Genesis 43
43:1 Jacob is hardly persuaded to send Benjamin;
43:15 Joseph entertains his brethren;
43:19 They discover their fears to the steward;
43:26 Joseph makes them a feast. Verse 1Genesis 18:13, 41:54-57, 42:5; Ecclesiastes 9:1, 9:2; Lamentations 5:10; Acts 7:11-13ReciprocalGenesis 12:10 - was a; 42:19 - carry corn; 47:4 - for the famine; Deuteronomy 26:5 - ready; Ruth 1:1 - a famine; 2 Samuel 21:1 - a famine Verse 2Genesis 43:4, 43:20, 42:1, 42:2; Proverbs 15:16, 16:18, 31:16; 1 Timothy 5:8, 6:6-8ReciprocalGenesis 42:19 - carry corn; 44:1 - Fill the; 44:25 - General; Deuteronomy 26:5 - ready; Acts 7:12 - General Verse 3manGenesis 42:15-20, 42:33, 42:34, 44:23 did solemnly protestHeb. protesting, protested, Acts 7:34 see my faceGenesis 43:5; 2 Samuel 3:13, 14:24, 14:28, 14:32; Acts 20:25, 20:38ReciprocalGenesis 33:10 - I have seen; 43:7 - asked us straitly; 43:20 - we came indeed down; 1 Corinthians 15:31 - protest Verse 4ReciprocalGenesis 42:2 - get you; 43:2 - General; 44:26 - General Verse 5will notGenesis 42:38, 44:26; Exodus 20:12ReciprocalGenesis 42:20 - bring; 43:3 - see my face; 44:23 - General; 44:25 - General Verse 6ReciprocalExodus 14:11 - wherefore Verse 7asked us straitlyHeb. asking asked us, Genesis 43:3 *marg.tenorHeb. mouthcould we certainly knowknowing could we know, 43:3 *marg.Reciprocal42:13 - Thy servants; 43:20 - we came indeed down; 44:19 - General; 44:20 - a child Verse 8lad with meGenesis 42:38, 44:26; Exodus 20:12 that weGenesis 42:2; Deuteronomy 33:6; 2 Kings 7:4, 7:13; Psalm 118:17 also ourGenesis 45:19, 50:8, 50:21; Numbers 14:31; Ezra 8:21ReciprocalGenesis 29:35 - called; 44:16 - Judah; 44:20 - a child; 44:32 - General; 46:28 - Judah; Nehemiah 5:2 - we take up corn Verse 9will beGenesis 42:37, 44:32, 44:33; 1 Kings 1:21; Job 17:3; Psalm 119:122; Philemon 1:18, 1:19; Habakkuk 3:1 of my handGenesis 9:5, 31:39; Ezekiel 3:18, 3:20, 33:6, 33:8; Luke 11:50ReciprocalGenesis 27:13 - Upon; 29:35 - called; 44:16 - Judah; Proverbs 6:1 - if thou be Verse 10Genesis 19:16 this second timeor, twice by this

Verse 11If it must beGenesis 43:14; Esther 4:16; Acts 21:14 carry downGenesis 32:13-21, 33:10, 37:25; Deuteronomy 33:14; 1 Samuel 9:7, 25:27; 1 Kings 4:21, 10:25; 15:19; 2 Kings 8:8, 16:8, 20:12; Psalm 68:29, 72:10, 76:11; Proverbs 17:18; 18:16, 19:6, 21:14; Ezekiel 27:17 a little balmGenesis 37:25; Jeremiah 8:22; Ezekiel 27:15 balmFor an explanation of the words tzori, nechoth, and lot, here rendered respectively balm, spices, and myrrh, see note on Genesis 37:25. Devash, honey, is supposed by some not to have been that produced by bees, but a syrup produced from ripe dates. The Jewish doctors observe, that the word in 2 Chronicles 31:5 signifies dates; and the Arabians, at this day, call the choicest dates preserved with butter, dabous, and the honey obtained from them, dibs, or dabs. Benanim, nuts signifies pistachio nuts, the finest thing found in Syria; but, according to the others, a small nut, the produce of a species of the turpentine tree. Shekaidim is certainly almonds.honeyLeviticus 20:24 spices1 Kings 10:15; Song of Songs 4:10, 4:14-16, 5:1, 8:14ReciprocalGenesis 32:20 - I will appease; 43:25 - General; 45:23 - good things; Numbers 18:30 - the best; 1 Samuel 15:26 - I will not; 16:20 - an ass laden; 25:18 - took two; 1 Kings 10:10 - spices; 2 Chronicles 9:9 - of spices; Proverbs 17:8 - whithersoever; Song of Songs 1:13 - bundle; Jeremiah 46:11 - Gilead; Matthew 2:11 - presented Verse 12doubleRomans 12:17, 13:8; 2 Corinthians 8:21; Philippians 4:8; 1 Thessalonians 4:6, 5:21; Habakkuk 3:1 mouthGenesis 42:25, 42:35Reciprocal43:21 - we have; 44:8 - the money; Deuteronomy 26:5 - ready; Joshua 9:11 - with you; 2 Chronicles 28:7 - next to the king Verse 13Genesis 42:38

