Ezekiel 30
30:1 The desolation of Egypt and her helpers;
30:20 The arm of Babylon shall be strengthened to break the arm of Egypt. Verse 1ReciprocalJeremiah 43:11 - he shall smite; Ezekiel 29:2 - against all Verse 2HowlEzekiel 21:12; Isaiah 13:6, 14:31, 15:2, 16:7, 23:1, 23:6, 65:14; Jeremiah 4:8, 47:2; Joel 1:5, 1:11; Zephaniah 1:11; Zechariah 11:2; James 5:1; Revelation 18:10ReciprocalJeremiah 51:8 - howl Verse 3the day isEzekiel 7:7, 7:12; Psalm 37:13; Obadiah 1:15; Joel 2:1; Zephaniah 1:7, 1:14; Matthew 24:33; Philippians 4:5; James 5:9; Revelation 6:17 a cloudyEzekiel 30:18, 32:7, 34:12; Exodus 14:20, 14:24; Isaiah 19:1; Joel 2:1, 2:2; Amos 5:16-20 the timeEzekiel 29:12; Psalm 110:6, 149:7-9; Isaiah 24:21-23, 34:2-17; Jeremiah 25:15-29; Joel 3:11-14; Zephaniah 3:6, 3:7; Zechariah 14:3-19; Revelation 19:13-21ReciprocalJob 3:5 - let a cloud; Isaiah 13:6 - for the day; Ezekiel 13:5 - the day; 21:25 - whose; Joel 3:12 - for Verse 4the swordEzekiel 29:8; Isaiah 19:2; Jeremiah 50:35-37 painor, fear, Ezekiel 30:9; Exodus 15:14-16; Psalm 48:6, 48:7; Isaiah 19:16, 19:17; Revelation 18:9, 18:10 and theyEzekiel 30:10, 29:12, 29:19 and herIsaiah 16:7; Jeremiah 50:15ReciprocalIsaiah 18:1 - which; Jeremiah 46:21 - her hired; Ezekiel 32:11 - The sword; Zephaniah 2:12 - Ethiopians Verse 5EthiopiaIsaiah 18:1, 20:4; Jeremiah 46:9; Nahum 3:8, 3:9 LibyaHeb. Phut, Ezekiel 27:10 all theJeremiah 25:20, 25:24, 50:37 menHeb. childrenthat is44:27ReciprocalGenesis 10:13 - Ludim; 2 Chronicles 12:3 - Lubims; 14:9 - Zerah; Isaiah 66:19 - Tarshish; Ezekiel 30:9 - messengers; 38:5 - Libya; Acts 2:10 - Libya Verse 6They alsoJob 9:13; Isaiah 20:3-6, 31:3; Nahum 3:9 from the tower of Syeneor, from Migdol to Syene, Ezekiel 29:10ReciprocalLeviticus 26:19 - will break; Jeremiah 48:14 - We; Ezekiel 30:8 - destroyed; 30:9 - messengers; 31:17 - that were; 33:28 - and the pomp; Daniel 5:20 - deposed Verse 7Ezekiel 29:12, 32:18-32; Jeremiah 25:18-26, 46:1-51:64ReciprocalEzekiel 29:9 - the land; 33:28 - and the pomp Verse 8shall knowEzekiel 28:24, 28:26, 29:6, 29:9, 29:16; Psalm 58:11 when IEzekiel 30:14, 30:16, 22:31; Deuteronomy 32:22; Isaiah 42:25; Lamentations 4:11; Amos 1:4, 1:7, 1:10, 1:12, 1:14; 2:2, 2:5; Nahum 1:5, 1:6 destroyedHeb. broken, Ezekiel 30:6ReciprocalExodus 7:17 - thou shalt; Jeremiah 47:4 - every; Ezekiel 25:5 - and ye; 30:26 - they shall; 39:6 - I will Verse 9messengersEzekiel 30:5, 30:6; Isaiah 18:1, 18:2, 20:3, 20:5; Zephaniah 2:12 carelessEzekiel 38:11, 39:6; Judges 18:7; Isaiah 32:9-11, 47:8; Jeremiah 49:31; Zephaniah 2:15; 1 Thessalonians 5:2 greatEzekiel 30:4, 26:16, 27:35, 32:9, 32:10; Isaiah 19:17, 23:5; Jeremiah 49:21; Zechariah 11:2, 11:3 loEzekiel 33:33; Amos 4:2ReciprocalEzekiel 30:16 - General Verse 10I willEzekiel 29:4, 29:5, 29:19, 32:11-16 by the30:24, 30:25ReciprocalIsaiah 