Amos 3
3:1 The necessity of God's judgment against Israel;
3:9 The publication of it, with the causes thereof. Verse 1Hear2 Chronicles 20:15; Isaiah 46:3, 48:12; Hosea 4:1, 5:1; Micah 3:1; Revelation 2:29 againstJeremiah 8:3, 31:1, 33:24-26; Ezekiel 37:16, 37:17 whichAmos 2:10Reciprocal1 Kings 22:28 - Hearken; Isaiah 1:2 - for the Lord; 1:10 - Hear; Ezekiel 33:3 - he blow; Joel 1:2 - Hear; Amos 5:1 - Hear; Micah 1:1 - concerning; 2:3 - this family; 6:1 - ye; Zephaniah 2:5 - the word Verse 2onlyExodus 19:5, 19:6; Deuteronomy 7:6, 10:15, 26:18, 32:9; Psalm 147:19; Isaiah 63:19 allGenesis 10:32; Jeremiah 1:15, 10:25; Nahum 3:4; Zechariah 14:17, 14:18; Acts 17:26 thereforeEzekiel 9:6, 20:36-38; Daniel 9:12; Matthew 11:20-24; Luke 12:47, 12:48; Romans 2:9; 1 Peter 4:17 punishHeb. visit upon, Jeremiah 9:25, 11:22, 13:21 *marg. Hosea 2:13, 8:13, 9:9ReciprocalDeuteronomy 4:22 - General; 6:15 - is a jealous; 8:19 - I testify against; 32:19 - And when; 2 Samuel 12:14 - the child; 2 Kings 21:12 - whosoever; Psalm 73:14 - For all; 89:32 - General; 94:10 - he correct; Jeremiah 25:18 - Jerusalem; Ezekiel 4:1 - even; 5:9 - that which; 7:5 - General; 20:37 - I will; Hosea 5:3 - know; 9:1 - as; Amos 2:4 - Judah; Micah 1:1 - concerning; 2:3 - this family; Luke 10:14 - General; 1 Corinthians 11:30 - many Verse 3Genesis 5:22, 6:9, 17:1; 2 Corinthians 6:14-16ReciprocalLeviticus 11:44 - ye shall; 19:2 - Ye shall; Deuteronomy 32:19 - And when; Amos 5:14 - and so; 1 Peter 1:16 - General; 1 John 1:7 - we have Verse 4a lionAmos 3:8, 1:2; Psalm 104:21; Hosea 11:10 cryHeb. give forth his voiceReciprocalPsalm 10:9 - secretly; Jeremiah 2:15 - young lions; Hosea 5:14 - as a lion; 13:7 - General; 1 Peter 5:8 - as Verse 5Ecclesiastes 9:12; Jeremiah 31:28; Daniel 9:14ReciprocalNumbers 28:11 - in the beginnings; Psalm 91:3 - snare Verse 6a trumpetJeremiah 4:5, 6:1; Ezekiel 33:3; Hosea 5:8; Zephaniah 1:16 and the peopleJeremiah 5:22, 10:7; 2 Corinthians 5:11 be afraidor, run togethershall thereThat is, Shall there be any evil, or calamity - not moral evil
inflicted on a wicked city, which does not proceed from me, as the effect of my wrath? These animated interrogatives were intended to convince the people that they had cause for alarm, as their monstrous iniquities called down the vengeance of God to punish them with these calamities. Genesis 50:20; Isaiah 14:24-27, 45:7; Acts 2:23, 4:28 the Lord hath not done itor, and shall not the Lord do somewhatReciprocalGenesis 19:20 - this; 42:28 - What is; Exodus 4:11 - General; Leviticus 14:34 - I put the plague of leprosy; Numbers 10:9 - then ye shall; 1 Samuel 3:11 - I will do; 6:9 - he; 1 Kings 12:15 - the cause; 14:10 - I will bring; 2 Kings 18:25 - Amos I now; 24:3 - Surely; 2 Chronicles 15:6 - God; 21:16 - the Lord; Job 1:21 - taken away; 5:6 - trouble; Psalm 105:16 - Moreover; Isaiah 18:3 - see ye; 31:2 - will bring; 36:10 - General; 37:26 - how I; 42:24 - General; 48:6 - showed; Jeremiah 4:19 - sound; 6:17 - Hearken; 29:4 - whom; 34:22 - I will command; 47:7 - the Lord; 50:25 - this; 51:1 - I will; 51:27 - ye up; Lamentations 3:38 - General; Ezekiel 28:7 - I will; Hosea 8:1 - the trumpet; Joel 2:1 - and sound; Amos 6:11 - the Lord; Micah 1:12 - but; Zechariah 8:10 - for; 1 Corinthians 14:8 - General; Revelation 8:2 - trumpets