Verse 14Genesis 43:11 And God17:1, 22:14, 32:11-28, 39:21; Ezra 7:27; Nehemiah 1:11; Esther 4:16; Psalm 37:5-7; 85:7, 100:5, 119:41; Proverbs 1:1, 16:7, 21:1; Isaiah 49:13; Luke 1:50; Acts 7:10, 21:14; 1 Timothy 1:2, 1:16; Titus 1:4; 2 John 1:3 If I beetc. or, and I, as I have been, etc. Esther 4:16ReciprocalGenesis 24:12 - I pray; 28:3 - God; 35:11 - God Almighty; 35:18 - Benjamin; 42:4 - Lest; 42:36 - Me have ye; 43:23 - Simeon; 44:12 - and the cup; 44:29 - And if; Ruth 1:20 - the Almighty; 2:13 - Let me find; Ezra 6:6 - be ye far; 7:28 - extended; Proverbs 29:26 - ruler's favour; Ecclesiastes 2:20 - General; Revelation 1:8 - the Almighty Verse 15Reciprocal2 Chronicles 28:7 - next to the king; Proverbs 19:6 - and Verse 16the rulerGenesis 43:19, 15:2, 24:2-10, 39:4, 39:5, 44:1 slayHeb. kill a killing, 21:8, 26:30, 31:54; 1 Samuel 25:11 Tevoch taivach, "slay a slaying," or make a great slaughter: Let preparations be made for a great feast or entertainment. See note on a similar form of speech in Genesis 31:54. 1 Samuel 25:11; Proverbs 9:2 dine withHeb. eatReciprocalGenesis 43:25 - General; 43:32 - eat bread; 44:14 - he was yet; 44:32 - General; Luke 17:8 - Make Verse 18the menGenesis 42:21, 42:28, 42:35; Judges 13:22; Job 15:21; Psalm 53:5, 73:16; Isaiah 7:2; Matthew 14:26, 14:27; Mark 6:16 seek occasion against usHeb. Roll himself upon us, Deuteronomy 22:14, 22:17; Judges 14:4; Job 30:14; Romans 7:8ReciprocalGenesis 44:9 - and we; 2 Samuel 9:7 - Fear not; Daniel 6:4 - sought Verse 19ReciprocalGenesis 15:2 - the; 42:20 - bring; 42:23 - he spake unto them by an interpreter; 43:16 - the ruler; 44:1 - the steward; Matthew 20:8 - unto; Luke 16:1 - a steward Verse 20we came indeed downHeb. coming down we came down, Genesis 43:3, 43:7, 42:3, 42:10, 42:27, 42:35Reciprocal43:2 - General; 1 Kings 3:17 - O my lord Verse 21we cameGenesis 42:27-35 we have43:12; Romans 12:17, 13:8; Habakkuk 3:1, 3:1; 1 Peter 2:12, 3:16ReciprocalGenesis 23:16 - weighed; 42:35 - every man's; 44:8 - the money; Luke 2:7 - the inn Verse 22ReciprocalGenesis 44:8 - the money Verse 23PeaceJudges 6:23, 19:20; 1 Samuel 25:6; 1 Chronicles 12:18; Ezra 4:17; Luke 10:5, 24:36; John 14:27, 20:19, 20:21, 20:26 I had your moneyHeb. Your money came to me, Caspechem ba ailai, "your money comes to me:" as I am the steward, the cash for the corn belongs to me. Ye have no occasion to be apprehensive of any evil; the whole transaction is between myself and you; receive therefore the money as a present from "the God of your father," no matter whose hands he employs to convey it.SimeonGenesis 43:14, 42:24, 42:36Reciprocal49:25 - the God; 1 Samuel 25:5 - greet him; 2 Samuel 9:7 - Fear not; Ephesians 6:23 - Peace; 3 John 1:14 - Peace Verse 24Genesis 18:4, 19:2, 24:32; Luke 7:44; John 13:4-17ReciprocalJudges 19:20 - Peace be; 19:21 - So he brought Verse 25Genesis 43:11, 