Isaiah 29
29:1 God's heavy judgment upon Jerusalem;
29:7 The unsatiableness of her enemies;
29:9 The senselessness,
Isa_29:13. and deep hypocrisy of the Jews;
29:17 A promise of sanctification to the godly. Verse 1am 3292, bc 712woeetc. or, O Ariel, that is, the lion of God, Isaiah 31:9; Ezekiel 43:15, 43:16 the cityor, of the city, 2 Samuel 5:9 addIsaiah 1:11-15; Jeremiah 7:21; Hosea 5:6, 8:13, 9:4; Amos 4:4, 4:5; Habakkuk 3:1 killHeb. cut off the heads, Isaiah 66:3; Micah 6:6, 6:7ReciprocalIsaiah 8:8 - he shall pass; Jeremiah 46:13 - Nebuchadrezzar; Matthew 21:46 - they sought; Luke 19:43 - cast Verse 2I willIsaiah 5:25-30, 10:5, 10:6, 10:32, 17:14, 24:1-12, 33:7-9, 36:22, 37:3; Jeremiah 32:28-32, 39:4, 39:5 and it shallOr, as Bp. Lowth renders, "and it shall be unto me as the hearth of the great altar;" that is, it shall be the seat of the fire of God, which shall issue from thence to consume his enemies. The hearth of the altar is expressly called ariel by Ezekiel, Ezekiel 43:15
which is put, in the former part of the verse, for Jerusalem, the city in which the altar was. The subject of this and the four following chapters, says Bp. Lowth, is the invasion of Sennacherib; the great distress of the Jews while it continued; their sudden and unexpected deliverance by God's immediate and miraculous interposition on their behalf; the subsequent prosperous state of the kingdom under Hezekiah; interspersed with severe reproofs and threats of punishment for their hypocrisy, stupidity, infidelity, their want of trust in God, and their vain reliance on the assistance of Egypt; and with promises of better times, both immediately to succeed, and to be expected in the future age. Isaiah 34:6; Ezekiel 22:31, 24:3-13, 39:17; Zephaniah 1:7, 1:8; Revelation 19:17, 19:18ReciprocalIsaiah 29:7 - that distress
Verse 32 Kings 18:17, 19:32, 24:11, 24:12, 25:1-4; Ezekiel 21:22; Matthew 22:7; Luke 19:43, 19:44ReciprocalJeremiah 5:15 - I will; 52:4 - pitched Verse 4thou shaltIsaiah 2:11-21, 3:8, 51:23; Psalm 44:25; Lamentations 1:9 whisperHeb. peep, or chirp, Isaiah 8:19ReciprocalGenesis 3:14 - dust; Leviticus 19:31 - General; Psalm 22:29 - all they that; Jeremiah 46:22 - voice Verse 5the multitudeIsaiah 10:16-19, 25:5, 31:3, 31:8, 37:36 as chaff17:13; Job 21:18; Psalm 1:4, 35:5 at anIsaiah 30:13; Psalm 46:5, 46:6, 76:5, 76:6; 1 Thessalonians 5:3Reciprocal2 Chronicles 32:21 - the leaders; Psalm 48:4 - General; Isaiah 29:20 - the terrible; 33:11 - conceive; 37:7 - I will; Jeremiah 15:21 - the terrible Verse 6Isaiah 5:26-30, 28:2, 30:30, 33:11-14; 1 Samuel 2:10, 12:17, 12:18; 2 Samuel 22:14; Matthew 24:7; Mark 13:8; Luke 21:11; Revelation 11:13, 11:19, 16:18ReciprocalIsaiah 30:28 - an overflowing; 31:9 - whose fire; 33:14 - Who among us shall dwell with the; Jeremiah 5:15 - I will; Ezekiel 13:11 - there shall; 38:8 - thou shalt be; 38:22 - an overflowing; Zechariah 14:5 - ye fled; Revelation 6:12 - there; 8:5 - an; 8:7 - hail Verse 7the multitudeIsaiah 37:36, 41:11, 41:12; Jeremiah 25:31-33, 51:42-44; Nahum 1:3-12; Zechariah 12:3-5; 14:1-3, 14:12-15; Revelation 20:8, 20:9 that