Deuteronomy 12
12:1 Monuments of idolatry are to be destroyed;
12:4 The place of God's service to be kept;
12:15 Blood is forbidden;
12:16 Blood is forbidden;
12:17 Holy things must be eaten in the holy place;
12:18 Holy things must be eaten in the holy place;
12:19 The Levite is not to be forsaken;
12:20 Blood is forbidden;
12:26 Holy things must be eaten in the holy place;
12:29 Idolatry is not to be enquired after. Verse 1the statutesDeuteronomy 4:1, 4:2, 4:5, 4:45, 6:1, 6:2 all the days12:19, 4:19; 1 Kings 8:40; Job 7:1; Psalm 104:33, 146:2ReciprocalLeviticus 14:34 - When; 26:46 - the statutes; Numbers 15:2 - General; Deuteronomy 5:31 - General; 19:1 - hath cut; 26:16 - This day Verse 2utterlyDeuteronomy 7:5, 7:25, 7:26; Exodus 23:24, 34:12-17; Numbers 33:51, 33:52; Judges 2:2 possessor, inherit, Numbers 22:41; 2 Kings 16:4, 17:10, 17:11, 23:13; Jeremiah 3:6; Ezekiel 20:28, 20:29; Hosea 4:13ReciprocalExodus 34:13 - ye shall; Leviticus 17:5 - in the open; 1 Kings 3:2 - the people; 14:23 - built; 2 Kings 18:4 - brake; 2 Chronicles 21:11 - Moreover; 28:4 - General; Psalm 78:58 - their high; Isaiah 36:7 - is it not; 57:5 - under; Jeremiah 2:20 - when upon; 3:2 - unto; 3:13 - under every; 1 Thessalonians 3:9 - before Verse 3ye shallNumbers 33:52; Judges 2:2; 2 Chronicles 31:1 overthrowHeb. break downand burn1 Kings 15:13; 2 Kings 18:4, 23:14; 2 Chronicles 14:3, 19:3, 34:3; Jeremiah 17:2; Micah 5:14 and destroyExodus 23:13; Psalm 16:4; Hosea 2:17; Zechariah 13:2; Revelation 13:1ReciprocalExodus 23:24 - overthrow; 34:13 - ye shall; Deuteronomy 7:5 - destroy; 7:25 - graven; Judges 17:3 - a graven image; 1 Kings 14:15 - beyond the river; 2 Kings 11:18 - brake they; 17:10 - in every; 2 Chronicles 23:17 - brake his altars; 28:4 - General; Daniel 11:8 - their gods Verse 4Deuteronomy 12:30, 12:31, 16:21, 16:22, 20:18; Leviticus 20:23Reciprocal18:3 - and after; Joshua 22:15 - General; 1 Kings 14:15 - beyond the river; 2 Kings 17:12 - Ye shall not; Psalm 78:58 - their high Verse 5But untoDeuteronomy 12:11, 16:2, 26:2; Joshua 9:27, 18:1; 1 Kings 8:16, 8:20, 8:29, 14:21; 1 Chronicles 22:1; 2 Chronicles 7:12; Psalm 78:68, 87:2, 87:3; John 4:20-22; Habakkuk 3:1; Revelation 14:1 habitationExodus 15:2, 25:22; Numbers 7:89; 1 Kings 8:27; Psalm 132:13, 132:14; Isaiah 66:1, 66:2; Acts 7:48-50; Ephesians 2:20-22; Colossians 2:9ReciprocalExodus 20:24 - in all places; 23:17 - General; 23:19 - first of the; Leviticus 1:3 - at the; 5:15 - in the; 17:3 - that killeth an; 17:4 - bringeth; 27:30 - General; Deuteronomy 12:14 - General; 12:21 - to put; 14:23 - eat before; 14:24 - which; 15:19 - thou shalt do; 15:20 - General; 16:5 - sacrifice; 17:8 - get thee up; 18:6 - unto the place; 31:11 - in the place; Joshua 