Isaiah 37
37:1 Hezekiah mourning, sends to Isaiah to pray for them;
37:6 Isaiah comforts them;
37:8 Sennacherib, going to encounter Tirhakah, sends a blasphemous letter to Hezekiah;
37:14 Hezekiah's prayer;
37:21 Isaiah's prophecy of the pride and destruction of Sennacherib, and the good of Zion;
37:36 An angel slays the Assyrians;
37:37 Sennacherib is slain at Nineveh by his own sons. Verse 1it came2 Kings 19:1-19 he rentIsaiah 36:22; 2 Kings 22:11; Jeremiah 36:24; Jonah 3:5, 3:6; Matthew 11:21 and wentEzra 9:5; Job 1:20, 1:21ReciprocalGenesis 37:34 - General; 1 Kings 20:31 - put sackcloth; 2 Kings 22:12 - the king; 2 Chronicles 32:20 - Hezekiah; Esther 4:3 - great mourning; Psalm 68:30 - Rebuke; Isaiah 33:17 - eyes; 37:14 - and Hezekiah went; Jeremiah 26:19 - did he; 48:37 - upon the loins; Mark 14:63 - his Verse 2Isaiah 37:14, 36:3; 2 Kings 18:18, 19:2, 22:12-14; 2 Chronicles 20:20; Joel 1:13ReciprocalGenesis 37:34 - General; 2 Chronicles 32:20 - the prophet; 34:21 - that are left; Proverbs 25:1 - which; Isaiah 22:15 - Shebna; 22:20 - Eliakim; 36:22 - with their Verse 3his day, Isaiah 25:8, 33:2; 2 Kings 19:3; 2 Chronicles 15:4; Psalm 50:15, 91:15, 116:3, 116:4; Jeremiah 30:7; Hosea 5:15, 6:1; Revelation 3:19 blasphemyor, provocation, Psalm 95:8 for theIsaiah 26:17, 26:18, 66:9; Hosea 13:13Reciprocal2 Chronicles 20:3 - feared; Psalm 44:16 - For the; 120:1 - my distress; Isaiah 22:5 - a day; 25:4 - when; 28:19 - and it; 29:2 - I will; 30:17 - till ye; Amos 5:13 - an evil; Obadiah 1:14 - in the day; Nahum 1:7 - in the; Mark 13:8 - sorrows Verse 4It mayJoshua 14:12; 1 Samuel 14:6; 2 Samuel 16:12; Amos 5:15 to reproachIsaiah 37:23, 37:24, 36:20, 51:7, 51:8; 1 Samuel 17:26, 17:36; 2 Kings 19:4, 19:22, 19:23; 2 Chronicles 32:15-19 and willIsaiah 37:23; Psalm 50:21 lift up1 Samuel 7:8, 12:19, 12:23; 2 Chronicles 32:20; Psalm 106:23; Joel 2:17; James 5:16 for theIsaiah 1:9, 8:7, 8:8, 10:5, 10:6, 10:22; 2 Kings 17:18, 18:9-16; 2 Chronicles 28:19; Romans 9:27 leftHeb. foundReciprocalNumbers 11:2 - prayed; 12:2 - And the; 1 Kings 8:38 - prayer; 2 Kings 2:12 - My father; 19:16 - which hath sent; 1 Chronicles 13:2 - left; Psalm 44:16 - For the; 120:1 - my distress; Isaiah 10:20 - the remnant; 25:4 - when; 30:17 - till ye; 37:17 - hear; 46:3 - the remnant; Jeremiah 10:10 - the living; 26:19 - did he; 31:7 - remnant; 42:2 - and pray; Lamentations 1:9 - for; Daniel 2:18 - they would; Amos 7:2 - for; Nahum 1:7 - in the; 2 Corinthians 1:11 - helping; 1 Thessalonians 1:9 - the living Verse 6Thus shall2 Kings 19:5-7, 22:15-20 Be notIsaiah 7:4, 10:24, 10:25, 35:4, 41:10-14, 43:1, 43:2, 51:12, 51:13; Exodus 14:13; Leviticus 26:8; Joshua 11:6; 2 Chronicles 20:15-20; Mark 4:40, 5:36Reciprocal2 Kings 19:6 - Isaiah; Psalm 146:3 - Put; Isaiah 10:16 - the Lord of hosts; 52:5 - my name Verse 7I willIsaiah 10:16-18, 10:33, 10:34, 17:13, 17:14, 29:5-8, 30:28-33, 31:8, 31:9, 33:10-12; 2 Kings 7:6; Job 4:9, 15:21; Psalm 58:9 send a blast upon himor, put a spirit into himI will causeIsaiah 37:36-38; 2 Chronicles 32:21ReciprocalExodus 15:8 - blast; Isaiah 37:37 - Sennacherib; 40:24 - he shall also; 43:12 - declared; 48:3 - and I; Jeremiah 49:14 - heard; Ezekiel 21:31 - I will blow Verse 8Rabshakeh2 Kings 19:8, 19:9; Numbers 33:20, 33:21 LibnahJoshua 10:29, 10:31-34, 21:13; 2 Kings 8:22; 2 Chronicles 21:10 LachishJoshua 12:11, 15:39Reciprocal2 Chronicles 32:9 - Lachish; Nehemiah 11:30 - Lachish; Micah 1:13 - Lachish Verse 9he heard1 Samuel 23:27, 23:28 EthiopiaCush, which is generally rendered Ethiopia, is applied in Scripture to at least three distinct and different countries.

