Genesis 46
46:1 Jacob is comforted by God at Beer-sheba;
46:5 Thence he with his company goes into Egypt;
46:8 The number of his family that went into Egypt;
46:28 Joseph meets Jacob;
46:31 He instructs his brethren how to answer Pharaoh. Verse 1am 2298, bc 1706BeershebaGenesis 21:14, 21:31, 21:33, 26:22, 26:23, 28:10; 1 Samuel 3:20 and offeredGenesis 4:4, 8:20, 12:8, 22:13, 33:20, 35:3, 35:7; Job 1:5, 42:8 untoGenesis 21:33, 26:23, 26:25, 28:13, 31:42, 31:53Reciprocal15:14 - that; 17:21 - my; Deuteronomy 26:5 - he went down; Joshua 24:4 - Jacob; Amos 7:9 - the high Verse 2in the visionsGenesis 15:1, 15:13, 22:11; Numbers 12:6, 24:4; 2 Chronicles 26:5; Job 4:13, 33:14, 33:15; Daniel 2:19; Acts 9:10, 10:3, 16:9 JacobGenesis 22:1; Exodus 3:3, 3:4; 1 Samuel 3:4, 3:10; Acts 9:4, 10:13ReciprocalGenesis 31:3 - Return; 35:9 - General; Exodus 2:24 - remembered; Numbers 26:38 - Ahiram; Judges 7:9 - the same; 1 Samuel 28:6 - by dreams; Psalm 105:23 - Israel; Ezekiel 1:1 - I saw; Daniel 7:1 - visions; Habakkuk 1:1 - at Verse 3the GodGenesis 28:13 fear not15:1, 15:13, 26:2, 26:3; Isaiah 41:10, 43:1, 43:2; Jeremiah 40:9; Acts 27:24 I willGenesis 12:2, 13:15, 13:16, 18:18, 22:17, 28:14, 35:11, 47:27; Exodus 1:7-10; Deuteronomy 1:10; 10:22, 26:5; Acts 7:17ReciprocalGenesis 12:10 - went; 21:17 - fear; 31:3 - Return; 32:12 - I will; 35:9 - General; 48:4 - Behold I; Exodus 12:37 - six hundred; Numbers 1:46 - General; Judges 7:9 - the same; 1 Kings 18:36 - Lord God; 1 Chronicles 16:20 - they went; Psalm 105:24 - And he; Isaiah 44:8 - have declared; Matthew 1:20 - fear not; Acts 7:15 - Jacob Verse 4will goGenesis 28:15, 48:21; Isaiah 43:1, 43:2 and I willGenesis 15:14-16, 50:5, 50:13, 50:24, 50:25; Exodus 3:8 and JosephThis last and most solemn office, as Mr. Hewlett observes, that could be paid to a parent, was generally performed by the nearest relation of the deceased. This promise must have given great consolation to the venerable patriarch's mind. Genesis 50:1Reciprocal12:10 - went; 32:12 - I will; Exodus 3:17 - I will bring; Numbers 1:46 - General Verse 5JacobActs 7:15 in the wagonsGenesis 31:17, 31:18, 45:19, 45:21, 45:27; Exodus 10:24, 10:26ReciprocalGenesis 12:5 - the souls; 1 Samuel 12:8 - Jacob Verse 6into EgyptGenesis 15:13; Numbers 20:15; Deuteronomy 10:22, 26:5; Joshua 24:4; 1 Samuel 12:8; Psalm 105:23; Isaiah 52:4; Acts 7:15Reciprocal1 Chronicles 16:20 - they went Verse 7ReciprocalGenesis 34:7 - were; Deuteronomy 23:7 - because thou; 1 Chronicles 1:41 - The sons Verse 8the namesGenesis 29:1-30:43, 35:23, 49:1-33; Exodus 1:1-5, 6:14-18; 1 Chronicles 2:1-55, 8:1-40 ReubenGenesis 29:32, 35:22, 35:23, 49:3, 49:4; Exodus 6:14; Numbers 1:5, 1:20, 1:21, 2:10-13, 26:5-11; Deuteronomy 33:6; 1 Chronicles 2:1-10ReciprocalGenesis 42:13 - Thy servants; Ruth 4:11 - Rachel; 1 Chronicles 5:1 - he was; Matthew 1:2 - Jacob begat Verse 9ReciprocalGenesis 29:32 - his name; 42:37 - Slay my; Exodus 6:14 - The sons; Numbers 1:20 - General; 26:5 - the eldest; 26:7 - General; 1 Chronicles 5:3 - sons Verse 10SimeonGenesis 29:33, 34:25, 34:30, 49:5-7; Exodus 6:15; Numbers 1:6, 1:22, 1:23, 2:12, 2:13, 26:12, 26:13; 1 Chronicles 2:1, 4:24-43 Jemuelor, NemuelJachinor, JaribZoharor, Zerah, 4:24 CanaanitishGenesis 28:1

