Acts 10
10:1 Cornelius, a devout man, being commanded by an angel, sends for Peter,
Act_10:11. who by a vision is taught not to despise the Gentiles;
10:17 and is commanded by the Spirit to go with the messenger to Caesarea;
10:25 Cornelius shows the occasion of his sending for him;
10:34 As he preaches Christ to Cornelius and his company,
Act_10:44. the Holy Ghost falls on them, and they are baptized. Verse 1Cir, am 4045, ad 41inActs 8:40, 21:8, 23:23, 23:33, 25:1, 25:13 a centurion22:25, 27:1, 27:31, 27:43; Matthew 8:5-13, 27:54; Luke 7:2 ItalianThe Italian band, or rather cohort, σπειρα [G4686], - a regiment sometimes consisting of from 555 to 1,105 infantry - is not unknown to the Roman writers - see Tacitus and Gruter gives an inscription in which it is mentioned, which was found in the Forum Sempronii, on a fine marble table. Acts 27:1Reciprocal1 Kings 8:41 - a stranger; 2 Chronicles 6:32 - the stranger; Song of Songs 8:8 - what; Isaiah 56:3 - the son; Matthew 27:27 - band; Mark 15:39 - the centurion; John 7:17 - General; Acts 10:7 - and a; 10:22 - Cornelius; 18:22 - Caesarea Verse 2devoutActs 10:7, 10:22, 2:5, 8:2, 13:50, 16:14, 22:12; Luke 2:25 oneActs 10:35, 9:31, 13:16, 13:26; 1 Kings 8:43; 2 Chronicles 6:33; Job 1:1; Psalm 102:15; Ecclesiastes 7:18; Isaiah 59:19; Daniel 6:26; Revelation 15:4 withActs 10:7, 16:15, 18:8; Genesis 18:19; Joshua 24:15; Job 1:5; Psalm 101:6-8 whichActs 10:4, 10:22, 10:31, 9:36; Psalm 41:1; Isaiah 58:7, 58:8; Luke 7:4, 7:5; Romans 15:26, 15:27; 2 Corinthians 9:8-15 and prayedActs 9:11; Psalm 25:5, 25:8, 25:9, 55:17, 86:3 *marg. 88:1, 119:2; Proverbs 2:3-5; Daniel 6:10, 6:16, 6:20; Matthew 7:7, 7:8; Luke 18:1; Colossians 4:2; 1 Thessalonians 5:17; James 1:5ReciprocalLeviticus 25:17 - fear; 1 Kings 8:40 - fear thee; 18:3 - feared the Lord; Job 27:10 - will he always; Psalm 25:12 - What; 50:23 - to him; 85:9 - Surely; Isaiah 56:3 - the son; 64:5 - rejoiceth; Daniel 4:27 - by showing; Malachi 3:16 - that feared; Matthew 6:2 - when; 25:17 - he also; Luke 3:11 - He that hath two; 21:36 - pray; 23:50 - a good; Acts 17:17 - devout; 18:7 - worshipped; Romans 2:26 - General; Ephesians 6:18 - Praying; 1 Timothy 2:8 - lifting; 3:4 - ruleth Verse 3sawJob 4:15, 4:16; Daniel 9:20, 9:21 aboutActs 10:30, 3:1; Matthew 27:46; Luke 23:44-46 anActs 5:19, 11:13, 12:7-11, 27:23; Luke 1:11, 2:10, 2:11, 2:13; Habakkuk 1:4, 1:14 CorneliusActs 9:4; Exodus 33:17; Isaiah 45:4ReciprocalGenesis 46:2 - in the visions; Exodus 3:4 - Moses; Psalm 55:17 - Evening; Ezekiel 1:1 - I saw; Daniel 10:12 - and I; Matthew 18:10 - their; 20:5 - sixth; Mark 15:34 - at; Luke 15:10 - there; 24:5 - they; John 20:16 - Mary; Acts 1:10 - two; 9:10 - and to; 12:9 - wist not; 16:9 - a vision Verse 4he wasDaniel 10:11; Luke 1:12, 1:29, 24:5 WhatActs 9:5, 9:6, 22:10; 1 Samuel 3:10 thyActs 10:31; 2 Chronicles 6:33, 32:24; Psalm 141:2; Isaiah 43:26; Malachi 3:16; Luke 1:13; Philippians 4:6 thineIsaiah 45:19; Philippians 4:18; Habakkuk 