1. The country watered by the Gihon or Araxes - Genesis 2:13
also called Cuth, 2 Kings 17:30.

2. A country of Arabia Petrea, bordering upon Egypt, which extended from the northern extremity of the Red sea along its eastern shore. - Compare Exodus 3:1 with Numbers 12:1 and Habakkuk 3:7.

3. Ethiopia Proper, an extensive country of Africa, comprehending Nubia and Abyssinia; being bounded on the north by Egypt, on the east by the Red Sea and Indian Ocean, and on the south and west by various nations of Africa, and extending from about 6 degrees to 24 degrees n lat. and 25 degrees to 45 degrees e long. It is probable that it was this latter Cush, or Ethiopia, of which Tirhakah was king; he being in league with his kinsman Sevechus, son of So, or Sabacon, king of Egypt, against Sennacherib, the king of Assyria.Reciprocal1 Kings 20:2 - General; 2 Kings 19:8 - Lachish; 19:9 - when he heard; Esther 1:1 - from India
Verse 10Let notIsaiah 36:4, 36:15, 36:20; 2 Kings 18:5, 19:10-13; 2 Chronicles 32:7, 32:8, 32:15-19; Psalm 22:8; Matthew 27:43ReciprocalDeuteronomy 32:27 - they should; 1 Kings 20:2 - General; 2 Kings 18:19 - What confidence; Nehemiah 6:19 - to put; Psalm 14:6 - Ye; 25:2 - let not; Proverbs 16:18 - General; Isaiah 10:11 - as I have; 36:14 - General; 36:18 - lest; 37:23 - Whom hast; 37:29 - rage; 37:38 - his god; Ezekiel 35:13 - with; Micah 7:10 - Where Verse 11Isaiah 37:18, 37:19, 10:7-14, 14:17, 36:18-20; 2 Kings 17:4-6, 18:33-35Reciprocal18:34 - the gods; Psalm 14:6 - Ye; Isaiah 33:3 - General; 36:4 - Thus saith; Ezekiel 31:5 - his height; 31:8 - nor any; Micah 7:10 - Where; Zephaniah 3:6 - cut Verse 12the godsIsaiah 36:20, 46:5-7 Gozan2 Kings 17:6, 18:11, 19:12 HaranHaran, the Carrhe of the Greeks and Romans, is situated in the north-west part of Mesopotamia, between the Euphrates and the river Chebar; about 110 miles west of Nisibis, 90 east of Bir, 100 south of Diarbekir, and 170 north of Palmyra. Genesis 11:31, 12:14, 28:10, 29:4; Acts 7:2 EdenIt is probable that this Eden is the country near Diarbekir, on the Tigris, called Madon, according to Asseman. Genesis 2:8; Ezekiel 27:23, 28:13; Amos 1:5 TelassarTelassar is probably the same as Ellasar, Genesis 14:1, as the Jerusalem Targum reads; for both of which the Syriac has Dolassar; and perhaps, as Doederlein supposes, the same as Sharra, a city of Mesopotamia, half a mile from the Euphrates. 2 Kings 19:12, ThelasarReciprocalDeuteronomy 32:27 - they should; 2 Kings 1:2 - god; 18:34 - the gods; 1 Chronicles 5:26 - and brought them; 2 Chronicles 32:13 - I and my; Job 33:19 - pain; Isaiah 36:18 - Hath; 46:2 - they could; Amos 6:2 - better Verse 13HamathIsaiah 10:9, 36:19; Jeremiah 49:23 HenaHena is probably the same as Anah, a city of Mesopotamia, situated on an island in the Euphrates.Ivah2 Kings 17:24, 17:30, 17:31, Ava, Avites, 18:34, 