Verse 11LeviGenesis 29:34, 49:5-7; Exodus 6:16; Numbers 3:17-22, 4:1-49, 8:1-26, 26:57, 26:58; Deuteronomy 33:8-11; 1 Chronicles 2:1, 2:11, 2:16, 6:1-3, 22:1-26:32 Gershonor, Gershom, 6:16ReciprocalExodus 6:17 - General; Joshua 21:5 - General; 1 Chronicles 6:38 - Kohath; 6:43 - Gershom; 6:47 - Merari; 6:63 - Merari Verse 12JudahGenesis 29:35, 38:1-3, 38:7, 38:10, 38:24-30, 49:8-12; Numbers 1:7, 1:26, 1:27, 26:19-21; Deuteronomy 33:7; Judges 1:2; 1 Chronicles 2:1, 2:3-5, 3:1-24, 4:1, 4:21, 5:2; Psalm 78:68; Matthew 1:1-3; Habakkuk 3:1; Revelation 5:5ReciprocalGenesis 38:3 - Er; 38:4 - Onan; 38:5 - Shelah; 38:29 - his name; Numbers 26:20 - Pharez; Ruth 4:12 - the house; 1 Chronicles 2:5 - Hezron; 9:4 - Pharez; Matthew 1:3 - Judas; Luke 3:33 - Esrom; Acts 7:14 - threescore Verse 13IssacharGenesis 30:14-18, 35:23, 49:14, 49:15; Numbers 1:8, 1:28-30, 26:23-25; Deuteronomy 33:18; 1 Chronicles 2:1, 7:1-5, 12:32 Phuvahor, PuahJobor, Jashub, 7:1ReciprocalGenesis 30:18 - and she; Numbers 26:24 - Jashub Verse 14ZebulunGenesis 30:19, 30:20, 49:13; Numbers 1:9, 1:30, 1:31, 26:26, 26:27; Deuteronomy 33:18, 33:19; 1 Chronicles 2:1

Verse 15LeahGenesis 29:32-35, 30:17-21, 35:23, 49:3-15; Exodus 1:2, 1:3; Numbers 1:1-54, 10:1-36; 26:1-65; 1 Chronicles 2:1 PadanaramGenesis 25:20 with his30:21, 34:1-31Reciprocal28:2 - Padanaram; 29:16 - was Leah; 33:18 - a city of Shechem; 46:27 - threescore and ten; 2 Samuel 13:20 - desolate Verse 16sons ofGenesis 30:11, 35:26, 49:19; Numbers 1:11, 1:24, 1:25, 26:15-17; Deuteronomy 33:20, 33:21; 1 Chronicles 2:2; 5:11-16 Ziphionor, ZephonEzbonor, OzniArodior, Arod, Numbers 26:15-17Reciprocal26:16 - General; 26:17 - General Verse 17AsherGenesis 30:13, 35:26, 49:20; Numbers 1:13, 1:40, 1:41, 26:44-46; Deuteronomy 33:24; 1 Chronicles 2:2; 7:30-40ReciprocalExodus 1:4 - Asher; Numbers 26:46 - Sarah; 1 Chronicles 4:18 - Heber; 5:13 - Zia Verse 18ZilpahGenesis 29:24, 30:9-13, 35:26; Exodus 1:4ReciprocalGenesis 46:27 - threescore and ten Verse 19RachelGenesis 29:18, 30:24, 35:16-18, 35:24, 44:27; Exodus 1:3, 1:5; 1 Chronicles 2:2 JosephGenesis 37:1-36, 39:1-23, 40:1-45:28, 47:1-31, 49:22-27, 50:1-14; Numbers 1:36, 1:37, 26:38-41; Deuteronomy 33:12-17ReciprocalGenesis 29:17 - Rachel Verse 20ManassehGenesis 41:50-52, 48:4, 48:5, 48:13, 48:14, 48:20; Numbers 1:32-35, 26:28-37; Deuteronomy 33:13-17; 1 Chronicles 5:23-26, 7:14-29 priestor, prince, Genesis 41:45, 41:50 *marg.Reciprocal46:27 - threescore and ten; Numbers 1:34 - Manasseh; Joshua 17:1 - the firstborn Verse 21the sonsGenesis 49:27; Numbers 1:11, 1:36, 1:37; Deuteronomy 33:12; 1 Chronicles 7:6-12, 8:1-7 EhiNumbers 26:38, AhiramMuppim26:39, Shupham, 1 Chronicles 7:12, ShuppimHuppimNumbers 26:39, HuphamReciprocalGenesis 44:20 - a child; Numbers 26:41 - General; 1 Chronicles 8:3 - Addar; 8:6 - Ehud Verse 22ReciprocalGenesis 46:27 - threescore and ten Verse 23DanGenesis 30:6, 35:25, 49:16, 49:17; Numbers 1:12, 1:38, 1:39, 10:25; Deuteronomy 33:22; 1 Chronicles 2:2, 7:12; 12:35 HushimNumbers 26:42, 26:43, Shuham

