Hosea 10
10:1 Israel is reproved and threatened for their impiety and idolatry, and exhorted to repentance. Verse 1Cir, am 3264, bc 740, is, Isaiah 5:1-7; Ezekiel 15:1-5; Nahum 2:2; John 15:1-6 an empty vineor, a vine emptying the fruit which it giveth, unto. Zechariah 7:5, 7:6; Romans 14:7, 14:8; 2 Corinthians 5:16; Philippians 2:21 to the multitudeHosea 2:8, 8:4, 8:11, 12:8, 12:11, 13:2, 13:6; Jeremiah 2:28 imagesHeb. statues, or standing images, Leviticus 26:1; 1 Kings 14:23 *marg.ReciprocalIsaiah 5:2 - wild grapes; 17:8 - the work; Ezekiel 15:2 - What; 16:17 - hast also; Luke 12:21 - he; 20:11 - and sent Verse 2Their heart is dividedor, He hath divided their heart, Hosea 7:8; 1 Kings 18:21; Isaiah 44:18; Zephaniah 1:5; Matthew 6:24; Luke 16:13; 2 Thessalonians 2:11, 2:12; James 1:8, 4:4; 1 John 2:15; Revelation 3:15, 3:16 break downHeb. behead, Hosea 10:5-8, 8:5, 8:6; 1 Samuel 5:4; Jeremiah 43:13; Micah 5:13; Zechariah 13:2ReciprocalExodus 8:28 - I will; 2 Kings 17:33 - They feared; 2 Chronicles 25:2 - but not; Psalm 78:37 - their heart; 86:11 - unite; 119:10 - my whole; Isaiah 17:8 - the work; Ezekiel 6:6 - your altars; 14:5 - I may; Hosea 8:11 - many; 1 Corinthians 6:7 - there; Revelation 14:5 - without Verse 3We haveHosea 10:7, 10:15, 3:4, 11:5, 13:11; Genesis 49:10; Micah 4:9; John 19:15Reciprocal1 Samuel 12:25 - ye and; 2 Kings 15:30 - and smote; Ezekiel 19:14 - she hath; Hosea 13:10 - where Verse 4swearingHosea 6:7; 2 Kings 17:3, 17:4; Ezekiel 17:13-19; Romans 1:31; 2 Timothy 3:3 thusDeuteronomy 29:18; Isaiah 5:7, 59:13-15; Amos 5:7, 6:12; Acts 8:23; Habakkuk 3:1; Revelation 8:10, 8:11ReciprocalJob 5:6 - spring out; Proverbs 16:10 - transgresseth; Jeremiah 5:2 - though; Ezekiel 17:16 - whose oath; Habakkuk 1:4 - for; Acts 24:25 - righteousness; 1 Timothy 1:10 - perjured Verse 5the calvesHosea 8:5, 8:6, 13:2; 1 Kings 12:28-32; 2 Kings 10:29, 17:16; 2 Chronicles 11:15, 13:8 BethavenHosea 4:15, 5:8; Joshua 7:2 for the peopleJudges 18:24; Revelation 18:11-19 the priestsor, Chemarim, 2 Kings 23:5 *marg. Zephaniah 1:4 for the gloryHosea 9:11; 1 Samuel 4:21, 4:22; Acts 19:27ReciprocalExodus 32:4 - calf; Joshua 18:12 - the wilderness; 1 Samuel 13:5 - Bethaven; 2 Kings 2:23 - Bethel; Jeremiah 48:13 - as the; Daniel 11:8 - their gods; Hosea 7:1 - wickedness; 10:2 - break down; 10:8 - high places; 10:15 - shall Bethel; Amos 3:14 - I will; 6:14 - I will; 8:3 - the songs; 8:8 - every one; 8:14 - sin; Micah 1:7 - all the graven; Zechariah 11:3 - for their Verse 6carriedHosea 8:6; Isaiah 46:1, 46:2; Jeremiah 43:12, 43:13; Daniel 11:8 a presentHosea 5:13; 2 Kings 17:3 receiveHosea 4:19; Isaiah 1:29, 44:9-11, 45:16; Jeremiah 2:26, 2:27, 2:36, 2:37, 3:24, 3:25, 48:13; Ezekiel 36:31 ashamedHosea 11:6; Job 18:7; Isaiah 30:3; Jeremiah 7:24; Micah 6:16Reciprocal1 Kings 12:28 - two calves of gold; 2 Kings 15:19 - Menahem; Ezekiel 16:28 - General; 16:52 - bear thine; 23:5 - on the; Hosea 11:5 - but; Amos 8:3 - the songs; Micah 1:7 - all the graven Verse 7Samaria1 Kings 21:1; 2 Kings 1:3 kingHosea 10:3, 10:15; 2 Kings 15:30, 17:4 the waterHeb. the face of the waters, Jude 1:13ReciprocalJohn 5:30 - because Verse 8high placesHosea 10:5, 4:15, 5:8 the sinDeuteronomy 9:21; 1 Kings 12:28-30, 