22:11 - heard; 22:19 - wherein; 22:27 - that we; Judges 8:27 - Ophrah; 1 Samuel 1:3 - to worship; 1:4 - offered; 1:24 - she took; 2:29 - habitation; 1 Kings 9:3 - to put; 11:13 - for Jerusalem's; 12:27 - go up; 2 Kings 17:36 - him shall ye fear; 21:4 - In Jerusalem; 1 Chronicles 22:7 - unto the name; 2 Chronicles 2:1 - for the name; 2:6 - save only; 6:5 - my name; 11:16 - to sacrifice; 12:13 - to put; Ezra 3:2 - as it is written; 6:3 - the place; 6:12 - caused; 7:17 - offer them; Nehemiah 1:9 - the place; Psalm 68:16 - the hill; 74:7 - dwelling; 122:4 - Whither; Song of Songs 4:6 - the mountain; Isaiah 33:20 - the city; Jeremiah 7:12 - where; Luke 2:41 - went Verse 6your burntLeviticus 17:3-9; Ezekiel 20:40 tithesDeuteronomy 12:17, 14:22-26, 15:19, 15:20, 26:2; Leviticus 27:32, 27:33; Numbers 18:15-17; Malachi 3:8, 3:10; Luke 11:42, 18:12ReciprocalLeviticus 1:3 - at the; 7:16 - be a vow; 8:31 - Boil; 17:4 - bringeth; 22:18 - vows; 23:38 - and beside; 27:30 - General; Numbers 15:3 - or in a freewill; 18:8 - the charge; 18:19 - the heave; 29:39 - beside your vows; Deuteronomy 12:13 - General; 12:26 - holy; 16:5 - sacrifice; 23:18 - any vow; Joshua 22:19 - wherein; 22:27 - that we; 1 Samuel 1:24 - she took; 2:29 - habitation; 9:12 - sacrifice; 13:9 - he offered; 2 Kings 4:42 - bread; 17:36 - him shall ye fear; 2 Chronicles 2:6 - save only; 7:12 - an house of sacrifice; 11:16 - to sacrifice; 31:14 - the freewill; Ezra 3:5 - willingly; 6:3 - the place; Nehemiah 10:36 - the firstborn; 10:39 - For the children; Psalm 54:6 - freely; Proverbs 7:14 - I have peace offerings with me; Song of Songs 4:6 - the mountain; Joel 1:16 - joy; Amos 4:5 - proclaim Verse 7And thereDeuteronomy 12:18, 14:23, 14:26, 15:20; Isaiah 23:18 ye shallDeuteronomy 12:12, 12:18, 16:11-15, 26:11, 27:7; Leviticus 23:40; Psalm 128:1, 128:2; Malachi 2:13; Acts 2:46; Philippians 4:4ReciprocalExodus 18:12 - Aaron; 24:11 - did eat; Leviticus 8:31 - Boil; 10:19 - should; Deuteronomy 28:47 - General; 1 Samuel 9:12 - sacrifice; 1 Kings 8:66 - joyful; 1 Chronicles 15:25 - with joy; 29:22 - eat and drink; 2 Chronicles 7:10 - glad; 30:21 - great gladness; Ezra 6:16 - with joy; Nehemiah 8:9 - mourn not; Psalm 54:6 - freely; 149:2 - rejoice; Proverbs 7:14 - I have peace offerings with me; Ecclesiastes 3:22 - nothing; 9:7 - eat; Isaiah 62:9 - shall eat; Ezekiel 44:3 - to eat; Joel 1:16 - joy; 2:26 - and praise; Amos 4:5 - proclaim; Zechariah 7:6 - did not ye eat for; 14:21 - every; 1 Corinthians 10:31 - ye eat Verse 8every manNumbers 15:39; Judges 17:6, 21:25; Proverbs 21:2; Amos 5:25; Acts 7:42ReciprocalExodus 12:25 - when; Leviticus 14:34 - When; Joshua 3:9 - Hear the words; 5:5 - they had not Verse 9Deuteronomy 25:19; 1 Kings 