15, 21:27-30; Deuteronomy 2:9, 2:19; 2 Chronicles 20:10; Acts 24:12, 24:13ReciprocalDeuteronomy 2:37 - unto the land; 2 Chronicles 26:8 - the Ammonites; Amos 1:13 - and for Verse 16But whenThe whole of these messages shew, Jephthah had well studied the book of Moses. His arguments also are very clear and cogent, and his demands reasonable; for he only required that the Ammonites should cease to harass a people who had neither injured them, nor intended to do so.walkedNumbers 14:25; Deuteronomy 1:40; Joshua 5:6 cameGenesis 14:7; Numbers 13:26, 20:1; Deuteronomy 1:46ReciprocalNumbers 20:14 - Moses; Zechariah 1:20 - four Verse 17sent messengersNumbers 20:14-21; Deuteronomy 2:4-8, 2:29 the king2:9 abodeNumbers 20:1, 20:16Reciprocal20:20 - Thou shalt; Deuteronomy 1:46 - General Verse 18wentNumbers 20:22, 21:10-13, 33:37-44; Deuteronomy 2:1-8 compassedNumbers 21:4-9 came by21:11 pitched21:13, 22:36Reciprocal20:21 - wherefore; Deuteronomy 2:8 - And when; 2:24 - the river Arnon; 2:29 - As the children; Joshua 12:1 - from the; Isaiah 16:2 - the fords; Jeremiah 48:20 - Arnon; Zechariah 1:20 - four Verse 19Numbers 21:21-35; Deuteronomy 2:26-34, 3:1-17; Joshua 13:8-12ReciprocalDeuteronomy 2:27 - General Verse 20Numbers 21:23; Deuteronomy 2:32, Lord God, Nehemiah 9:22; Psalm 135:10-12, 136:17-21, they smote, Numbers 21:24, 21:25; Deuteronomy 2:33, 2:34, so Israel, Joshua 13:15-32ReciprocalNumbers 20:20 - Thou shalt; Deuteronomy 2:30 - for the Lord; Isaiah 15:4 - Jahaz Verse 21ReciprocalExodus 23:31 - deliver the; Numbers 21:24 - Israel; Joshua 6:2 - I have; 2 Chronicles 13:5 - the Lord; 13:16 - God delivered; Amos 2:9 - I the Verse 22And theyDeuteronomy 2:36 from the wildernessFrom Arabia Deserta on the east, to Jordan on the west.ReciprocalJoshua 12:2 - Jabbok Verse 23Jephthah shews that the Israelites did not take the land of the Moabites or Ammonites, but that of the Amorites, which they had conquered from Sihon their king; and although the Amorites had taken the lands in question from the Ammonites, yet the title by which Israel held them was good, because they took them, not from the Ammonites, but from the Amorites.ReciprocalGenesis 48:22 - Amorite; Joshua 5:1 - all the kings; 2 Chronicles 20:11 - to cast us Verse 24Wilt not thou possessThis is simply an argumentum ad hominem; in which Jephthah argues on this principles recognized by the king of Ammon. As if he had said, "You suppose that the land which you possess was given you by your god Chemosh; and therefore will not relinquish what you believe you hold by a divine right. Now we know that Jehovah, our God, has given us the land of the Israelites; and therefore we will not give it up."ChemoshNumbers 21:29; 1 Kings 11:7; Jeremiah 48:7, 48:46 whomsoeverDeuteronomy 9:4, 9:5, 18:12; Joshua 3:10; Psalm 44:2, 78:55; Micah 4:5ReciprocalNumbers 20:21 - wherefore; Deuteronomy 2:21 - but the Lord; Joshua 6:2 - the king; Ruth 1:15 - her gods; 2 Kings 1:2 - god; 23:13 - Chemosh; 2 Chronicles 20:11 - to cast us; Jeremiah 48:13 - ashamed Verse 25BalakNumbers 22:2-21; Deuteronomy 23:3, 23:4; Joshua 24:9, 24:10; Micah 6:5ReciprocalNumbers 22:4 - And Balak Verse 26HeshbonNumbers 21:25-30; Deuteronomy 2:24, 3:2, 3:6; Joshua 12:2, 12:5, 13:10 AroerDeuteronomy 2:36 three hundredJudges 3:11, 3:30, 5:31, 8:28, 9:22, 10:2, 10:3, 10:8; Joshua 11:18, 23:1ReciprocalNumbers 32:3 - Heshbon; 1 Kings 6:1 - And it came Verse 27the JudgeGenesis 18:25; 1 Samuel 2:10; Job 9:15, 23:7; Psalm 7:11, 50:6, 75:7, 82:8; 94:2, 98:9; Ecclesiastes 11:9, 12:14; John 5:22, 5:23; Romans 14:10-12; 2 Corinthians 5:10; 2 Timothy 4:8; Habakkuk 3:1 be judgeGenesis 16:5, 31:53; 1 Samuel 24:12, 24:15; Psalm 7:8, 7:9; 2 Corinthians 11:11ReciprocalJudges 12:3 - wherefore; 2 Chronicles 20:12 - wilt; Job 31:28 - an Verse 282 Kings 14:11; Proverbs 16:18