43:16Reciprocal43:31 - bread; 44:14 - he was yet; Exodus 2:20 - call him; 18:12 - eat bread Verse 26bowedGenesis 43:28, 27:29, 37:7-10, 37:19, 37:20, 42:6; Psalm 72:9; Romans 14:11; Philippians 2:10, 2:11ReciprocalGenesis 18:2 - bowed; 32:13 - a present; 33:3 - bowed; Isaiah 49:23 - bow Verse 27welfareHeb. peace, Genesis 37:14, 41:16; Exodus 18:7; Judges 18:15; 1 Samuel 17:22, 25:5; 1 Chronicles 18:10 Is your father wellHeb. Is there peace to your father, the old. Genesis 42:11, 42:13Reciprocal29:6 - Is he well; 2 Samuel 8:10 - salute him Verse 28bowedGenesis 43:26, 37:7, 37:9, 37:10 made obeisanceExodus 18:7; 2 Samuel 1:2, 14:4; 1 Kings 1:16; 2 Chronicles 24:17ReciprocalGenesis 18:2 - bowed; 1 Samuel 20:41 - and fell; Proverbs 14:19 - General; Mark 15:19 - and bowing Verse 29mother's sonGenesis 30:22-24, 35:17, 35:18 of whom42:11, 42:13 God45:8; Joshua 7:19; 2 Chronicles 29:11; Psalm 133:1, 133:2; Matthew 9:2, 9:22; Mark 10:24; 1 Timothy 1:2; Habakkuk 3:1 my sonNumbers 6:25; Psalm 111:4, 112:4; Isaiah 30:19, 33:2; Malachi 1:9ReciprocalGenesis 42:4 - Lest; 44:19 - General; 44:21 - Bring; 1 Samuel 3:6 - General; John 11:6 - he abode Verse 30his bowels1 Kings 3:26; Jeremiah 31:20; Hosea 11:8; Philippians 1:8, 2:1; Colossians 3:12; 1 John 3:17 wept thereGenesis 42:24; John 11:33-38; Acts 20:19, 20:31, 20:37; 2 Timothy 1:4ReciprocalGenesis 29:11 - kissed; 33:4 - embraced; 45:1 - could not; Esther 5:10 - refrained; Song of Songs 5:4 - my bowels; John 11:35 - General; 2 Corinthians 7:15 - inward affection is Verse 31refrainedGenesis 45:1; Isaiah 42:14; Jeremiah 31:16; 1 Peter 3:10 breadGenesis 43:25ReciprocalEsther 5:10 - refrained; John 11:33 - was troubled Verse 32eat breadGenesis 43:16, 31:54 for that is an abominationThe Chaldee Paraphrast renders this clause, "Because the Hebrews eat the cattle which the Egyptians worship." But, as we learn from 43:16, compared with this verse, that the provision for the entertainment of the Egyptians themselves was animal food, this reason cannot be just. The true reason seems to be that assigned by the LXX, Βδελυγμα γαρ εστιν τοις Αιγυπτιοις πας ποιμην προβατων· "For every shepherd is an abomination to the Egyptians." 46:34; Exodus 8:26ReciprocalGenesis 14:13 - the; 29:8 - until; 39:6 - save; 44:2 - General; Deuteronomy 33:16 - and upon the top; 1 Samuel 9:22 - in the chiefest; Proverbs 23:1 - General Verse 33Gen. 43; Genesis 44:12Reciprocal48:18 - for this; Exodus 28:10 - according to their birth Verse 34messes2 Samuel 11:8 was five timesSir John Chardin observes, that "in Persia, Arabia, and the Indies, there are some houses where they place several plates in large salvers, and set one of these before each person, or before two or three, according to the magnificence of each house. The great men of the state are always served by themselves, in the feasts that are made for them; and with great profusion, their part of each kind of provision being always double, treble, or a larger proportion of each kind of meat." Genesis 45:22; 1 Samuel 1:5, 9:22-24 were merryHeb. drank largely, Proverbs 31:6; Ecclesiastes 9:7, 10:19; Song of Songs 5:1; Habakkuk 1:6; Matthew 11:19; John 2:10ReciprocalGenesis 33:4 - embraced; Ruth 3:7 - his heart; 1 Samuel 9:23 - Bring; Esther 1:10 - the heart; Psalm 11:6 - portion; Zechariah 10:7 - and their