8:56; 1 Chronicles 23:25; Micah 2:10; Habakkuk 3:1, 3:1; 1 Peter 1:3, 1:4ReciprocalExodus 12:25 - when; Leviticus 14:34 - which I; Numbers 15:2 - General; 35:10 - General; Deuteronomy 17:14 - When thou; Joshua 5:5 - they had not; 22:4 - given rest; Jeremiah 31:2 - when; 2 Corinthians 5:7 - General Verse 10But whenDeuteronomy 3:27, 4:22, 9:1, 11:31; Joshua 3:17, 4:1, 4:12 ye dwellDeuteronomy 33:12, 33:28; Leviticus 25:18, 25:19; 1 Samuel 7:12; 1 Kings 4:25; Psalm 4:8; Proverbs 1:33; Jeremiah 23:6, 32:37, 33:11; Ezekiel 28:26, 34:25, 34:28, 38:8ReciprocalLeviticus 14:34 - which I; Deuteronomy 17:14 - When thou; 30:20 - thou mayest; 1 Kings 8:56 - hath given rest; 1 Chronicles 22:18 - and hath; Acts 9:31 - the churches Verse 11a placeDeuteronomy 12:5, 12:14, 12:18, 12:21, 12:26, 14:23, 15:20, 16:2-8, 17:8, 18:6, 23:16, 26:2, 31:11; Joshua 18:1; 1 Kings 8:13, 8:29; Psalm 78:68; Jeremiah 7:12; John 4:20-23 your choiceHeb. the choice of yourReciprocalExodus 20:24 - in all places; Leviticus 7:16 - be a vow; 17:3 - that killeth an; Numbers 15:3 - a sacrifice; 18:8 - the charge; Deuteronomy 12:17 - the tithe; Joshua 22:27 - that we; 1 Samuel 1:3 - to worship; 1:24 - she took; 1 Kings 8:16 - my name; 9:3 - to put; 11:13 - for Jerusalem's; 2 Kings 17:36 - him shall ye fear; 1 Chronicles 22:1 - This is the house; 22:7 - unto the name; 22:18 - and hath; 29:22 - eat and drink; 2 Chronicles 2:1 - for the name; 2:6 - save only; 6:5 - my name; 7:12 - have chosen; 11:16 - to sacrifice; 12:13 - to put; 33:4 - In Jerusalem; Ezra 6:3 - the place; 6:12 - caused; Nehemiah 12:43 - offered; Psalm 19:8 - rejoicing; 46:4 - holy; 66:13 - go into; 68:16 - the hill; 122:4 - Whither; Joel 1:16 - joy; Luke 2:41 - went Verse 12Numbers 18:20, 18:23, 18:24, 18:26; Joshua 13:14, 13:33, 14:4 And yeDeuteronomy 12:7, 14:26, 14:27; 1 Kings 8:66; 2 Chronicles 29:36, 30:21-26; Nehemiah 8:10-12; Psalm 100:1, 100:2; 147:1; 1 John 1:3, 1:4 the LeviteDeuteronomy 12:19, 14:27, 14:29, 16:11, 16:14, 18:6, 26:12 forasmuch10:9, 18:1, 18:2ReciprocalNumbers 31:29 - an heave; Deuteronomy 12:18 - thou must; 26:11 - rejoice; 27:7 - rejoice; 1 Kings 8:56 - hath given rest; 2 Kings 17:36 - him shall ye fear; 1 Chronicles 29:22 - eat and drink; 2 Chronicles 7:10 - glad; Nehemiah 8:9 - mourn not; 12:43 - offered; Psalm 19:8 - rejoicing; 32:11 - Be glad; 46:4 - holy; 66:13 - go into; 68:3 - rejoice; 118:15 - voice; Ecclesiastes 2:24 - nothing; 9:7 - eat; Isaiah 62:9 - shall eat; Joel 1:16 - joy; 2:26 - and praise; Zechariah 14:21 - every; Luke 10:7 - for; Acts 2:46 - did; 1 Corinthians 10:31 - ye eat Verse 13This was directly opposed to the customs of the heathen idolaters, in offering their sacrifices on the tops of hills and mountains.