distressIsaiah 29:2 as a dreamJob 20:8; Psalm 73:20Reciprocal90:5 - as a sleep; Isaiah 10:12 - I will; Ezekiel 43:15 - the altar; Obadiah 1:16 - and they shall be; Nahum 1:15 - he Verse 8as whenIsaiah 10:7-16; 2 Chronicles 32:21 beholdIsaiah 44:12ReciprocalJob 20:8 - fly away; Psalm 73:20 - As a; 90:5 - as a sleep; Isaiah 10:12 - I will; Obadiah 1:16 - and they shall be; Nahum 1:15 - he Verse 9and wonderIsaiah 1:2, 33:13, 33:14; Jeremiah 2:12; Habakkuk 1:5; Acts 13:40, 13:41; Revelation 17:6 cry ye out, and cryor, take your pleasure and riot, Isaiah 22:12, 22:13; Matthew 26:45; Mark 14:41 they areIsaiah 29:10, 19:14, 28:7, 28:8, 49:26, 51:21, 51:22; Jeremiah 23:9, 25:27, 51:7; Lamentations 4:21ReciprocalPsalm 69:23 - Their eyes; 107:27 - stagger; Isaiah 24:20 - reel; 29:14 - I will; 42:19 - Who is blind; 51:20 - full; Jeremiah 4:9 - and the priests; 13:13 - I will; 48:26 - ye him; Ezekiel 12:2 - which; Amos 8:9 - that I; Nahum 3:11 - shalt be drunken; Mark 11:33 - We; Luke 20:7 - that; 2 Thessalonians 2:11 - for; Revelation 14:10 - drink Verse 10the LordIsaiah 29:14, 6:9, 6:10; 1 Samuel 26:12; Psalm 69:23; Micah 3:6; Acts 28:26, 28:27; Romans 11:8 hath closedIsaiah 44:18; Ezekiel 14:9; 2 Corinthians 4:4; 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 rulersHeb. heads, Isaiah 3:2, 3:3; Micah 3:1 the seersIsaiah 30:10; 1 Samuel 9:9; Jeremiah 26:8-11; Amos 7:12, 7:13Reciprocal2 Chronicles 33:18 - the seers; Psalm 119:18 - Open; 143:10 - the land; Isaiah 9:15 - the prophet; 19:14 - hath mingled; 29:9 - they are; 29:18 - the deaf; 29:24 - also; 48:8 - thou heardest; 56:10 - are blind; Jeremiah 2:8 - priests; 4:9 - and the priests; 4:22 - For my; Lamentations 4:14 - have wandered; Daniel 5:15 - General; Amos 8:9 - that I; Zephaniah 1:17 - they shall; Zechariah 11:17 - the sword; 12:5 - the governors; Matthew 11:25 - because; 13:11 - Because; 13:15 - their eyes; 21:27 - We cannot tell; Luke 11:34 - but; 19:42 - but; 24:45 - General; John 3:10 - Art; 9:39 - might be; 12:40 - hath; Acts 13:11 - thou; Ephesians 1:18 - eyes; 1 John 4:6 - and Verse 11bookor, letterthat is sealedIsaiah 8:16 I cannotDaniel 12:4, 12:9; Matthew 11:25, 13:11, 16:17; Revelation 5:1-9, 6:1ReciprocalIsaiah 29:24 - also; 48:8 - thou heardest; Luke 7:32 - are; 14:18 - all; 1 Corinthians 14:16 - unlearned; Revelation 5:2 - Who; 10:4 - Seal up Verse 12I am notIsaiah 29:18, 28:12, 28:13; Jeremiah 5:4; Hosea 4:6; John 7:15, 7:16ReciprocalLuke 7:32 - are; 14:18 - all; 1 Corinthians 14:16 - unlearned; Revelation 5:2 - Who Verse 13ForasmuchIsaiah 10:6, 48:1, 48:2, 58:2, 58:3; Psalm 17:1; Jeremiah 3:10, 5:2, 12:2, 42:2-4, 42:20; Ezekiel 33:31-33; Matthew 15:7-9 their fear2 Chronicles 29:1-31:21; Proverbs 30:6; Matthew 15:2-6; Mark 7:2-13; Colossians 2:22Reciprocal1 Samuel 2:30 - them; 15:30 - that I may worship; 2 Samuel 11:6 - Send me; 1 Kings 11:9 - his heart; 11:11 - thou hast not; 12:33 - in the month; 2 Kings 17:28 - taught them; 2 Chronicles 24:2 - all the days of Jehoiada; 25:2 - but not; Psalm 73:27 - lo; 78:36 - Nevertheless; Isaiah 6:5 - I dwell; 6:9 - Go; 33:14 - sinners; Jeremiah 2:5 - are