19:13Reciprocal17:6 - Halah; 18:19 - Thus saith; 2 Chronicles 32:13 - I and my; Job 33:19 - pain; Isaiah 36:18 - Hath; Amos 6:2 - better Verse 14received2 Kings 19:14 and Hezekiah wentIsaiah 37:1; 1 Kings 8:28-30, 8:38, 9:3; 2 Chronicles 6:20-42; Psalm 27:5, 62:1-3, 74:10, 76:1-3; 123:1-4, 143:6; Joel 2:17-20Reciprocal1 Samuel 30:6 - David; 2 Samuel 7:18 - sat; 2 Chronicles 32:17 - He wrote; 32:20 - Hezekiah; Psalm 34:15 - and; 120:1 - my distress; Isaiah 37:2 - General; Jeremiah 20:12 - for Verse 151 Samuel 7:8, 7:9; 2 Samuel 7:18-29; 2 Kings 19:15-19; 2 Chronicles 14:11, 20:6-12; Daniel 9:3, 9:4; Philippians 4:6, 4:7; James 5:13Reciprocal1 Kings 8:38 - prayer; 2 Kings 2:12 - My father; Psalm 116:4 - called; Jeremiah 26:19 - did he Verse 16LordIsaiah 6:3, 8:13; 2 Samuel 7:26; Psalm 46:7, 46:11 dwellestExodus 25:22; 1 Samuel 4:4; Psalm 80:1, 99:1; Habakkuk 3:1 thou artIsaiah 37:20, 43:10, 43:11, 44:6, 45:22, 54:5; 1 Kings 18:32; 2 Kings 5:15; Psalm 86:10; Revelation 11:15-17 thou hastIsaiah 40:28, 44:24; Genesis 1:1; Psalm 146:6; Jeremiah 10:10-12; John 1:3; Colossians 1:16Reciprocal1 Kings 6:23 - two cherubims; 8:6 - under the wings; 1 Chronicles 13:6 - that dwelleth; Nehemiah 9:6 - even thou; Psalm 124:8 - General; 1 Corinthians 8:4 - there is Verse 17Incline2 Chronicles 6:40; Job 36:7; Psalm 17:6, 71:2, 130:1, 130:2; Daniel 9:17-19; 1 Peter 3:12 hearIsaiah 37:4; 2 Samuel 16:12; Psalm 10:14, 10:15, 74:10, 74:22, 79:12, 89:50, 89:51ReciprocalExodus 15:7 - them that; 1 Kings 18:37 - Hear me; 2 Kings 19:16 - bow down; Psalm 44:16 - For the; 86:1 - Bow; Isaiah 36:18 - Hath; Jeremiah 10:10 - the living; Lamentations 1:9 - for; Daniel 9:18 - incline; Zechariah 12:4 - I will open; Acts 4:29 - behold; 1 Thessalonians 1:9 - the living Verse 18the kings2 Kings 15:29, 16:9, 17:6, 17:24; 1 Chronicles 5:26; Nahum 2:11, 2:12 nationsHeb. landsReciprocal2 Kings 18:34 - the gods; 19:18 - for they were; 2 Chronicles 32:13 - I and my; Psalm 97:7 - Confounded; Isaiah 36:18 - Hath; 36:20 - that the Lord; 37:11 - General; 40:19 - General; 44:9 - and their; Nahum 3:19 - upon Verse 19And haveIsaiah 10:9-11, 36:18-20, 46:1, 46:2; Exodus 32:20; 2 Samuel 5:21 castHeb. givenno godsIsaiah 40:19-21, 41:7, 44:9, 44:10, 44:17; Psalm 115:4-8; Jeremiah 10:3-6, 10:11; Hosea 8:6ReciprocalGenesis 31:30 - my gods; 2 Kings 1:2 - god; 18:34 - the gods; 19:18 - for they were; 2 Chronicles 32:19 - the work; Psalm 97:7 - Confounded; 135:15 - idols; Isaiah 2:8 - worship; 36:20 - that the Lord; 37:11 - General; Jeremiah 1:16 - worshipped; 2:11 - no gods; 16:20 - General; 50:2 - her idols; Ezekiel 20:32 - to serve; Daniel 5:23 - which; 11:8 - their gods Verse 20that allIsaiah 42:8; Exodus 9:15, 9:16; Joshua 7:8, 7:9; 1 Samuel 17:45-47; 1 Kings 8:43, 18:36, 18:37; Psalm 46:10, 59:13, 67:1, 67:2, 83:17, 83:18; Ezekiel 36:23; Malachi 1:11 evenIsaiah 