28:2 - the Lord; Jeremiah 4:7 - destroyer; 25:9 - against; Ezekiel 26:7 - I will; 29:8 - I will; 29:11 - foot of man; 30:4 - and they; 31:2 - to his Verse 11the terribleEzekiel 28:7, 31:12, 32:12; Deuteronomy 28:50; Isaiah 14:4-6; Jeremiah 51:20-23; Habakkuk 1:6-9 and fillEzekiel 35:8, 39:4, 39:11-20; Isaiah 34:3-7; Zephaniah 1:17, 1:18, Revelation 14:20, 19:18ReciprocalIsaiah 21:1 - from; 28:2 - the Lord; Jeremiah 4:7 - destroyer; 25:9 - against; Ezekiel 26:7 - I will Verse 12I will makeEzekiel 29:3; Isaiah 19:4-10, 44:27; Jeremiah 50:38, 51:36; Nahum 1:4; Revelation 16:12 dryHeb. droughtsellJudges 2:14; Isaiah 19:4 all that is thereinHeb. the fullness thereof, 1 Corinthians 10:26 by the handEzekiel 28:10, 31:12ReciprocalPsalm 107:33 - turneth; Isaiah 1:7 - strangers; 11:15 - shall smite; 19:5 - General; Ezekiel 5:17 - I the; 19:7 - the fulness; 26:14 - for I; 29:10 - I will; 32:13 - destroy Verse 13I will alsoExodus 12:12; Isaiah 19:1-15; Jeremiah 43:12, 43:13, 46:25; Zephaniah 2:11; Zechariah 13:2 NophIsaiah 19:13; Jeremiah 2:16, 44:1, 46:14; Hosea 9:6, Memphis, Heb. Mophthere shallEzekiel 29:14, 29:15; Zechariah 10:11 putIsaiah 19:16; Jeremiah 46:5ReciprocalPsalm 9:20 - Put; Jeremiah 46:19 - Noph; Ezekiel 6:6 - your altars; 29:9 - the land Verse 14PathrosEzekiel 29:14 Zoanor, Tanis, Numbers 13:22; Psalm 78:12, 78:43; Isaiah 19:11, 30:4 will executeJeremiah 46:25; Nahum 3:8ReciprocalExodus 7:4 - by great; Isaiah 11:11 - Pathros; Jeremiah 44:1 - Pathros; Ezekiel 25:11 - I will; 30:8 - when I; 30:19 - General Verse 15I will pourPsalm 11:6; Nahum 1:6; Revelation 16:1 Sinor, Pelusium, Now Tineh, a town of Egypt, situated at the eastern extremity of the Delta, twenty stadia from the Mediterranean, near the lake of Menzaleh, and upon a branch of the Nile, to which it gave name. It was the key of Egypt on the side of Judea and Syria, and was therefore strongly fortified and garrisoned; but it is now quite in ruins.ReciprocalExodus 16:1 - Sin; Ezekiel 7:8 - pour Verse 16Ezekiel 30:8, 30:9, 28:18ReciprocalExodus 16:1 - Sin; Jeremiah 2:16 - Noph; 44:1 - Noph; 46:14 - Migdol; Ezekiel 39:6 - I will; Nahum 1:6 - his fury Verse 17Avenor, Heliopolis, Genesis 41:45 Pibesethor Pubastum, Situated on the Pelusiac branch of the Nile, near the top of the Delta.ReciprocalEzekiel 30:23 - General; 30:26 - I will Verse 18TehaphnehesJeremiah 2:16, Tahapanes, 43:7-9, 46:14, Tahpanhesthe dayExodus 10:15; Isaiah 5:30, 9:19, 13:10; Joel 3:15; Matthew 24:29 darkenedor, restrainedI shall breakEzekiel 29:15; Isaiah 9:4, 10:27, 14:25 the pompEzekiel 31:18, 32:18-32; Isaiah 14:11; Jeremiah 46:20-26 a cloudEzekiel 30:3; Isaiah 19:1Reciprocal20:4 - shall; 30:4 - Hanes; Jeremiah 44:1 - Tahpanhes; Lamentations 2:1 - covered; Ezekiel 30:23 - General; 30:26 - I will; 32:7 - I will cover the heaven; Acts 25:23 - with Verse 19Ezekiel 30:14, 5:8, 5:15, 25:11, 39:21; Numbers 33:4; Psalm 9:16, 149:7; Romans 2:5; Revelation 17:1ReciprocalExodus 7:4 - by great; 7:17 - thou shalt; 8:22 - know; Psalm 83:18 - That men; Isaiah 9:9 - And all; Ezekiel 11:9 - and will; 30:25 - they shall know Verse 20am 3416, bc 588, Ezekiel 1:2, 26:1, 29:1, 29:17Reciprocal20:1 - in the seventh; 31:1 - in the eleventh; 32:1 - in the twelfth Verse 21Son of manThis prophecy was delivered soon after the Egyptians under Pharaoh-hophra had come to relieve Jerusalem, and some months before the city was taken, being the eleventh year of Jeremiah's captivity, and answering to April 26, am 3416. When the king of Babylon took from the king of Egypt, in the days of Pharaoh-necho, all his dominions in Asia, one of his arms was broken. God now declared that he should never recover these territories, or gain any ascendancy in that part of the world; nay, that his other arm, which was now strong, should soon be broken, and rendered utterly useless. This was fulfilled when Hophra was dethroned and driven into Upper Egypt by Amasis; and then Nebuchadnezzar, taking advantage of this civil discord, invaded and conquered that kingdom, and enslaved, dispersed, and carried captive the Egyptians.I haveEzekiel 30:24; Psalm 10:15, 37:17; Jeremiah 48:25 it shall notIsaiah 1:6; Jeremiah 30:13, 46:11, 51:8, 51:9; Nahum 3:16; Revelation 18:21Reciprocal1 Samuel 2:31 - I will cut; Psalm 58:6 - Break their; 76:5 - and; 89:43 - turned; Isaiah 45:1 - holden; Ezekiel 31:17 - that were; Daniel 11:6 - retain; Nahum 3:19 - no Verse 22I amEzekiel 29:3; Jeremiah 46:25 will breakPsalm 37:17 the strongEzekiel 34:16 and that2 Kings 24:7; Jeremiah 37:7, 46:1-12 I will46:21-25ReciprocalJob 22:9 - arms; 38:15 - the high; Psalm 10:15 - Break; Ezekiel 32:11 - The sword; Nahum 3:19 - no; Zechariah 11:17 - his arm Verse 23Ezekiel 30:17, 30:18, 30:26, 29:12, 29:13Reciprocal32:9 - when Verse 24I willEzekiel 30:25; Nehemiah 6:9; Psalm 18:32, 18:39, 144:1; Isaiah 45:1, 45:5; Jeremiah 27:6-8; Zechariah 10:11, 10:12 and putDeuteronomy 32:41, 32:42; Psalm 17:13; Isaiah 10:5, 10:6, 10:15; Zephaniah 2:12 he shallEzekiel 26:15; Job 24:12; Jeremiah 51:52ReciprocalPsalm 89:21 - mine; Lamentations 2:12 - as the; Ezekiel 30:10 - by the; 30:21 - I have; Luke 10:30 - wounded; Revelation 6:4 - and there; 13:3 - and his Verse 25they shall knowEzekiel 30:19, 30:26, 29:16, 29:21, 32:15, 38:16, 38:23, 39:21, 39:22; Psalm 9:16Reciprocal18:39 - girded; 89:21 - mine; Ezekiel 30:10 - by the; 30:24 - I will; Habakkuk 1:12 - thou hast ordained; Revelation 6:4 - and there Verse 26I willEzekiel 30:17, 30:18, 30:23, 6:13, 29:12; Daniel 11:42 they shallEzekiel 30:8ReciprocalJeremiah 44:30 - I will; Ezekiel 6:7 - and ye; 30:25 - they shall know; 32:9 - when; 32:15 - then; Habakkuk 1:17 - and