; Deuteronomy 12:6; Leviticus 17:2-5; 1 Kings 12:28-32, 15:34; 2 Chronicles 15:17ReciprocalLeviticus 1:3 - at the; 17:4 - bringeth; Joshua 22:15 - General; 22:29 - to build; 2 Chronicles 11:16 - to sacrifice; 32:12 - Ye shall worship; Isaiah 36:7 - is it not
Verse 14Deuteronomy 12:5, 12:11; Psalm 5:7, 9:11; 2 Corinthians 5:19; Habakkuk 3:1-10:22, 3:1ReciprocalLeviticus 1:3 - at the; 17:4 - bringeth; Deuteronomy 16:2 - in the place which; Joshua 22:15 - General; 22:29 - to build; 1 Kings 12:27 - go up; 2 Chronicles 2:6 - save only; 11:16 - to sacrifice; 15:17 - the high places; 32:12 - Ye shall worship; Isaiah 36:7 - is it not Verse 15whatsoeverDeuteronomy 14:26 the unclean12:21, 12:22, 14:5, 15:22, 15:23; Leviticus 17:3-5
Of the propriety of eating clean animals there could be no question, but the blood must be poured out: yet there were cases when they might kill and eat in all their gates such as the roebuck and the hart, or all clean wild beasts; for these being taken in hunting, and frequently shot by arrows, their blood could not be poured out at the altarReciprocalGenesis 9:3 - Every; Deuteronomy 12:20 - I will
Verse 16Deuteronomy 12:23, 12:24, 15:23; Genesis 9:4
; Leviticus 7:26, 7:27, 17:10-13; Acts 15:29; 1 Timothy 4:4ReciprocalLeviticus 3:17 - blood; 17:13 - pour out; Deuteronomy 12:22 - General; 1 Samuel 14:32 - did eat; Ezekiel 24:7 - she poured; 33:25 - Ye eat; Acts 15:20 - things
Verse 17the titheDeuteronomy 12:6, 12:11, 14:22-29, 26:12, 26:14; Leviticus 27:30-32; Numbers 18:21-24ReciprocalGenesis 14:20 - tithes; Leviticus 7:16 - be a vow; 19:24 - all the; 22:18 - freewill; Numbers 15:3 - or in a freewill; 31:47 - the Levites; Deuteronomy 14:23 - eat before; 15:19 - thou shalt do; 15:20 - General; Joshua 22:27 - that we; 1 Samuel 1:4 - offered; 2 Chronicles 31:14 - the freewill; Ezra 3:5 - willingly; Nehemiah 10:39 - For the children; Ezekiel 44:3 - to eat Verse 18thou mustDeuteronomy 12:11, 12:12, 12:19, 14:23, 15:20 rejoice12:7; Psalm 32:11, 68:3; Proverbs 3:17; Isaiah 12:3; Acts 2:46, 16:34; 1 Corinthians 10:31; Galatians 5:22; Philippians 3:1-3ReciprocalLeviticus 19:24 - all the; Deuteronomy 12:26 - holy; 14:26 - eat; 14:27 - the Levite; 16:2 - in the place which; 16:11 - General; 26:11 - rejoice; Joshua 22:27 - that we; 1 Kings 8:66 - joyful; 1 Chronicles 15:25 - with joy; 2 Chronicles 7:10 - glad; Ecclesiastes 2:24 - nothing; 3:22 - nothing; Isaiah 23:18 - for them; Ezekiel 44:3 - to eat; Joel 2:26 - and praise; Habakkuk 3:18 - I will rejoice; Luke 2:41 - went; 10:7 - for; 1 Thessalonians 3:9 - before Verse 19TakeDeuteronomy 14:27-29; 2 Chronicles 11:13, 11:14, 31:4-21; Nehemiah 10:34-39; 1 Corinthians 9:10-14 as longetc. Heb. all thy days, Deuteronomy 12:1ReciprocalGenesis 47:22 - for the priests; Numbers 31:29 - an heave; Deuteronomy 12:12 - the Levite; 12:18 - thou must; 18:1 - shall have; Joshua 13:14 - General; Isaiah 23:18 - for them; Ezekiel 48:13 - five and