Verse 24NaphtaliGenesis 30:7, 30:8, 35:25, 49:21; Numbers 1:15, 1:42, 1:43, 26:48-50; Deuteronomy 33:23; 2 Kings 15:29; 1 Chronicles 2:2, 12:34 Jahzeel7:13, JahzielReciprocal5:15 - Abdiel Verse 25BilhahGenesis 29:29, 30:3-8, 35:22, 35:25; Exodus 1:2ReciprocalGenesis 46:27 - threescore and ten; 1 Chronicles 7:13 - the sons of Bilhah Verse 26loinsHeb. thigh, Genesis 35:11; Exodus 1:5; Judges 8:30ReciprocalGenesis 46:27 - threescore and ten; Acts 7:14 - threescore; Habakkuk 3:1 - come; 3:1 - General Verse 27threescore and tenThreescore and six were before mentioned - Genesis 46:26
so that Joseph and his two sons, together with Jacob himself, complete the seventy persons here enumerated; and the number in 46:15, 46:18, 46:22, and 46:25 amount to that number. The addition of five persons in the LXX in 46:20, was either the cause or the consequence of another difference here; for in that version the number is seventy-five - 46:15, 46:18, 46:22, 46:25. Exodus 1:5, 24:1; Deuteronomy 10:22; Acts 7:14ReciprocalGenesis 49:22 - a fruitful; Numbers 1:40 - General; 11:16 - seventy; Deuteronomy 26:5 - a few
Verse 28JudahGenesis 43:8, 44:16-34, 49:8 to direct31:21 GoshenGoshen seems to have been a city, after which the land of Goshen was called. The LXX render it by Ηρωωνπολις, Heroonpolis, "city of Heroon;" which by some writers is simply called Heroum, and is by the ancient geographers placed in the eastern part of Egypt, not far from the Arabian Gulf. 46:34, 45:10, 47:1

Verse 29his chariotGenesis 41:43, 45:19, 45:21 fell on33:4, 45:14; Luke 15:20; Acts 20:37ReciprocalGenesis 37:9 - the sun; 45:10 - in the land; 50:9 - chariots; Exodus 18:7 - went; Numbers 22:36 - went; Philippians 2:28 - ye see Verse 30Genesis 45:28; Luke 2:29, 2:30ReciprocalProverbs 13:12 - when; Philippians 2:28 - ye see Verse 31Genesis 45:16-20, 47:1-3; Acts 18:3; Habakkuk 2:11ReciprocalActs 7:13 - Joseph Verse 32shepherdsGenesis 4:2, 31:18, 37:2, 47:3; Exodus 3:1; 1 Samuel 16:11, 17:15; Psalm 78:70-72; Isaiah 40:11; Zechariah 13:5 their trade hath been to feed cattleHeb. they are men of cattle, Genesis 46:34, 9:20; 1 Kings 9:27, 18:5, 18:6 and theyGenesis 45:10Reciprocal46:33 - What is Verse 33What isGenesis 46:32, 47:2-4; Jonah 1:8ReciprocalGenesis 47:3 - What is Verse 34Thy servants'Genesis 46:32, 30:35, 34:5, 37:12 for everyFrom the fragments of Manetho, preserved in Josephus and Africanus, it appears that hordes of marauders, call hycassos, or shepherd kings, whose chief occupation, like the Bedouin Arabs of the present day, was to keep flocks, made a powerful irruption into Egypt, which they subdued, and ruled, by a succession of kings, with great tyranny for 259 years. Hence the persons, and even the very name of shepherds were execrated, and held in the greatest odium by the Egyptians. 43:32; Exodus 8:26ReciprocalGenesis 25:27 - a plain man; 45:10 - in the land; 46:28 - Goshen; 47:1 - in the land; 47:3 - What is; 47:4 - let thy; 1 Samuel 13:4 - was had in abomination; 27:5 - some town