37:16ReciprocalJudges 16:24 - praised; 1 Kings 20:13 - and thou shalt; Nehemiah 9:6 - even thou; Psalm 7:6 - lift up; 8:2 - still; 17:6 - incline; 25:2 - let not; 50:1 - even; 57:5 - Be thou; 86:10 - God; Isaiah 19:21 - Lord shall; 33:5 - The Lord; 33:13 - Hear; 37:32 - the zeal; 43:12 - my witnesses; 44:6 - beside; 45:6 - General; 64:2 - to make; Ezekiel 6:13 - when; 22:16 - thou shalt know; 25:5 - and ye; 28:22 - I will; 39:21 - I will set; Daniel 4:32 - until; Joel 2:17 - Spare; Matthew 6:9 - Hallowed; Romans 9:17 - that; 1 Corinthians 8:4 - there is Verse 21WhereasIsaiah 38:3-6, 58:9, 65:24; 2 Samuel 15:31, 17:23; 2 Kings 19:20, 19:21; Job 22:27; Psalm 91:15; Daniel 9:20-23; Acts 4:31Reciprocal2 Kings 2:12 - My father; 2 Chronicles 6:35 - maintain; 32:21 - the Lord; Psalm 46:6 - heathen; Isaiah 38:1 - And Isaiah Verse 22The virginIsaiah 23:12; Jeremiah 14:17; Lamentations 1:15, 2:13; Amos 5:2 the daughterIsaiah 1:8, 10:32, 62:11; Psalm 9:14; Zephaniah 3:14; Zechariah 2:10, 9:9; Matthew 21:5 hath despisedIsaiah 8:9, 8:10; 1 Samuel 17:36, 17:44-47; Psalm 2:2-4, 27:1-3, 31:18, 46:1-7; Joel 3:9-12 shakenJob 16:4; Psalm 22:7, 22:8; Matthew 27:39ReciprocalDeuteronomy 33:12 - The beloved; 2 Kings 19:21 - The virgin; Psalm 44:14 - shaking; 48:11 - daughters; 52:6 - laugh; 53:5 - because; 109:25 - when they; 129:5 - be confounded; Isaiah 10:24 - be not afraid; 47:1 - O virgin; Jeremiah 18:16 - shall be; 31:4 - O; Lamentations 2:15 - wag; Ezekiel 38:7 - General; Micah 1:9 - he; Zephaniah 2:10 - and magnified Verse 23Whom hastIsaiah 37:10-13; Exodus 5:2; 2 Kings 19:4, 19:22; 2 Chronicles 32:17; Psalm 44:16, 73:9, 74:18, 74:23; Revelation 13:1-6 against whomIsaiah 10:13-15, 14:13, 14:14; Exodus 9:17; Proverbs 30:13; Ezekiel 28:2, 28:9; Daniel 5:20-23; 7:25; 2 Thessalonians 2:4 the Holy OneIsaiah 10:20, 12:6, 17:7, 30:11, 30:12, 41:14, 41:16, 43:3, 43:14; Exodus 15:11; Ezekiel 39:7; Habakkuk 1:12, 1:13ReciprocalExodus 15:7 - them that; Numbers 15:30 - reproacheth; 1 Samuel 2:3 - let not arrogancy; 17:36 - seeing; 17:45 - defied; 2 Samuel 3:8 - do show; 22:28 - but thine; 2 Kings 18:35 - that the Lord; 1 Chronicles 20:7 - defied; Psalm 10:3 - boasteth; 22:7 - shake; 80:6 - our enemies; 83:2 - lifted; 94:2 - render; 139:20 - for they speak; Isaiah 1:4 - the Holy; 5:15 - the eyes; 33:11 - your; 36:15 - General; 36:20 - that the Lord; 37:4 - to reproach; 57:4 - Against; Jeremiah 48:42 - magnified; 50:29 - for she hath; Lamentations 1:9 - for; Ezekiel 35:13 - with; Daniel 3:15 - and who; 5:23 - lifted; 8:11 - he magnified; Malachi 3:13 - Your; Matthew 15:11 - but; Acts 12:23 - because Verse 24thy servantsHeb. the hand of they servants, Isaiah 37:4, 36:15-20; 2 Kings 19:22, 19:23 By theIsaiah 10:13, 10:14, 36:9; Exodus 15:9; Psalm 20:7; Daniel 4:30 tall cedars thereof, and the choice fir trees thereofHeb. tallness of the