twenty thousand in; Luke 10:7 - for; Galatians 6:6 - General Verse 20shall1 Chronicles 4:10 as he hathDeuteronomy 11:24, 19:8; Genesis 15:18-21, 28:14; Exodus 23:31, 34:24 I willDeuteronomy 12:15; Genesis 31:30; Numbers 11:4, 11:20, 11:34; 2 Samuel 13:39, 23:15; Psalm 63:1, 84:2, 107:9; 119:20, 119:40, 119:174; 2 Corinthians 9:14; Philippians 1:8, 2:26ReciprocalLeviticus 17:3 - that killeth an; Deuteronomy 14:26 - thy soul Verse 21to putDeuteronomy 12:5, 12:11, 14:23, 14:24, 16:6, 16:11, 26:2; Exodus 20:24; 1 Kings 14:21; 2 Chronicles 12:13; Ezra 6:12ReciprocalDeuteronomy 12:15 - the unclean; 14:26 - thy soul; 15:22 - the unclean; 1 Kings 9:3 - to put; 1 Chronicles 22:7 - unto the name; 2 Chronicles 7:16 - have I chosen; Nehemiah 1:9 - the place Verse 22Deuteronomy 12:15, 12:16Reciprocal15:22 - the unclean Verse 23sureHeb. strongthe blood isGenesis 9:4; Leviticus 3:16, 3:17, 17:11, 17:14; Matthew 20:28; Revelation 5:9ReciprocalLeviticus 17:10 - that eateth; 19:26 - with the blood; Deuteronomy 12:16 - General; 15:23 - General; 1 Samuel 14:32 - did eat; Acts 15:20 - things Verse 24Deuteronomy 12:16, 15:23ReciprocalLeviticus 17:13 - pour out; 1 Samuel 14:32 - did eat; Ezekiel 24:7 - she poured Verse 25that itDeuteronomy 12:28, 4:40, 5:16; Psalm 112:2; Isaiah 3:10, 48:18, 48:19; Ezekiel 33:25 whenDeuteronomy 6:18, 13:18; Exodus 15:26; 1 Kings 11:38; Ecclesiastes 2:26ReciprocalDeuteronomy 5:29 - that it might; 17:20 - he turn; Ephesians 6:3 - General Verse 26holyDeuteronomy 12:6, 12:11, 12:18; Numbers 5:9, 5:10, 18:19 thy vowsGenesis 28:20; Leviticus 22:18-33; 1 Samuel 1:21-24; Psalm 66:13-15ReciprocalLeviticus 5:15 - in the; 7:16 - be a vow; 17:3 - that killeth an; Deuteronomy 16:2 - in the place which; Joshua 22:27 - that we; 2 Chronicles 2:6 - save only; 32:12 - Ye shall worship Verse 27thy burntLeviticus 1:5, 1:9, 1:13, 17:11 and the blood4:30, 17:11Reciprocal1:3 - at the; 17:3 - that killeth an; Deuteronomy 18:3 - offer a sacrifice; Joshua 22:27 - that we; 2 Chronicles 32:12 - Ye shall worship Verse 28Exodus 34:11; Leviticus 19:37; 2 Chronicles 7:17; Nehemiah 1:5; Psalm 105:45; Ezekiel 37:24; John 15:3, 15:10, 15:14 ObserveDeuteronomy 24:8 that it may12:25ReciprocalExodus 15:26 - and wilt; Deuteronomy 1:18 - General; 4:40 - it may go; 5:29 - that it might; 6:18 - shalt do; 13:18 - to keep; 17:20 - he turn; 2 Kings 17:31 - burnt their children; Ephesians 6:3 - General Verse 29cut offDeuteronomy 9:3, 19:1; Exodus 23:23; Joshua 23:4; Psalm 78:55 succeedestHeb. inheritest, or, possessestReciprocalExodus 13:5 - shall bring; Deuteronomy 18:9 - General Verse 30that thouDeuteronomy 7:16; Exodus 23:31-33; Leviticus 18:3; Numbers 33:52; Judges 2:2, 2:3; 2 Kings 17:15; Psalm 106:34-38; Ezekiel 20:28 by followingHeb. afterHow didJeremiah 10:2; Ezekiel 20:32; Romans 12:2; Ephesians 4:17; 1 Peter 4:3, 4:4ReciprocalExodus 8:26 - we shall; 23:24 - do after; 23:33 - it will surely; Leviticus 20:23 - in the manners; Deuteronomy 12:4 - General; 20:18 - General; 2 Kings 16:10 - saw an altar; 17:8 - walked; Ezra 9:1 - doing according; Psalm 106:37 - they sacrificed; Ezekiel 11:12 - but Verse 31ThouDeuteronomy 12:4, 18:9; Exodus 23:2; Leviticus 18:3, 18:26-30; 2 Kings 17:15-17, 21:2; 2 Chronicles 33:2; 36:14 abomination to theHeb. abomination of theeven their sonsThe unnatural and horrid practice of offering human sacrifices not only existed, but universally prevailed among ancient nations. We have already - See note on Leviticus 20:2 referred to the custom among the Phoenicians and Carthaginians, descendants from the Canaanitish nations, of sacrificing their children to Moloch, or Saturn; and we will now cite a passage from Diodorus Siculus (lib. xx.) which immediately precedes that already produced relative to this barbarous custom. He states that the Carthaginians imputed their being besieged by Agathocles to the anger of Saturn, because, instead of sacrificing the best of their own children, as formerly, they had sacrificed children bought for that purpose. "In haste, therefore, to rectify their errors, they chose 200 of the noblest children, and publicly sacrificed them! Others, accused of irreligion, voluntarily gave themselves up, to the number of no less than 300!" Deuteronomy 18:10; Leviticus 18:21, 20:2; Jeremiah 7:31, 32:35; Ezekiel 20:31, 23:27; Micah 6:7ReciprocalExodus 8:26 - we shall; 23:24 - do after; Leviticus 18:24 - for; 20:23 - in the manners; Numbers 33:52 - General; Deuteronomy 7:16 - for that will; 9:4 - for the wickedness; 16:22 - which; 20:18 - General; Judges 11:39 - did with; 1 Kings 21:26 - according to; 2 Kings 3:27 - offered him; 16:3 - made his son; 17:8 - walked; 17:31 - burnt their children; 2 Chronicles 28:3 - after the abominations; 33:6 - caused; Ezra 9:1 - doing according; 9:11 - The land; Psalm 53:1 - have done; 74:20 - the dark; 106:37 - they sacrificed; Jeremiah 10:2 - Learn; 19:5 - to burn; Ezekiel 11:12 - but; 16:45 - that loatheth; 23:37 - have also; 1 Peter 4:3 - to have Verse 32thou shalt notDeuteronomy 4:2, 13:18; Joshua 1:7; Proverbs 30:6; Matthew 28:20; Revelation 22:18, 22:19ReciprocalGenesis 6:22 - General; 21:4 - General; Exodus 12:50 - as the Lord; 34:11 - Observe; 35:29 - the Lord; 39:32 - according; 39:42 - according; 40:16 - according; Leviticus 8:4 - General; 8:36 - Aaron; 10:1 - which; 18:26 - keep; Numbers 1:54 - General; Deuteronomy 1:18 - General; 5:32 - ye shall not; 11:32 - General; 17:20 - he turn; 19:9 - If thou shalt; 26:16 - This day; Joshua 11:15 - he left nothing; 23:6 - that ye; Judges 13:14 - all that I; 2 Kings 17:37 - the statutes; 2 Chronicles 30:5 - for they; Psalm 119:4 - General; Proverbs 4:27 - Turn; Jeremiah 11:7 - in the; 26:2 - diminish; Ezekiel 20:19 - walk; 44:5 - concerning; Matthew 5:19 - these; 15:9 - teaching; Mark 7:7 - the commandments; Luke 2:39 - performed; Galatians 1:9 - than; 1 John 5:17 - all