13:34, 14:16; Amos 8:14; Micah 1:5, 1:13 the thornHosea 9:6; Isaiah 32:13, 34:13 their altars1 Kings 13:2; 2 Kings 23:15; 2 Chronicles 31:1, 34:5-7 they shallIsaiah 2:19; Luke 23:30; Revelation 6:16, 9:6ReciprocalIsaiah 2:10 - Enter; 22:5 - crying; Ezekiel 6:6 - and the; Hosea 8:11 - many; Amos 5:5 - and Bethel; Nahum 3:11 - thou shalt be hid; Habakkuk 3:1 - a certain Verse 9fromHosea 9:9; Judges 19:22-30, 20:5, 20:13, 20:14 the battle20:17-48 didGenesis 6:5, 8:21; Zephaniah 3:6, 3:7; Matthew 23:31, 23:32ReciprocalNumbers 17:10 - rebels; Joshua 18:28 - Gibeath; Judges 19:25 - and abused; 20:21 - the children; 20:42 - the battle; Isaiah 10:29 - Gibeah; 57:4 - are ye; Hosea 5:8 - Gibeah; Ephesians 2:2 - the children; 1 Thessalonians 5:4 - overtake Verse 10in myDeuteronomy 28:63; Isaiah 1:24; Jeremiah 15:6; Ezekiel 5:13, 16:42 and theHosea 8:1, 8:10; Jeremiah 16:16, 21:4; Ezekiel 16:37, 23:9, 23:46; Micah 4:10-13; Zechariah 14:2, 14:3; Matthew 22:7 theyetc. or, I shall bind them for their two transgressions, or, in their two habitations.ReciprocalJob 39:10 - General Verse 11an heiferHosea 4:16; Jeremiah 50:11 and lovethHosea 2:5, 3:1, 9:1; Deuteronomy 25:4; Romans 16:18 butHosea 11:4 her fair neckHeb. the beauty of her neckJudah2 Chronicles 28:5-8; Isaiah 28:24ReciprocalJob 39:10 - General; Jeremiah 31:18 - as a; 46:20 - a very Verse 12SowHosea 8:7; Psalm 126:5, 126:6; Proverbs 11:18, 18:21; Ecclesiastes 11:6; Isaiah 32:20; James 3:18 breakJeremiah 4:3, 4:4 timePsalm 105:4; Isaiah 31:1, 55:6; Jeremiah 29:12-14, 50:4; Amos 5:4, 5:6, 5:8, 5:15; Zephaniah 2:1-3; Luke 13:24 rainHosea 6:3; Psalm 72:6; Isaiah 5:6, 30:23, 44:3, 45:8; Ezekiel 34:26; Acts 2:18; 1 Corinthians 3:6, 3:7ReciprocalJob 4:8 - they that plow; Isaiah 17:11 - the harvest; 28:24 - break; 55:10 - as the rain; Lamentations 3:25 - unto; Ezekiel 14:20 - by; Zephaniah 2:3 - Seek ye; Zechariah 7:9 - saying; 10:1 - and give; Mark 4:5 - General; Acts 24:25 - righteousness; 2 Corinthians 9:10 - increase; Galatians 6:7 - for; Habakkuk 3:1 - receiveth Verse 13plowedHosea 8:7; Job 4:8; Proverbs 22:8; Galatians 6:7, 6:8 eatenProverbs 1:31, 12:19, 18:20, 18:21, 19:5 didstPsalm 52:7, 62:10 in the33:16; Ecclesiastes 9:11Reciprocal2 Kings 5:27 - leprosy; Job 15:35 - conceive; Proverbs 11:18 - but; Jeremiah 6:19 - even; 48:7 - because; Amos 6:12 - for; Zechariah 7:9 - saying Verse 14shall aHosea 13:16; Isaiah 22:1-4, 33:14; Amos 3:8, 9:5 and all2 Kings 17:16, 18:9, 18:10; Jeremiah 48:41; Nahum 3:12; Habakkuk 1:10 as2 Kings 18:33, 19:11-13 the motherHosea 13:16; Genesis 32:11; Isaiah 13:16-18; Jeremiah 13:14; Nahum 3:10ReciprocalDeuteronomy 22:6 - thou shalt not; 1 Samuel 22:19 - men; 2 Kings 8:12 - dash; 17:3 - Shalmaneser; Psalm 137:9 - and dasheth; Isaiah 17:3 - fortress; 17:9 - General; Jeremiah 20:16 - let him; 48:13 - as the; Hosea 9:13 - shall; 11:6 - the sword; Amos 3:14 - I will; 5:5 - seek; Matthew 2:16 - and slew Verse 15shall BethelHosea 10:5; Amos 7:9-17 your great wickednessHeb. the evil of your evil, Romans 7:13 inHosea 10:3, 10:7; Isaiah 16:14Reciprocal2 Kings 2:23 - Bethel; 15:30 - and smote; Isaiah 9:14 - in one day; Jeremiah 48:13 - as the; Hosea 5:1 - for; 13:16 - their infants; Amos 3:14 - I will; 5:5 - seek