cedars thereof and the choice of the fir trees thereof. Isaiah 10:18, 14:8; Ezekiel 31:3-18; Daniel 4:8-14, 4:20-22; Zechariah 11:1, 11:2 of his Carmelor, and his fruitful field, Isaiah 29:17ReciprocalExodus 9:17 - General; 14:7 - General; Numbers 15:30 - reproacheth; Deuteronomy 20:1 - horses; Joshua 19:26 - Carmel; Judges 9:15 - the cedars; 1 Kings 20:1 - and horses; 20:10 - if the dust; 2 Chronicles 32:1 - win them; 32:17 - to rail; Psalm 44:16 - For the; 74:18 - the foolish; 94:4 - boast; Isaiah 2:13 - General; 10:33 - lop; 10:34 - cut down; 14:14 - ascend; 21:7 - And he saw; 32:19 - it shall; 33:9 - Lebanon; Jeremiah 21:14 - in the; 22:7 - cut; 46:8 - I will go; 46:22 - and come; Ezekiel 38:11 - go up; Obadiah 1:12 - spoken proudly; Micah 7:14 - in the midst; Nahum 2:4 - chariots; Habakkuk 1:16 - they; Zephaniah 3:6 - cut Verse 25with the soleIsaiah 36:12; 1 Kings 20:10; 2 Kings 19:23, 19:24 besiegedor, fenced and closedReciprocalDeuteronomy 20:1 - horses; 2 Chronicles 32:1 - win them; Job 28:11 - bindeth; 40:23 - drinketh; Psalm 94:4 - boast; Isaiah 19:6 - and the; 26:6 - General; Ezekiel 38:11 - go up; Daniel 4:30 - that; Nahum 3:14 - Draw Verse 26long agoetc. or, how I have made it long ago, and formed it of ancient times, Should I now bring it to be laid waste, and defenced cities to be ruinous IIsaiah 10:5, 10:6, 10:15, 45:7, 46:10, 46:11; Genesis 50:20; Psalm 17:13, 76:10; Amos 3:6; Acts 2:23, 4:27, 4:28; 1 Peter 2:8; Jude 1:4ReciprocalNumbers 22:35 - Go; Judges 3:12 - and the Lord; 1 Kings 11:23 - God; 2 Kings 3:25 - beat down; 19:25 - Hast thou not; Psalm 9:6 - thou hast; Isaiah 17:1 - a ruinous; 22:11 - ye have; 54:16 - I have; Jeremiah 33:2 - the maker; 34:22 - I will command; 47:7 - the Lord; 51:20 - art; Ezekiel 28:14 - and I; Habakkuk 1:12 - thou hast ordained; Revelation 6:4 - power; 13:7 - and power Verse 27their inhabitantsIsaiah 19:16; Numbers 14:9; 2 Kings 19:26; Psalm 127:1, 127:2; Jeremiah 5:10, 37:10 of small powerHeb. short of handas the grass ofIsaiah 40:6-8; Psalm 37:2, 90:5, 90:6, 92:7, 103:15, 129:6; James 1:10, 1:11; 1 Peter 1:24Reciprocal2 Kings 3:25 - beat down; 19:25 - Hast thou not; Isaiah 7:2 - And his heart; 10:6 - will I give; 13:7 - shall all; Jeremiah 46:17 - Pharaoh; Ezekiel 28:14 - and I; Haggai 2:17 - with blasting; Revelation 6:4 - power Verse 28I knowPsalm 139:2-11; Proverbs 5:21, 15:3; Jeremiah 23:23, 23:24; Revelation 2:13 abodeor sittingReciprocalDeuteronomy 32:27 - lest their; 1 Samuel 17:36 - seeing; 17:45 - defied; 2 Samuel 3:25 - and to know; 22:28 - but thine; 2 Kings 19:27 - thy going out; 2 Chronicles 32:17 - to rail; Psalm 66:7 - let; 129:5 - be confounded; 139:20 - for they speak; Isaiah 36:10 - General; 52:5 - my name; 66:18 - I know; Jeremiah 48:30 - know Verse 29rageIsaiah 37:10, 36:4, 36:10; 2 Kings 19:27, 19:28; Job 15:25, 15:26; Psalm 