3:1, 3:1ReciprocalExodus 28:12 - for a memorial; Leviticus 2:2 - the memorial; 5:12 - a memorial; 24:7 - a memorial; Numbers 10:10 - a memorial; 31:54 - a memorial; 2 Kings 19:20 - I have heard; 2 Chronicles 20:14 - Then upon; 30:27 - their prayer; Nehemiah 2:20 - memorial; Esther 5:2 - she; Psalm 115:12 - hath; Isaiah 58:8 - and thy; 62:6 - make mention of the Lord; Daniel 10:12 - from; Zechariah 6:14 - a memorial; Matthew 6:2 - when; Luke 1:11 - appeared; 3:11 - He that hath two; 11:9 - seek; 16:9 - Make; Acts 3:2 - to ask; 9:36 - almsdeeds; 10:2 - which; Romans 12:13 - Distributing; 1 Timothy 2:8 - lifting; Habakkuk 1:14 - minister Verse 5sendActs 10:32, 9:38, 15:7, 16:9 whoseMark 3:16; John 1:42ReciprocalExodus 4:27 - Go into; Ezra 3:7 - Joppa; Acts 9:11 - Arise; 9:36 - Joppa; 10:18 - and asked Verse 6oneActs 9:43 he shall9:6, 11:13, 11:14; John 7:17; Romans 10:14-17; Ephesians 4:8-12ReciprocalExodus 4:27 - Go into; Ezra 3:7 - Joppa; Acts 9:11 - Arise; 10:18 - and asked; 10:22 - and to; 15:7 - ye know Verse 7twoActs 10:2; Genesis 24:1-10, 24:52; Judges 7:10; 1 Samuel 14:6, 14:7; 1 Timothy 6:2; Philemon 1:16 and aActs 10:1; Matthew 8:9, 8:10; Luke 3:14ReciprocalGenesis 24:42 - O Lord; Numbers 22:15 - princes; Esther 4:16 - I also; Proverbs 27:18 - so; Matthew 2:13 - the angel; 8:6 - my; Luke 7:2 - who; 7:8 - and he goeth; 7:19 - two; Acts 2:5 - devout; 8:26 - The angel; 10:17 - the men; 10:30 - Four; Ephesians 6:5 - be; 1 Timothy 6:1 - count Verse 8he sentActs 10:33, 26:19; Psalm 119:59, 119:60; Ecclesiastes 9:10; Galatians 1:16ReciprocalGenesis 24:42 - O Lord; Numbers 22:15 - princes; Joshua 19:46 - Japho; Luke 7:8 - and he goeth; 7:19 - two; Acts 10:9 - Peter; Ephesians 6:5 - be Verse 9PeterActs 10:8, 11:5-10; 1 Samuel 9:25; Zephaniah 1:5; Matthew 6:6; Mark 1:35, 6:46; 1 Timothy 2:8 the sixthActs 6:4; Psalm 55:17; Daniel 6:10; Matthew 20:5, 27:45; Ephesians 6:18ReciprocalDeuteronomy 22:8 - thy roof; 2 Samuel 11:2 - the roof of; 1 Kings 18:42 - Elijah; Daniel 9:21 - the time; Acts 1:13 - Peter; 10:24 - the morrow; 11:2 - they; 22:17 - while Verse 10he becameMatthew 4:2, 12:1-3, 21:18 he fellActs 22:17; Numbers 24:4, 24:16; Ezekiel 8:1-3, 11:24, 40:2; 2 Corinthians 12:2-4; Revelation 1:10, 4:2, 4:3ReciprocalGenesis 15:1 - in; Leviticus 11:8 - they are unclean; 1 Kings 17:21 - stretched himself; Acts 10:13 - Rise; 16:9 - a vision Verse 11sawActs 7:56; Ezekiel 1:1; Luke 3:21; John 1:51; Revelation 4:1, 11:19, 19:11 and aGenesis 49:10; Isaiah 11:6-14, 19:23-25, 43:6, 56:8; Matthew 8:11, 13:47, 13:48; John 11:52, 12:32; Romans 1:16, 3:29-31, 9:4, 15:9-12, 16:25, 16:26; Galatians 2:15, 3:28; Ephesians 1:10, 3:6; Colossians 3:11 vesselThe word σκευος [G4632], which corresponds to the Hebrew kelee, denotes every kind of vessel or utensil, anything which may be considered as a receptacle; and is therefore applicable to a sheet οθονη [G3607], or anything woven from flax, tied up at the four corners, which our word