Verse 29the spiritJudges 3:10, 6:34, 13:25; Numbers 11:25; 1 Samuel 10:10, 16:13-15; 1 Chronicles 12:18 Jephthah"Jephthah seems to have been judge only of north-east Israel."over MizpehJudges 10:17ReciprocalGenesis 31:49 - Mizpah; Numbers 27:18 - a man; Joshua 13:26 - Ramathmizpeh; Judges 11:11 - Mizpeh; 11:39 - did with; 14:6 - the Spirit; 1 Samuel 11:6 - Spirit of God; 22:3 - Mizpeh Verse 30Genesis 28:20; Numbers 30:2-16; 1 Samuel 1:11; Ecclesiastes 5:1, 5:2, 5:4, 5:5ReciprocalLeviticus 27:2 - When; 27:28 - no devoted; Numbers 21:2 - vowed; 21:34 - for I have; Deuteronomy 23:23 - That which; Judges 21:1 - There; 1 Samuel 14:24 - Cursed; Matthew 14:9 - the oath's Verse 31whatsoeveretc. Heb. that which cometh forth, which shall come forthshall surelyLeviticus 27:2, 27:3, 27:28, 27:29; 1 Samuel 1:11, 1:28, 2:18, 14:24, 14:44; Psalm 66:13, 66:14 and I willor, or I will, etc. Wehaaleetheehoo olah, rather, as Dr. Randolph and others contend, "and I will offer Him (or to Him, i.e., Jehovah) a burnt offering;" for hoo may with much more propriety be referred to the person to whom the sacrifice was to be made, than to the thing to be sacrificed. Unless understood in this way, or as the marginal reading, it must have been the vow of a heathen or a madman. If a dog, or other uncleaned animal had met him, he could not have made it a burnt offering; or if his neighbour's wife, sons, etc., his vow gave him no right over them. Leviticus 27:11, 27:12; Deuteronomy 23:18; Psalm 66:13; Isaiah 66:3ReciprocalGenesis 22:2 - and offer; 28:20 - vowed; 28:21 - I come; Leviticus 5:4 - to do evil; Numbers 30:2 - vow a vow; Deuteronomy 23:23 - That which; Judges 11:39 - did with; 21:1 - There; 2 Kings 3:27 - offered him; Micah 6:7 - shall; Matthew 14:9 - the oath's Verse 32the LordJudges 1:4, 2:18, 3:10

Verse 33AroerDeuteronomy 2:36 MinnithSituated, according to Eusebius, four miles from Heshbon, towards Philadelphia or Rabbath. Ezekiel 27:17 the plainor, Abel

Verse 34MizpehJudges 11:11, 10:17 his daughter5:1-31; Exodus 15:20; 1 Samuel 18:6, 18:7; Psalm 68:25, 148:11, 148:12, 150:4; Jeremiah 31:4, 31:13 beside heror, he had not of his own either son or daughter, Heb. of himselfneitherZechariah 12:10; Luke 7:12, 8:42, 9:38ReciprocalGenesis 14:17 - to; Exodus 18:7 - went; Judges 21:21 - dance; 2 Samuel 1:20 - Philistines; 6:14 - danced; Psalm 149:3 - in the dance Verse 35rent his clothesGenesis 37:29, 37:30, 37:34, 37:35, 42:36-38; 2 Samuel 13:30, 13:31, 18:33; Job 1:20 have openedLeviticus 27:28, 27:29; Numbers 30:2-5; Psalm 15:4; Ecclesiastes 5:2-6 I cannotJudges 21:1-7; 1 Samuel 14:44, 14:45; Matthew 14:7-9; Acts 23:14ReciprocalGenesis 14:22 - unto; Numbers 14:6 - rent their clothes; Deuteronomy 23:23 - That which; Judges 21:6 - repented them; 21:18 - sworn; 2 Samuel 3:31 - Rend; Psalm 66:14 - uttered; Proverbs 18:7 - his lips Verse 36forasmuchJudges 16:28-30; 2 Samuel 18:19, 18:31, 19:30; Acts 20:24, 21:13; Romans 16:4; Philippians 2:30ReciprocalNumbers 30:2 - vow a vow; Psalm 66:14 - uttered; Jeremiah 44:17 - whatsoever Verse 37go up and downHeb. go and go downbewail1 Samuel 1:6; Luke 1:25

Verse 38ReciprocalSong of Songs 8:13 - the companions Verse 39did withThat Jephthah did not sacrifice his daughter, but consecrated her to the service of God in the tabernacle, in a state of celibacy, will we imagine be evident from the following consideration -

1. Human sacrifices were ever an abomination to Jehovah, of which Jephthah could not be ignorant; and consequently he would neither have made such a vow, nor carried it into execution.

2. We are expressly told - Judges 11:29 that Jephthah was under the influence of the Spirit of God, which would effectually prevent him from embruing his hands in the blood of his own child.

3. He had it in his power to redeem his daughter - Leviticus 27:4
and surely his only child must have been of more value than thirty shekles.

4. Besides, who was to perform the horrid rite? Not Jephthah himself, who was no priest, and in whom it would have been most unnatural and inhuman; and the priests would certainly have dissuaded him from it.

5. The sacred historian informs us, that she bewailed her virginity, that she knew no man, and that the Israelitish women went yearly to comfort or lament with her. Judges 11:31; Leviticus 27:28, 27:29; Deuteronomy 12:31; Isaiah 66:3 to his vow1 Samuel 1:11, 1:22, 1:24, 1:28, 2:18 customor, ordinanceReciprocalGenesis 22:2 - and offer; Numbers 30:2 - vow a vow; 2 Kings 3:27 - offered him; Micah 6:7 - shall; Matthew 14:9 - the oath's
Verse 40yearlyHeb. from year to yearlamentor, to talk with, Judges 5:11 four days1 Kings 9:25ReciprocalGenesis 49:19 - General