2:1-3, 46:6, 93:3, 93:4; Nahum 1:9-11; John 15:22, 15:23; Acts 9:4 tumultPsalm 74:4, 74:23, 83:2; Matthew 27:24; Acts 22:22 will IIsaiah 30:28; Job 41:2; Psalm 32:9; Ezekiel 29:4, 38:4; Amos 4:2ReciprocalGenesis 31:24 - Take heed; Exodus 9:17 - General; 15:7 - them that; 16:8 - but against; Numbers 22:20 - but yet; Deuteronomy 32:27 - lest their; 1 Samuel 17:36 - seeing; 2 Samuel 22:28 - but thine; 1 Kings 20:28 - Because; 2 Chronicles 32:17 - to rail; Psalm 35:4 - turned; 66:7 - let; 94:2 - render; 129:5 - be confounded; 139:20 - for they speak; Isaiah 5:15 - the eyes; 7:7 - General; 10:16 - the Lord of hosts; 17:13 - but; 33:3 - General; 37:34 - General; 37:37 - Sennacherib; 48:3 - and I; 57:4 - Against; Jeremiah 48:30 - know; Lamentations 1:9 - for; Ezekiel 35:13 - with; 39:2 - I will; Daniel 8:11 - he magnified; James 3:3 - General Verse 30this shallIsaiah 7:14, 38:7; Exodus 3:12; 1 Kings 13:3-5; 2 Kings 19:29, 20:9 Ye shallIsaiah 7:21-25; Leviticus 25:4, 25:5, 25:20-22Reciprocal25:22 - eighth; Psalm 107:37 - sow; Isaiah 7:11 - a sign; 14:30 - the poor; Acts 12:7 - the angel Verse 31remnant that is escaped of the house of JudahHeb. escaping of the house of Judah that remaineth, Isaiah 1:9, 6:13, 10:20-22; Jeremiah 44:28 takeIsaiah 27:6, 65:9; 2 Kings 19:30, 19:31; Psalm 80:9; Jeremiah 30:19; Romans 9:27, 11:5; Galatians 3:29ReciprocalProverbs 12:12 - the root; Isaiah 4:2 - them that are escaped; 28:5 - residue; 41:19 - plant; Jeremiah 31:7 - remnant; Ezekiel 7:16 - they; Micah 5:5 - when the Verse 32they that escapeHeb. the escapingthe zealIsaiah 37:20, 9:7, 59:17; 2 Kings 19:31; Joel 2:18; Zechariah 1:14Reciprocal2 Kings 19:30 - shall yet again; Isaiah 1:9 - a very; 4:2 - them that are escaped; 10:20 - the remnant; 14:32 - the Lord; 28:5 - residue; 30:31 - the voice; 41:19 - plant; Jeremiah 26:24 - that; 1 Thessalonians 5:24 - who Verse 33HeIsaiah 8:7-10, 10:32-34, 17:12, 17:14, 33:20; 2 Kings 19:32-35 shieldsHeb. shieldcastEzekiel 21:22; Luke 19:43, 19:44ReciprocalDeuteronomy 20:20 - thou shalt build; Psalm 48:3 - General; Isaiah 10:24 - be not afraid; 22:2 - thy slain; Jeremiah 26:24 - that Verse 34Isaiah 37:29; Proverbs 21:30ReciprocalPsalm 20:2 - out; Isaiah 22:7 - full Verse 35I willIsaiah 31:5, 38:6; 2 Kings 20:6 for mineIsaiah 43:25, 48:9-11; Deuteronomy 32:27; Ezekiel 20:9, 36:22; Ephesians 1:6, 1:14 and for1 Kings 11:12, 11:13, 11:36, 15:4; Jeremiah 23:5, 23:6, 30:9, 33:15, 33:16; Ezekiel 37:24, 37:25ReciprocalDeuteronomy 33:12 - The beloved; 1 Samuel 12:22 - for his great; 2 Samuel 7:15 - as I took; 1 Kings 20:28 - therefore will; 2 Kings 8:19 - for David; 11:2 - they hid him; 1 Chronicles 17:19 - thy servant's; Psalm 20:2 - out; 25:2 - let not; 46:4 - city; 76:3 - There; 129:5 - be confounded; Isaiah 4:5 - all the glory; 7:2 - the house; 10:27 - because; 31:4 - so shall; 31:8 - shall the; 