vessel is not.ReciprocalGenesis 6:20 - fowls; 7:2 - every clean; 7:9 - General; Leviticus 20:25 - put difference; Numbers 12:6 - in a vision; 1 Kings 22:17 - I saw; Ezekiel 17:23 - under Verse 12Genesis 7:8, 7:9; Isaiah 11:6-9, 65:25; John 7:37; 1 Corinthians 6:9-11ReciprocalGenesis 6:20 - fowls; 9:3 - Every; Leviticus 11:2 - General; Deuteronomy 14:3 - General; Ezekiel 17:23 - under Verse 13RiseActs 10:10; Jeremiah 35:2-5; John 4:31-34 killOr, sacrifice and eat, θυσον [G2378], και [G2532], φαγε [G5315]. The spirit of the heavenly direction seems to be this, say Dr. A. Clarke, "The middle wall of the partition is now pulled down; the Jews and Gentiles are called to become one flock, under one shepherd and bishop of souls. Thou, Peter, shalt open the door of faith to the Gentiles, and be also the minister of the circumcision. Rise up; already a blessed sacrifice is prepared: go and offer it to God; and let thy soul feed on the fruits of his mercy," etc.ReciprocalGenesis 46:2 - Jacob; Exodus 3:4 - Moses; Psalm 141:4 - and let me; Daniel 8:16 - I heard; 1 Timothy 4:3 - which; Habakkuk 3:1 - in meats Verse 14NotGenesis 19:18; Exodus 10:11; Matthew 16:22, 25:9; Luke 1:60 forLeviticus 11:1-17, 20:25; Deuteronomy 14:1-29; Ezekiel 4:14, 44:31ReciprocalGenesis 48:18 - Not so; Exodus 22:31 - neither; Leviticus 11:2 - General; Joshua 22:19 - unclean; Judges 13:4 - eat not; Psalm 141:4 - and let me; Isaiah 52:11 - touch; Daniel 1:8 - defile; Hosea 9:3 - but; Matthew 15:11 - that which goeth; 16:7 - It is; Mark 7:2 - defiled; 7:15 - nothing; Romans 14:14 - unclean; Habakkuk 3:1 - not with Verse 15WhatActs 10:28, 11:9, 15:9, 15:20, 15:29; Matthew 15:11; Revelation 14:14-17, 14:20; 1 Corinthians 10:25; Galatians 2:12, 2:13; 1 Timothy 4:3-5; Titus 1:15; Habakkuk 3:1, 3:1ReciprocalLeviticus 7:19 - General; Joshua 22:19 - unclean; Zechariah 14:20 - shall there; Mark 7:2 - defiled; Luke 11:41 - all; Romans 14:14 - unclean; 14:20 - All Verse 16thriceGenesis 41:32; John 21:17; 2 Corinthians 13:1ReciprocalLeviticus 7:19 - General; Ezekiel 11:24 - So; Mark 9:8 - General; Acts 7:56 - I see Verse 17whileActs 10:19, 2:12, 5:24, 25:20; John 13:12; 1 Peter 1:11 the menActs 10:7-18, 9:43ReciprocalNumbers 12:6 - in a vision; Isaiah 1:1 - vision; Jeremiah 32:8 - Then I; Mark 14:22 - this; Luke 1:29 - what; Acts 9:10 - and to; 11:11 - General; 12:9 - wist not; 17:20 - what Verse 18and askedActs 10:5, 10:6, 11:11

Verse 19the SpiritActs 8:29, 11:12, 13:2, 16:6, 16:7, 21:4; John 16:13; 1 Corinthians 12:11; 1 Timothy 4:1ReciprocalNumbers 24:4 - saw; 1 Kings 14:5 - the Lord; Mark 9:24 - with; Luke 2:27 - by; Acts 10:17 - while; 10:29 - as soon; Ephesians 3:5 - by Verse 20and getActs 8:26, 9:15, 15:7; Mark 16:15 forActs 9:17, 13:4; Isaiah 48:16; Zechariah 2:9-11ReciprocalExodus 4:27 - Go into; 1 Kings 14:5 - the Lord; Acts 10:29 - as soon; 11:12 - the Spirit; Ephesians 3:5 - by Verse 21BeholdJohn 1:38, 1:39, 18:4-8 whatActs 10:29; Mark 10:51