gone; 34:10 - then; 42:1 - came; Ezekiel 14:1 - and sat; 20:1 - that certain; 33:30 - Come; Hosea 7:14 - they have not; 11:12 - compasseth; Zephaniah 3:2 - she drew; Matthew 15:8 - draweth; 15:9 - teaching; Mark 7:6 - Well; 7:9 - Full; John 4:23 - true; Galatians 1:6 - so; 1:14 - profited; 1 Timothy 1:7 - understanding; 2 Timothy 3:5 - a form; Titus 1:14 - commandments; 1:16 - profess; Habakkuk 3:1 - draw; James 1:8 - General; 3:9 - bless; 4:8 - Draw nigh to God Verse 14I willIsaiah 29:9, 28:21; Habakkuk 1:5; John 9:29-34 proceedHeb. addfor the wisdomIsaiah 29:10, 6:9, 6:10, 19:3, 19:11-14; Job 5:13; Jeremiah 8:7-9, 49:7; Obadiah 1:8; Luke 10:24; John 9:39-41; Acts 28:26, 28:27; Romans 1:21, 1:22, 1:28; 1 Corinthians 1:19-24, 3:19ReciprocalGenesis 41:8 - the magicians of Egypt; Deuteronomy 32:28 - General; 1 Samuel 3:11 - I will do; 1 Kings 11:9 - his heart; 11:11 - thou hast not; Job 12:17 - General; Psalm 14:4 - Have; Isaiah 19:14 - hath mingled; 44:25 - turneth; Jeremiah 50:35 - her wise men; Luke 8:10 - that seeing; 10:21 - thou hast; 20:7 - that; John 7:49 - General; 9:30 - herein; Acts 13:40 - which; 1 Corinthians 1:27 - General; 1 Timothy 1:7 - understanding; Habakkuk 3:1 - errors Verse 15seekIsaiah 5:18, 5:19, 28:15, 28:17, 30:1; Job 22:13, 22:14; Psalm 10:11-13, 64:5, 64:6; 139:1-8; Jeremiah 23:24; Ezekiel 8:12, 9:9; Zephaniah 1:12; Revelation 2:23 and their worksJob 24:13-17, 34:22; Luke 12:1-3; John 3:19; 1 Corinthians 4:5; 2 Corinthians 4:2 Who seethIsaiah 47:10; Psalm 59:7, 73:11, 94:7-9; Malachi 2:17ReciprocalJoshua 7:21 - they are hid; 1 Samuel 23:12 - They will; 2 Samuel 11:8 - go down; 16:20 - Give counsel; 2 Kings 5:24 - and bestowed; 6:12 - telleth; Psalm 139:3 - and art acquainted; 139:11 - Surely; Isaiah 31:6 - deeply; Jeremiah 16:17 - General; Ezekiel 8:8 - General; Hosea 5:2 - profound; Acts 5:3 - lie to Verse 16your turningIsaiah 24:1; Acts 17:6 as the potter'sIsaiah 45:9, 45:10; Jeremiah 18:1-10; Romans 9:19, 9:21 or shallIsaiah 45:11; Psalm 94:8, 94:9ReciprocalIsaiah 64:8 - are the clay; Romans 9:20 - Shall Verse 17yet a veryIsaiah 63:18; Habakkuk 2:3; Haggai 2:6; Habakkuk 3:1 LebanonIsaiah 32:15, 35:1, 35:2, 41:19, 49:5, 49:6, 55:13, 65:12-16; Hosea 1:9, 1:10; Matthew 19:30; 21:43; Romans 11:11-17 the fruitfulIsaiah 5:6; Ezekiel 20:46, 20:47; Hosea 3:4; Micah 3:12; Zechariah 11:1, 11:2; Matthew 21:18, 21:19; Romans 11:19-27Reciprocal2 Chronicles 26:10 - Carmel; Psalm 72:16 - the fruit; Isaiah 35:7 - the parched; 37:24 - of his Carmel; Hosea 2:12 - I will; Mark 12:9 - and will Verse 18the deafIsaiah 29:10-12, 29:24, 35:5, 42:16-18; Deuteronomy 29:4; Psalm 119:18; Proverbs 20:12; Jeremiah 31:33, 31:34; Matthew 11:5, 13:14-16, 16:17; Mark 7:37; Luke 4:18, 7:22; John 6:45; Acts 26:18; 2 Corinthians 3:14-18, 4:2-6; Ephesians 1:17-19, 5:14; 1 Peter 2:9; Revelation 3:18ReciprocalIsaiah 2:11 - in that day; 17:7 - General; 29:12 - I am not; 32:3 - General; 42:7 - open; 42:18 - ye deaf; 58:10 - then; Daniel 12:4 - many; Matthew 11:25 - because; 12:22 - blind; 20:30 - two; Mark 8:24 - I see; 10:52 - he received; Luke 10:21 - revealed; 18:43 - he; 