43:12 - declared; Jeremiah 4:10 - Ye shall have; Ezekiel 36:21 - General Verse 36the angelIsaiah 10:12, 10:16-19, 10:33, 10:34, 30:30-33, 31:8, 33:10-12; Exodus 12:23; 2 Samuel 24:16; 2 Kings 19:35; 1 Chronicles 21:12, 21:16; 2 Chronicles 32:21, 32:22; Psalm 35:5, 35:6; Acts 12:23 and whenExodus 12:30; Job 20:5-7, 24:24; Psalm 46:6-11, 76:5-7; 1 Thessalonians 5:2, 5:3ReciprocalGenesis 19:13 - Lord hath; Exodus 15:7 - them that; Numbers 16:21 - that I may; Judges 8:10 - fell an hundred; 2 Samuel 24:15 - seventy thousand men; 1 Kings 20:29 - an hundred thousand; 2 Chronicles 13:15 - God smote; 13:17 - five hundred; 20:24 - they were dead; Job 5:12 - their hands; 12:19 - General; 34:20 - troubled; 36:19 - nor all; Psalm 7:9 - Oh; 8:2 - still; 46:4 - city; 65:5 - terrible; 76:3 - There; 76:6 - both; 94:2 - render; 94:10 - chastiseth; Ecclesiastes 5:8 - higher than they; Isaiah 8:9 - gird; 9:5 - burning; 10:17 - devour; 10:19 - few; 10:25 - For yet; 14:25 - I will; 19:20 - he shall send; 22:2 - thy slain; 25:4 - when; 29:5 - the multitude; 29:7 - the multitude; 30:25 - in the day; 31:4 - so shall; 33:12 - thorns; 37:7 - I will cause; 43:12 - declared; 47:11 - thou shalt not know; 48:3 - and I; 51:13 - where is; Jeremiah 48:44 - that fleeth; 50:18 - as I; 51:57 - sleep a; Ezekiel 6:13 - when; 14:19 - if I; 32:22 - Asshur; Daniel 3:28 - hath sent; 10:20 - to fight; Joel 3:11 - cause; Amos 8:3 - many; Micah 5:9 - hand; Nahum 1:12 - Through; 1:15 - no; 2:13 - and the sword; 3:3 - and there; Zephaniah 3:6 - cut; 1 Corinthians 1:28 - to bring; Revelation 20:9 - and fire Verse 37SennacheribIsaiah 37:7, 37:29, 31:9 NinevehGenesis 10:11, 10:12; Jonah 1:2, 3:3; Nahum 1:1; Matthew 12:41Reciprocal2 Kings 19:37 - Nisroch; 2 Chronicles 32:21 - the Lord; Ezra 4:2 - Assur; Isaiah 31:8 - he shall flee Verse 38his godIsaiah 37:10, 14:9, 14:12, 36:15, 36:18; 2 Kings 19:36, 19:37; 2 Chronicles 32:14, 32:19, 32:21 ArmeniaHeb. Ararat, Genesis 8:4; Jeremiah 51:27 EsarhaddonEsar-haddon, called Asar-addinus in the Canon of Ptolemy, was the third son of Sennacherib; and having reigned twenty-nine years over the Assyrians, he took advantage of the anarchy and confusion which followed the death of Mesessimordacus, and seized upon Babylon; which he added to his former empire, and reigned over both for thirteen years; when he was succeeded by his son Saosduchinus, am 3336, bc 668. Ezra 4:2ReciprocalExodus 15:7 - them that; Judges 9:46 - an hold; 1 Kings 18:26 - no voice; Nehemiah 9:32 - since the time; Job 12:21 - poureth; 34:20 - a moment; Psalm 37:15 - sword; Proverbs 16:18 - General; Isaiah 7:17 - bring upon; 8:8 - he shall pass; 10:33 - lop; 16:12 - he shall; 30:33 - for the king; 31:8 - he shall flee; 44:17 - Deliver me; 46:7 - one shall cry; 52:4 - the Assyrian; Jeremiah 50:17 - first; Hosea 1:7 - I will; Habakkuk 2:18 - profiteth