Verse 22CorneliusActs 10:1-5 a just24:15; Hosea 14:9; Habakkuk 2:4; Matthew 1:19; Mark 6:20; Luke 2:25, 23:50; Romans 1:17; Habakkuk 3:1, 3:1 of goodActs 6:3, 22:12; Luke 7:4, 7:5; 1 Timothy 3:7; Habakkuk 3:1; 3 John 1:12 and toActs 10:6, 10:33, 11:14; John 5:24, 6:63, 6:68, 13:20, 17:8, 17:20; Romans 10:17, 10:18; 2 Corinthians 5:18; 2 Peter 3:2ReciprocalGenesis 6:9 - just; 15:1 - in; 24:42 - O Lord; Deuteronomy 30:13 - Who shall; Psalm 19:9 - The fear; 25:12 - What; Proverbs 14:2 - that walketh; Matthew 2:13 - the angel; Acts 8:26 - The angel; 9:6 - and it; 10:2 - devout; 11:13 - he showed; 18:7 - worshipped; 27:1 - a centurion; 2 Corinthians 6:8 - evil; Philippians 4:8 - are just; 1 Timothy 2:2 - all godliness; 5:10 - reported; 5:25 - the good; 6:1 - count Verse 23and lodgedGenesis 19:2, 19:3, 24:31, 24:32; Judges 19:19-21; Habakkuk 3:1; 1 Peter 4:9 onActs 10:29, 10:33; Ecclesiastes 9:10 and certainActs 10:45, 9:38, 9:42, 11:12; 2 Corinthians 8:21ReciprocalActs 10:30 - Four; 11:3 - General; 15:2 - certain; 1 Corinthians 7:14 - else Verse 24the morrowActs 10:9 CaesareaThis city, once an obscure fortress called Strato's Tower, was built and superbly decorated by Herod the Great and called Cesarea, in honour of Augustus Cesar, to whom he dedicated it in the 28th year of his reign. It was situated on the shore of the Mediterranean, between Joppa and Dora, with a haven, rendered by Herod the most convenient on the coast: according to Ibn Idris and Abulfeda, 30 miles from Jaffa or Joppa, 32 from Ramlay, and 36 from Acco or Ptolemais; and, according to Josephus, 600 stadia, or 75 miles from Jerusalem, though the real distance is probably not more than 62 miles. Nothing now remains of the former splendour of Cesarea: the supposed sites of the ancient edifices are mere mounds of indefinable form; the waves wash the ruins of the mole, the tower, and the port; the whole of the surrounding country is a sandy desert; and not a creature except beasts of prey, resides within many miles of this silent desolation.and hadIsaiah 2:3; Micah 4:2; Zechariah 3:10, 8:20-23; Matthew 9:9, 9:10; Mark 5:19, 5:20; Luke 5:29; John 1:41-49, 4:28, 4:29, 1:1-3ReciprocalActs 10:27 - and found; 10:30 - Four; 18:22 - Caesarea; 21:16 - of the Verse 25and fellActs 14:11-13; Daniel 2:30, 2:46; Matthew 8:2, 14:33; Revelation 19:10, 22:8, 22:9ReciprocalGenesis 24:52 - worshipped; Joshua 5:14 - fell on his; 2 Kings 5:21 - he lighted; Psalm 95:6 - worship; Isaiah 45:14 - they shall fall; Matthew 2:11 - worshipped; 9:18 - worshipped; 10:7 - The; 17:14 - kneeling; 26:39 - and fell; Mark 5:22 - he fell; 7:25 - at; 14:35 - and fell; Luke 5:8 - he; 17:16 - fell; John 11:20 - as soon; Acts 3:12 - or; 12:23 - because; 14:13 - and would; 28:15 - when; 2 Corinthians 4:5 - we Verse 26StandActs 14:14, 14:15; Isaiah 42:8, 48:13; Matthew 4:10; 2 Thessalonians 2:3, 2:4; Revelation 13:8, 19:10, 22:9ReciprocalGenesis 24:52 - worshipped; Joshua 5:14 - fell on his; 2 Kings 5:21 - he lighted; Job 33:5 - stand; Psalm 95:6 - worship; Isaiah 45:14 - they shall fall; Matthew 2:11 - worshipped; 9:18 - worshipped; 17:14 - kneeling; Mark 5:22 - he fell; 7:25 - at; 14:35 - and fell; Luke 5:8 - he; 17:16 - fell; Acts 3:12 - or; 12:23 - because; 2 Corinthians 4:5 - we; James 5:17 - subject Verse 27and foundActs 10:24, 14:27; John 4:35; 1 Corinthians 16:9; 2 Corinthians 2:12; Colossians 4:3ReciprocalJoshua 2:18 - thy father Verse 28that itActs 11:2, 11:3, 22:21, 22:22; John 4:9, 4:27, 18:28; Galatians 2:12-14 butActs 10:15, 10:34, 11:9, 15:8, 15:9; Isaiah 65:5; Luke 18:11; Ephesians 3:6, 3:7ReciprocalLeviticus 7:19 - General; 11:8 - they are unclean; 20:25 - put difference; Joshua 6:23 - left them; Isaiah 52:11 - touch; Zechariah 14:20 - shall there; Mark 7:2 - defiled; 7:15 - nothing; Romans 14:14 - and am; Galatians 2:14 - If thou; Ephesians 2:14 - the middle; 3:5 - in other Verse 29as soonActs 10:19, 10:20; Psalm 119:60; 1 Peter 3:15 I askActs 10:21ReciprocalMatthew 20:32 - What; John 1:38 - What; Acts 10:23 - on; 16:10 - immediately; 28:20 - this cause Verse 30FourActs 10:7-9, 10:23, 10:24 I was10:3; Ezra 9:4, 9:5; Nehemiah 9:1-3; Daniel 9:20, 9:21 beholdActs 1:10; Matthew 28:3; Mark 16:6; Luke 24:4ReciprocalGenesis 24:45 - before; 1 Kings 18:36 - at the time; Ezra 8:23 - we fasted; 10:1 - when Ezra; Psalm 55:17 - Evening; Isaiah 65:24 - General; Daniel 9:3 - with; 10:12 - from; Malachi 1:11 - and in; Matthew 6:6 - enter; 6:16 - when; Mark 9:3 - his raiment; Acts 3:1 - the hour; 11:13 - he showed; 12:7 - the angel; 13:2 - fasted; 16:9 - a vision; Colossians 1:20 - having made peace Verse 31thyIsaiah 38:5; Daniel 9:23, 10:12; Luke 1:13 areActs 10:4; Leviticus 2:2, 2:9, 5:12; Philippians 4:18; Habakkuk 3:1; Revelation 5:8, 8:3, 8:4ReciprocalLeviticus 24:7 - a memorial; 1 Kings 9:3 - I have heard; 2 Kings 19:20 - I have heard; 2 Chronicles 7:12 - I have heard; 20:14 - Then upon; Nehemiah 2:20 - memorial; Psalm 65:2 - thou; Isaiah 58:8 - and thy; 62:6 - make mention of the Lord; Daniel 9:20 - whiles; Matthew 6:2 - when; 25:35 - I was an; Mark 9:24 - with; Luke 3:11 - He that hath two; 11:41 - rather; 16:9 - Make; John 9:37 - Thou; Acts 3:2 - to ask; 9:36 - almsdeeds; 10:2 - which; 1 Thessalonians 1:3 - in the; 1 Timothy 2:8 - lifting Verse 32thereforeActs 10:5-8Reciprocal2 Chronicles 2:16 - as much as thou shalt need; Micah 4:2 - and he; Luke 11:41 - rather; Acts 9:6 - and it; 9:43 - one; 11:14 - words; 16:9 - Come Verse 33are weActs 17:11, 17:12, 28:28; Deuteronomy 5:25-29; 2 Chronicles 30:12; Proverbs 1:5, 9:9, 9:10, 18:15, 25:12; Matthew 18:4, 19:30; Mark 10:15; 1 Corinthians 3:18; Galatians 4:14; 1 Thessalonians 2:13; James 1:19, 1:21; 1 Peter 2:1, 2:2ReciprocalDeuteronomy 30:13 - Who shall; Joshua 2:18 - thy father; 24:1 - presented; 1 Chronicles 28:8 - in the audience; Job 42:9 - did; Ecclesiastes 5:1 - ready; Isaiah 2:3 - he will teach; Ezekiel 33:31 - as the people cometh; Micah 4:2 - and