24:45 - General; John 9:7 - and came; 9:30 - and yet; Acts 8:31 - How; 2 Corinthians 3:16 - the veil; Ephesians 1:18 - eyes; Colossians 2:22 - after Verse 19meekIsaiah 61:1; Psalm 25:9, 37:11, 149:4; Zephaniah 2:3; Matthew 5:5, 11:29; Galatians 5:22, 5:23; Ephesians 4:2; Philippians 2:1-3; James 1:21, 2:5, 3:13-18; 1 Peter 2:1-3 increaseHeb. addthe poorIsaiah 41:17, 41:18, 57:15, 66:2; Psalm 9:18, 12:5; Zephaniah 3:12-18; Matthew 5:3, 11:5; 1 Corinthians 1:26-29; James 1:9, 2:5 rejoiceIsaiah 41:16, 61:10; Habakkuk 3:18; Philippians 3:1-3, 4:4ReciprocalPsalm 89:18 - Holy; Isaiah 1:4 - the Holy; 11:4 - for the meek; 17:7 - General; 25:4 - thou hast; Daniel 12:4 - many; Matthew 11:25 - because; Mark 10:52 - he received; Luke 2:20 - General; 4:18 - to preach; 6:20 - Blessed; 7:22 - how; 10:21 - revealed; 18:43 - he; 24:45 - General; John 9:7 - and came; 15:2 - and; Acts 8:31 - How; 1 Corinthians 1:27 - General; 1 Peter 3:4 - a meek Verse 20the terribleIsaiah 29:5, 13:3, 25:4, 25:5, 49:25, 51:13; Daniel 7:7, 7:19-25; Habakkuk 1:6, 1:7 the scornerIsaiah 28:14-22; Luke 16:14, 23:11, 23:35 and allMicah 2:1; Mark 2:6, 2:7, 3:2-6; Luke 6:7, 13:14-17, 20:20-23; Revelation 12:10Reciprocal1 Samuel 14:45 - the people; Psalm 56:5 - they; Proverbs 19:29 - Judgments; Jeremiah 15:21 - the terrible; Amos 5:5 - come; Luke 13:15 - Thou hypocrite; 14:1 - they; 2 Peter 3:3 - scoffers Verse 21makeJudges 12:6; Matthew 22:15; Luke 11:53, 11:54 and layJeremiah 18:18, 20:7-10, 26:2-8; Amos 5:10-12, 7:10-17; Micah 2:6, 2:7 and turnProverbs 28:21; Ezekiel 13:19; Amos 5:11, 5:12; Malachi 3:5; Matthew 26:15; Acts 3:14; James 5:6ReciprocalDeuteronomy 33:11 - smite; 1 Samuel 14:45 - the people; Psalm 56:5 - they; Proverbs 24:7 - openeth; Ecclesiastes 7:21 - unto; Isaiah 10:2 - turn aside; 30:11 - you out; Jeremiah 20:10 - Report; 26:9 - Why; 36:29 - Why; Amos 2:6 - because; Mark 3:2 - General; 12:13 - they send; Luke 6:7 - watched; 14:1 - they; 20:20 - they watched; John 7:7 - because; Ephesians 5:11 - but Verse 22who redeemedIsaiah 41:8, 41:9, 41:14, 44:21-23, 51:2, 51:11, 54:4; Genesis 48:16; Joshua 24:2-5; Nehemiah 9:7, 9:8; Luke 1:68; 1 Peter 1:18, 1:19; Revelation 5:9 Jacob shallIsaiah 44:21-26, 45:17, 45:25, 46:3, 46:4, 49:7-26, 60:1-9, 61:7-11; Jeremiah 30:5-7, 30:10; 31:10-12, 33:24-26; Ezekiel 37:24, 37:28, 39:25-29, 40:1-48:35; Joel 2:27; Romans 11:11-24ReciprocalJeremiah 30:6 - paleness; Joel 2:26 - and my Verse 23the workIsaiah 19:25, 43:21, 45:11, 60:21; Ephesians 2:10 sanctifyIsaiah 5:16, 8:13; Leviticus 10:3; Matthew 6:9; Revelation 11:15-17 fear the GodHosea 3:5; Revelation 15:4, 19:5ReciprocalIsaiah 43:7 - for I; Hosea 8:14 - Maker; 2 Corinthians 5:5 - wrought; 1 Peter 3:15 - sanctify Verse 24alsoIsaiah 29:10, 29:11, 28:7; Zechariah 12:10; Matthew 21:28-32; Luke 7:47, 15:17-19; Acts 2:37, 6:7; 9:19, 9:20; 1 Corinthians 6:11; 1 Timothy 1:13-15; Revelation 20:2, 20:3 come to understandingHeb. know understandingReciprocalGenesis 49:24 - the mighty; Isaiah 17:7 - General; 29:18 - the deaf; 32:3 - General; 32:4 - heart; 42:16 - I will bring; 66:19 - that have; Luke 1:17 - and the