Verse 7butGenesis 6:13, 18:17; 1 Kings 22:19-23; 2 Kings 3:17-20, 6:12, 22:13, 22:20; Psalm 25:14; Daniel 9:22-27, 10:21, 11:2; John 15:15; Revelation 1:1, 1:19, 4:1; 6:1-20:15ReciprocalGenesis 37:5 - dreamed; 40:8 - Do not; 41:25 - God; 49:1 - Gather; Leviticus 15:1 - Aaron; Deuteronomy 29:29 - secret; 1 Samuel 3:11 - I will do; 3:21 - appeared; 9:15 - the Lord; 2 Samuel 7:4 - that night; 1 Kings 14:5 - the Lord; 2 Kings 3:11 - Is there not here; 4:27 - hid it from me; 6:9 - thither the Syrians; 8:10 - the Lord; 1 Chronicles 17:3 - word; Job 15:8 - the secret; Isaiah 5:9 - General; 22:14 - it was; 34:16 - Seek; Jeremiah 1:10 - to root out; 23:18 - counsel; 24:1 - Lord; 26:5 - my; 33:3 - mighty; Ezekiel 9:1 - cried; 14:2 - General; 29:21 - the opening; Daniel 2:19 - was; 2:23 - and hast; 2:47 - a revealer; 4:18 - but; 7:1 - Daniel; Hosea 5:9 - have; Amos 1:2 - The Lord; 6:11 - the Lord; Matthew 13:35 - I will utter; Luke 2:26 - it; Acts 27:10 - I perceive; Romans 16:25 - which; 1 Corinthians 2:10 - God; 1 Peter 1:12 - it Verse 8lionAmos 3:4, 1:2; Revelation 5:5 who canAmos 2:12, 7:12-17; Job 32:18, 32:19; Jeremiah 20:9; Acts 4:20, 5:20, 5:29; 1 Corinthians 9:16ReciprocalNumbers 23:24 - as a great; Job 10:16 - Thou huntest; Psalm 50:1 - hath spoken; Proverbs 20:2 - fear; Isaiah 1:10 - Hear; 5:29 - roaring; 31:4 - Like as; Jeremiah 2:15 - young lions; 4:5 - Blow; 25:30 - roar; Ezekiel 9:1 - cried; 29:21 - the opening; Hosea 10:14 - shall a; 11:10 - he shall roar like; 13:7 - General; Joel 3:16 - roar; Micah 6:9 - Lord's; 1 Peter 5:8 - as; Revelation 10:3 - loud Verse 9Publish2 Samuel 1:20; Jeremiah 2:10, 2:11, 31:7-9, 46:14, 50:2 AshdodAmos 1:8; 1 Samuel 5:1 the mountainsAmos 4:1, 6:1; Jeremiah 31:5; Ezekiel 36:8, 37:22 and beholdDeuteronomy 29:24-28; Jeremiah 22:8, 22:9 oppressedor, oppressions, Amos 4:1, 8:6ReciprocalNehemiah 4:7 - Ashdodites; Isaiah 17:3 - fortress; Ezekiel 28:16 - filled; Hosea 12:7 - he loveth; 13:16 - Samaria; Zephaniah 3:1 - to the Verse 10theyPsalm 14:4; Jeremiah 4:22, 5:4; 2 Peter 3:5 whoHabakkuk 2:8-11; Zephaniah 1:9; Zechariah 5:3, 5:4; James 5:3, 5:4 robberyor, spoilReciprocalExodus 20:15 - General; Leviticus 6:4 - which he; Isaiah 59:6 - their works; Jeremiah 6:5 - let us destroy; 17:11 - he that; 52:13 - the king's; Ezekiel 7:11 - Violence; 8:17 - for; 18:7 - hath spoiled; 22:13 - thy dishonest; 22:29 - people; Amos 3:11 - and thy; 4:1 - which oppress; Micah 6:10 - the treasures; Romans 2:5 - treasurest Verse 11An, Amos 6:14; 2 Kings 15:19, 15:29, 17:3-6, 18:9-11; Isaiah 7:17-25, 8:7, 8:8, 10:5, 10:6, 10:9-11; Hosea 11:5, 11:6 and thyAmos 3:10, 3:15, 2:5, 6:8; 2 Chronicles 36:19Reciprocal2 Kings 18:10 - they took it; Isaiah 17:9 - General; Jeremiah 6:5 - let us destroy; 52:13 - the king's Verse 12As the1 Samuel 17:34-37; Isaiah 31:4 takethHeb. deliverethso shallAmos 9:2, 9:3; 1 Kings 20:30, 22:25; Isaiah 8:4, 17:1-4; Romans 11:4, 11:5 in Damascus in a couchor, on the bed's feet, 1 Kings 20:34; 2 Kings 16:9ReciprocalExodus 22:13 - torn in pieces; 1 Samuel 17:35 - smote him; Isaiah 9:14 - will cut; Jeremiah 2:15 - young lions; Zechariah 9:1 - Damascus; 9:7 - I will; Revelation 13:2 - and his mouth Verse 13and testifyDeuteronomy 8:19, 30:18, 30:19; 2 Kings 17:13, 17:15; 2 Chronicles 24:19; Acts 2:40, 18:5, 18:6, 20:21; Ephesians 4:17; 1 Thessalonians 4:6 the LordAmos 5:27; Joshua 22:22; Isaiah 1:24ReciprocalExodus 33:3 - lest I; Isaiah 7:13 - will ye; Amos 4:13 - The Lord; 5:16 - the Lord Verse 14in theExodus 32:34 visit the transgressions of Israel upon himor, punish Israel for his transgressionsI willAmos 9:1; 1 Kings 13:2-5; 2 Kings 23:15; 2 Chronicles 31:1, 34:6, 34:7; Hosea 10:5-8, 10:14, 10:15; Micah 1:6, 1:7ReciprocalExodus 33:3 - lest I; 2 Kings 2:23 - Bethel; Hosea 5:9 - Ephraim; Amos 4:4 - Come; 7:9 - the high Verse 15the winterJeremiah 36:22 the summerJudges 3:20 the houses1 Kings 22:39 the greatAmos 3:11, 6:11; Isaiah 5:9Reciprocal1 Kings 10:22 - ivory; Psalm 45:8 - ivory; Hosea 5:9 - Ephraim