he; Luke 1:17 - to make; 8:18 - heed; 8:40 - waiting; John 4:30 - General; Acts 10:8 - he sent; 10:22 - and to; 10:23 - on; 11:14 - words; 13:42 - the Gentiles; 16:9 - Come; 16:32 - they; 22:10 - What; 28:20 - this cause Verse 34openedActs 8:35; Matthew 5:2; Ephesians 6:19, 6:20 Of aDeuteronomy 10:17, 16:19; 2 Chronicles 19:7; Job 34:19; Psalm 82:1, 82:2; Matthew 22:16; Luke 20:21; Romans 2:11; Galatians 2:6; Ephesians 6:9; Colossians 3:11, 3:25; James 2:4, 2:9; 1 Peter 1:17ReciprocalDeuteronomy 1:17 - shall not; 2 Samuel 14:14 - neither; Isaiah 56:3 - the son; Matthew 16:19 - give; Luke 21:3 - Of; John 16:7 - I tell; Acts 10:28 - but; 11:1 - the Gentiles; 11:9 - What; 11:15 - as I; Romans 2:26 - General; 10:12 - there is no; 14:3 - for; 1 Timothy 3:16 - preached Verse 35inActs 15:9; Isaiah 56:3-8; Romans 2:13, 2:25-29, 3:22, 3:29, 3:30, 10:12, 10:13; 1 Corinthians 12:13; Galatians 3:28; Ephesians 2:13-18, 3:6-8; Philippians 3:3; Colossians 1:6, 1:23-27, 3:11 fearethActs 10:2, 9:31; Job 28:28; Psalm 19:9, 85:9, 111:10; Proverbs 1:7, 2:5, 3:7, 16:6; Ecclesiastes 12:13; 2 Corinthians 7:1; Ephesians 5:21; 1 John 2:29 isGenesis 4:5-7; Hosea 8:13; Luke 1:28 *marg. Ephesians 1:6; Habakkuk 3:1-11:6ReciprocalGenesis 4:7 - If thou doest well; Leviticus 25:17 - fear; Deuteronomy 1:17 - shall not; 1 Kings 18:3 - feared the Lord; Psalm 15:2 - worketh; 25:10 - keep; 61:5 - heritage; 115:11 - General; Proverbs 11:19 - righteousness; 14:2 - that walketh; 16:17 - highway; Ecclesiastes 9:7 - for; Isaiah 58:8 - and thy; 64:5 - rejoiceth; Ezekiel 14:20 - by; Luke 20:21 - acceptest; Acts 11:9 - What; 13:16 - and ye; 13:26 - and whosoever; Romans 2:10 - to every; 2:26 - General; 14:18 - is; 2 Corinthians 5:9 - accepted; 1 Peter 1:17 - who; 2:24 - live; 1 John 3:7 - he that Verse 36wordActs 2:38, 2:39, 3:25, 3:26, 11:19, 13:46; Matthew 10:6; Luke 24:47 preachingPsalm 72:1-3, 72:7, 85:9, 85:10; Isaiah 9:6, 32:15-17, 55:12, 57:19; Luke 2:10-14; 2 Corinthians 5:18-21; Ephesians 2:13-18; Colossians 1:20; Habakkuk 3:1, 3:1, 3:1 he isActs 2:36, 5:31; Psalm 2:6-8, 24:7-10, 45:6, 45:11, 110:1, 110:2; Isaiah 7:14, 45:21-25; Jeremiah 23:5, 23:6; Daniel 7:13, 7:14; Hosea 1:7; Micah 5:2; Malachi 3:1; Matthew 11:27, 22:44-46; 28:18; John 3:35, 3:36, 5:23-29; Romans 10:11-13, 14:9; 1 Corinthians 15:27, 15:47; Ephesians 1:20-23, 4:5-12; Philippians 2:11; Colossians 1:15-18; Habakkuk 1:2, 1:6-12; 1 Peter 3:22; Revelation 1:5, 1:18, 17:14, 19:16ReciprocalNumbers 6:26 - give thee; Deuteronomy 20:10 - then proclaim; 27:7 - peace offerings; Ezra 1:3 - he is the God; Job 22:21 - be at peace; Psalm 45:3 - O most; 85:8 - for he; Isaiah 49:5 - to bring; 52:7 - publisheth; Nahum 1:15 - upon; Haggai 2:9 - give; Zechariah 6:13 - and the; 9:10 - he shall; Matthew 3:6 - were; 10:12 - salute it; Mark 11:3 - that; Luke 2:11 - the Lord; 2:14 - and; 10:5 - General; 19:31 - the Lord; 19:42 - the things; John 3:31 - is above; 4:1 - the Lord; 14:27 - Peace I leave; 21:7 - It is; Acts 9:17 - the Lord; Romans 5:1 - we have; 10:12 - Lord; 10:15 - the gospel; 1 Corinthians 1:2 - our Lord; 12:5 - but; 2 Corinthians 4:5 - Christ; Ephesians 2:14 - our; 2:17 - and preached; Philippians 1:15 - preach; Colossians 1:5 - the word; 1:28 - Whom; Titus 1:3 - manifested Verse 37ye knowActs 2:22, 26:26, 28:22 whichLuke 4:14, 23:5 afterActs 1:22, 13:24, 13:25; Matthew 3:1-3, 4:12-17; Mark 1:1-5, 1:14, 1:15; John 4:1-3ReciprocalMark 1:4 - did; John 4:38 - other Verse 38GodActs 2:22, 4:27; Psalm 2:2, 2:6 *marg. 45:7; Isaiah 11:2, 42:1, 61:1-3; Matthew 12:28; Luke 3:22, 4:18; John 3:34; 6:27, 10:36-38; Habakkuk 1:9 who2 Chronicles 17:9; Matthew 4:23-25, 9:35, 12:15, 15:21-31; Mark 1:38, 1:39, 3:7-11; 6:6, 6:54-56; Luke 7:10-17, 7:21-23, 9:56; 1 Peter 5:8 healingMark 5:13-15, 7:29, 7:30; Luke 4:33-36, 9:42; Habakkuk 2:14, 2:15; 1 John 3:8 forJohn 3:2, 10:32, 10:38, 16:32ReciprocalExodus 30:26 - General; Leviticus 10:7 - the anointing; 21:12 - for the crown; Numbers 23:23 - What hath; Judges 9:9 - wherewith; 1 Samuel 2:10 - anointed; 1 Kings 1:34 - Zadok; 2 Kings 4:38 - Elisha; Psalm 34:14 - do; Matthew 4:24 - possessed; 8:28 - when; 9:19 - General; 11:1 - he departed; 12:18 - I will; 16:13 - came; 21:14 - General; Mark 5:24 - went; 14:67 - Jesus; 16:6 - Jesus; Luke 2:26 - the Lord's; 4:43 - I must; 6:27 - do; 7:6 - Jesus; 7:11 - he went; 8:1 - that; 13:22 - through; 13:33 - I must; 24:19 - Concerning; John 1:41 - Christ; 1:45 - Jesus; 4:38 - other; 7:1 - walked; 9:17 - He is; 10:25 - the works; 14:10 - he; 15:24 - If; 21:25 - there; Acts 1:2 - through; 3:6 - Jesus; 1 Corinthians 12:9 - the gifts; 2 Corinthians 1:21 - anointed; Philippians 2:5 - General; 1 Timothy 6:18 - they do; 2 Timothy 1:7 - but; Habakkuk 3:1 - who; 3:1 - to do; James 5:16 - that; 1 John 2:20 - ye have Verse 39we areActs 10:41, 1:8, 1:22, 2:32, 3:15, 5:30-32, 13:31; Luke 1:2, 24:48; John 15:27 whomActs 2:23, 2:24, 3:14, 3:15, 4:10, 5:30, 7:52, 13:27-29; Galatians 3:13; 1 Peter 2:24ReciprocalJohn 19:35 - he that; Acts 4:20 - the things; 5:32 - are; 17:31 - in that; 22:15 - thou shalt; 1 Corinthians 1:23 - we; 15:15 - we have; 1 Peter 5:1 - and a Verse 40Acts 13:30, 13:31, 17:31; Matthew 28:1, 28:2; Romans 1:4, 4:24, 4:25, 6:4-11, 8:11, 14:9; 1 Corinthians 15:3, 15:4, 15:12-20; 2 Corinthians 4:14; Habakkuk 3:1; 1 Peter 1:21ReciprocalJohn 16:16 - a little while; 20:25 - We; Acts 1:2 - the apostles; 2:24 - God; 3:15 - whereof; 4:2 - preached; 4:10 - whom God; 26:8 - General; Ephesians 1:20 - when; 1 Thessalonians 1:10 - whom; Habakkuk 2:3 - and was Verse 41NotActs 10:39, 1:2, 1:3, 1:22, 13:31; John 14:17, 14:22, 20:1-21:25 witnesses15:16 evenLuke 24:30, 24:41-43; John 21:13ReciprocalGenesis 18:8 - and they; 45:1 - Cause; Matthew 20:17 - took; 26:29 - until; Mark 5:43 - Given; Luke 22:16 - until; 24:43 - General; 24:48 - General; John 16:16 - a little while; 20:25 - We; 21:12 - Come; Acts 1:4 - being assembled together; 2:24 - God; 3:15 - whereof; 1 Corinthians 15:5 - then; 1 Thessalonians 1:10 - whom; Habakkuk 3:1 - brought; 1 John 1:2 - and bear Verse 42he commandedActs 1:8, 4:19, 4:20, 5:20, 5:29-32; Matthew 28:19, 28:20; Mark 16:15, 16:16; Luke 24:47, 24:48; John 21:21, 21:22 that itActs 17:31; Matthew 25:31-46; John 5:22-29; Romans 14:9, 14:10; 2 Corinthians 5:10; 2 Timothy 4:1, 4:8; 1 Peter 4:5; Revelation 1:7, 20:11-15, 22:12ReciprocalMatthew 11:1 - commanding; John 4:38 - other; 5:27 - hath; 16:11 - judgment; Acts 2:40 - did; 4:12 - is there; 18:5 - and testified; 24:25 - judgment; Romans 2:16 - by Jesus Verse 43himActs 26:22; Isaiah 53:11; Jeremiah 31:34; Daniel 9:24; Micah 7:18; Zechariah 13:1; Malachi 4:2; Luke 24:25-27, 24:44-46; John 1:45, 5:39, 5:40; 1 Peter 1:11; Revelation 19:10 throughActs 3:16, 4:10-12; John 20:31; Romans 5:1, 6:23; Habakkuk 3:1 whosoeverActs 13:38, 13:39, 15:9, 26:18; Mark 16:16; John 3:14-17, 5:24; Romans 8:1, 8:34, 10:11; Galatians 3:22; Ephesians 1:7; Colossians 1:14ReciprocalPsalm 19:7 - testimony; 40:7 - in the; Luke 1:77 - the; 24:27 - and all; John 4:38 - other; 12:41 - spake; 20:23 - General; Acts 3:21 - holy; 4:12 - is there; 11:14 - words; 20:21 - faith; 24:14 - believing; Romans 1:2 - Which; 3:21 - and the; 10:8 - the word of faith; 16:26 - and by; 2 Timothy 3:15 - which; Habakkuk 3:1 - the prophets; 1 Peter 1:10 - which; 2 Peter 3:2 - ye may; 1 John 2:12 - your Verse 44the Holy GhostActs 2:2-4, 4:31, 8:15-17, 11:15, 19:6ReciprocalEzekiel 11:5 - the Spirit; Joel 2:28 - upon; Luke 3:16 - he shall; 14:23 - Go; John 1:33 - the same; Acts 2:38 - and ye; 5:32 - whom; 8:16 - he was; 15:8 - giving; 15:9 - purifying; 19:2 - Have ye; Romans 14:3 - for; Galatians 3:2 - Received; 1 Thessalonians 1:5 - in the; 1 Peter 1:12 - with Verse 45theyActs 10:23, 11:3, 11:15-18; Galatians 3:13, 3:14 the Gentiles2:15; Ephesians 2:11, 3:5-8; Colossians 2:13, 2:14ReciprocalIsaiah 44:3 - pour my; 60:5 - thou shalt see; Ezekiel 47:3 - waters were to the ankles; Zechariah 12:10 - I will pour; Matthew 8:11 - That; 10:5 - Go; Mark 1:8 - he shall; Acts 1:5 - but; 2:17 - I will; 2:33 - he; 2:38 - and ye; 2:39 - and to all; 8:20 - the gift; 11:2 - they; 11:12 - these; 15:8 - giving; 19:6 - the Holy Ghost; Colossians 4:11 - who; Titus 3:6 - he shed; Habakkuk 3:1 - and have Verse 46speakActs 2:4, 2:11, 19:6; 1 Corinthians 14:20-25ReciprocalEzekiel 47:3 - waters were to the ankles; Mark 16:17 - they; Luke 24:47 - among; John 14:12 - greater; Acts 11:15 - the Holy Ghost; 1 Corinthians 12:10 - divers Verse 47Acts 8:12, 8:36, 11:15-17, 15:8, 15:9; Genesis 17:24-26; Romans 4:11, 10:12ReciprocalMatthew 28:19 - baptizing; John 20:22 - Receive; Acts 8:16 - only; 11:17 - what; 1 Corinthians 12:10 - divers; Habakkuk 3:1 - the doctrine Verse 48commandedJohn 4:2; 1 Corinthians 1:13-17; Galatians 3:27 the nameActs 2:38, 8:16 Then16:15; John 4:40ReciprocalMatthew 28:19 - baptizing; Acts 11:3 - General; 21:16 - of the; 1 Corinthians 1:17 - not to